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Poodlana Claims $2.3 Million as Ethereum ETFs Make Historic Debut

以太坊 ETF 历史性首次亮相,Poodlana 索赔 230 万美元

发布: 2024/07/25 22:03 阅读: 768

原文作者:Crypto News Flash


以太坊 ETF 历史性首次亮相,Poodlana 索赔 230 万美元

Ethereum ETFs Spark Surge in Meme Coin Frenzy, Propelling Poodlana's Viral Presale

以太坊 ETF 引发 Meme 币热潮,推动 Poodlana 的病毒式预售

Ethereum exchange-traded funds (ETFs) have made a resounding debut, amassing over $1 billion in trading volume on their first day. This explosive launch has reignited interest in meme coins, with viral presale Poodlana (POODL) surpassing a $2.3 million raise at the end of its opening week.

以太坊交易所交易基金 (ETF) 首次亮相,首日交易量超过 10 亿美元。这次爆炸性的发布重新点燃了人们对模因币的兴趣,病毒式预售 Poodlana (POODL) 在首周结束时筹集的资金超过了 230 万美元。

ETF Infusions Drive Altcoin Market


The newly launched ETFs recorded a net inflow of $106.78 million within their first 24 hours, with BlackRock's trust leading the pack with $266.5 million. This breakthrough for Ethereum has triggered a renewed fervor in the altcoin market, particularly in the meme coin sector, as institutional acceptance opens up large-scale investment opportunities.

新推出的 ETF 在上市后 24 小时内净流入 1.0678 亿美元,其中贝莱德信托以 2.665 亿美元领先。以太坊的这一突破引发了山寨币市场的新一轮热情,特别是在模因币领域,因为机构接受度开启了大规模投资机会。

Poodlana Taps Into Market Sentiment

Poodlana 利用市场情绪

Poodlana, the fashion-forward meme coin spearheading the cryptocurrency vogue, has emerged as a major beneficiary of this euphoria. Amidst the surging interest in high-potential altcoins following the ETF launch, POODL has experienced a surge in both interest and trading volume, building upon its initial $1 million raised on its first day.

Poodlana 是引领加密货币时尚的时尚前卫模因硬币,已成为这种兴奋的主要受益者。 ETF 推出后,人们对高潜力山寨币的兴趣激增,在首日筹集 100 万美元的基础上,POODL 的兴趣和交易量都出现了激增。

Convergence of Solana and Ethereum

Solana 和以太坊的融合

While Solana, POODL's home chain, and Ethereum have historically been perceived as rivals, the market has set aside differences this week. Both chains are vying for meme coin dominance, with Solana showcasing remarkable strength this year. The regulatory progress for Ethereum ETFs marks a positive development for the entire industry.

尽管 POODL 的主链 Solana 和以太坊历来被视为竞争对手,但本周市场已经抛开了分歧。两家链都在争夺模因币的主导地位,其中 Solana 今年展示了非凡的实力。以太坊ETF的监管进展标志着整个行业的积极发展。

Solana Meme Dominance

Solana Meme 主导地位

The regulatory green light for Ethereum ETFs has paved the way for broader mainstream adoption, and Solana ETFs are anticipated to materialize in 2025. This has infused the market with optimism, leading to substantial gains in Solana memes such as MEW and WIF, while ERC-20 tokens like SHIB and PEPE have lagged.

以太坊 ETF 的监管绿灯为更广泛的主流采用铺平了道路,Solana ETF 预计将于 2025 年实现。这给市场注入了乐观情绪,导致 MEW 和 WIF 等 Solana 模因大幅上涨,而 ERC- SHIB 和 PEPE 等 20 个代币表现滞后。

Presale Timing Advantage


POODL's presale structure offers a limited-time opportunity for investors to acquire potentially lucrative "beta bets" on Solana. With only 23 days remaining to purchase POODL at a discounted rate, interested parties are urged to act promptly before the price increment taking effect every 72 hours.

POODL 的预售结构为投资者提供了在 Solana 上获得潜在利润丰厚的“贝塔赌注”的限时机会。以折扣价购买 POODL 的时间仅剩 23 天,我们敦促感兴趣的各方在每 72 小时涨价生效之前迅速采取行动。



The debut of Ethereum ETFs has ignited a surge in the altcoin market, highlighting the growing institutional acceptance of cryptocurrencies beyond Bitcoin. Poodlana's unique blend of meme coin appeal and high-fashion aesthetics has positioned it as a prime beneficiary of this market surge. Investors seeking high-potential altcoins are encouraged to visit the Poodlana website for additional information and purchasing opportunities.

以太坊 ETF 的推出引发了山寨币市场的飙升,凸显了机构对比特币以外的加密货币的接受度不断提高。 Poodlana 独特地将模因硬币吸引力与高级时尚美学融为一体,使其成为这一市场激增的主要受益者。我们鼓励寻求高潜力山寨币的投资者访问 Poodlana 网站以获取更多信息和购买机会。


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