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Popo The Frog Leaps Into Competitive Meme Market Via Presale Launch

Popo The Frog 通过预售进入竞争激烈的 Meme 市场

发布: 2024/07/11 22:02 阅读: 424



Popo The Frog 通过预售进入竞争激烈的 Meme 市场

Popo The Frog ($FROP): A Rising Star in the Meme Token Market

Popo The Frog ($FROP):Meme 代币市场的后起之秀



Popo The Frog ($FROP) aspires to join the ranks of the top meme coins, rivaling competitors like Pepe The Frog ($PEPE). With a meticulously planned presale and a commitment to a solid foundation, $FROP aims to establish its presence in the competitive cryptocurrency landscape.

Popo The Frog ($FROP) 渴望加入顶级模因币的行列,与 Pepe The Frog ($PEPE) 等竞争对手竞争。通过精心策划的预售和对坚实基础的承诺,$FROP 旨在在竞争激烈的加密货币领域占据一席之地。

Key Attractions of Popo


Community Focus and Staking Initiatives:


Popo prioritizes community engagement and reliable customer support. 25% of $FROP tokens are dedicated to staking programs, providing community members multiple ways to participate and earn substantial returns on investment. The 'War Chest' staking platform offers flexible options, including pools with fixed returns and pools with instant withdrawals.

Popo 优先考虑社区参与和可靠的客户支持。 25% 的 $FROP 代币专门用于质押计划,为社区成员提供多种参与方式并赚取丰厚的投资回报。 “War Chest”质押平台提供灵活的选择,包括固定收益池和即时提款池。

Aggressive Marketing Strategy:


Recognizing the importance of visibility, Popo allocates 25% of its tokens for marketing efforts. This strategy aims to surpass rivals like $PEPE and position Popo as a frontrunner in the meme token sector.

认识到可见性的重要性,Popo 将 25% 的代币用于营销工作。该策略旨在超越 $PEPE 等竞争对手,并将 Popo 定位为 meme 代币领域的领跑者。

Rewarding Community:


At the heart of Popo's strategy is its vibrant community, incentivized through ongoing rewards and initiatives driven by community input. The roadmap outlines a comprehensive plan, including the launch of various features, partnerships, and marketing campaigns.

Popo 战略的核心是充满活力的社区,通过社区投入驱动的持续奖励和举措来激励。该路线图概述了一个全面的计划,包括推出各种功能、合作伙伴关系和营销活动。

Tokenomics and Participation:


$FROP has a fixed supply of 111,111,111,111 tokens, distributed across various segments within the Popo ecosystem:

$FROP 的固定供应量为 111,111,111,111 枚代币,分布在 Popo 生态系统的各个部分:

  • 25% for presale
  • 25% for staking initiatives
  • 25% for marketing efforts
  • 15% for community rewards
  • 10% for liquidity

Participating in the presale is straightforward: users can connect their wallets to the widget, select a blockchain network, choose a payment method, input the desired quantity, and confirm the transaction.

25% 用于预售 25% 用于质押计划 25% 用于营销活动 15% 用于社区奖励 10% 用于流动性 参与预售非常简单:用户可以将钱包连接到小部件,选择区块链网络,选择支付方式,输入所需数量,然后确认交易。

About Popo


$FROP is a pioneering meme token that symbolizes community strength and innovation in the cryptocurrency space. By embracing a democratic approach, Popo fosters a decentralized ecosystem where collective aspirations drive strategic decisions.

$FROP 是一种开创性的模因代币,象征着加密货币领域的社区力量和创新。通过采用民主方法,Popo 培育了一个去中心化的生态系统,让集体愿望驱动战略决策。

Additional Information


For more information and updates, visit Popo's official website, , whitepaper, Telegram, Instagram, and Discord channels.

欲了解更多信息和更新,请访问 Popo 官方网站、白皮书、Telegram、Instagram 和 Discord 频道。



TheNewsCrypto does not endorse any content in this article. The information provided does not constitute investment advice, and readers should conduct their own due diligence before making any financial decisions.

TheNewsCrypto 不认可本文中的任何内容。所提供的信息不构成投资建议,读者在做出任何财务决定之前应自行进行尽职调查。


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