首页 > 资讯新闻 > 准备腾飞:狗狗币鲸鱼已向 DOGE 注资 20 亿美元

Prepare For Take-Off: Dogecoin Whales Have Injected $2 Billion Into DOGE

准备腾飞:狗狗币鲸鱼已向 DOGE 注资 20 亿美元

发布: 2023/11/17 18:01 阅读: 471

原文作者:Scott Matherson


Dogecoin finally broke over $0.76 in the last 24 hours after a week of range trading and has emerged as a formidable performer in the past month. The crypto has seen gains of 25.9% in a 30-day timeframe, but the rally may be far from over.

经过一周的区间交易后,狗狗币最终在过去 24 小时内突破 0.76 美元,并在过去一个月中表现强劲。该加密货币在 30 天内上涨了 25.9%,但涨势可能还远未结束。

DOGE whales have been working tirelessly behind the scenes to put the meme coin on the map, increasing their holdings by a substantial amount in the past month. On-chain data has revealed that large DOGE addresses have added more than $2 billion in DOGE in an effort to drive the crypto towards the $0.1 level.

DOGE 鲸鱼一直在幕后不知疲倦地努力,让模因币名声大噪,在过去的一个月里,他们的持有量大幅增加。链上数据显示,大型 DOGE 地址已经增加了超过 20 亿美元的 DOGE,以将加密货币推向 0.1 美元的水平。

Dogecoin Whales Inject $2 Billion Into DOGE In 30 Days

狗狗币鲸鱼在 30 天内向 DOGE 注入 20 亿美元

Data from the crypto analytics platform IntoTheBlock has reiterated the current bullish sentiment among Dogecoin whales. According to its Balance By Holdings metric, the balance of addresses holding between $100,000 to $1 million worth of DOGE has increased by 24.31% in the past 30 days.

来自加密货币分析平台 IntoTheBlock 的数据重申了狗狗币鲸鱼当前的看涨情绪。根据其 Balance By Holdings 指标,持有价值 10 万至 100 万美元 DOGE 的地址余额在过去 30 天内增加了 24.31%。

Likewise, addresses holding between $1 million to $10 million increased by 27.43%, and addresses holding more than $10 million worth of DOGE increased by 29.28%. 

同样,持有 100 万美元到 1000 万美元之间的地址增加了 27.43%,持有价值超过 1000 万美元 DOGE 的地址增加了 29.28%。

A closer look into this metric’s chart shows that the collective holdings of these addresses holding at least $100,000 worth of DOGE increased from $7.37 billion on October 7 to $9.469 billion on November 9. This implies that the crypto’s whales have acquired an additional $2.099 billion in DOGE within the past month.

仔细观察该指标的图表可以发现,这些持有至少价值 10 万美元 DOGE 的地址的总持有量从 10 月 7 日的 73.7 亿美元增加到 11 月 9 日的 94.69 亿美元。这意味着加密货币的鲸鱼已经额外购买了 20.99 亿美元的 DOGE过去一个月内。

Source: IntoTheBlock


For regular investors, this whale activity is a bullish signal for DOGE’s price trajectory, as whale accumulation is still ongoing. IntoTheBlock’s data has also revealed these addresses holding at least $100,000 worth of DOGE have acquired $119 million in DOGE in the past 24 hours alone. 

对于普通投资者来说,这种鲸鱼活动对 DOGE 的价格轨迹来说是一个看涨信号,因为鲸鱼的积累仍在继续。 IntoTheBlock 的数据还显示,仅在过去 24 小时内,这些持有价值至少 10 万美元 DOGE 的地址就购买了 1.19 亿美元的 DOGE。

IntoTheBlock’s Order Books metrics reveal an interesting imbalance between the supply and demand for DOGE. At the time of writing, buyers have placed buy orders of 902 million DOGE on various crypto exchanges. Meanwhile, sellers have only put up 876 million DOGE for sale.

IntoTheBlock 的订单簿指标揭示了 DOGE 供需之间有趣的不平衡现象。截至撰写本文时,买家已在各个加密货币交易所下达了 9.02 亿 DOGE 的购买订单。与此同时,卖家只出售了 8.76 亿个 DOGE。

Source: IntoTheBlock


Will DOGE Return To $0.1?


The current shift towards higher demand and the current accumulation of whales speaks volumes of the current sentiment around Dogecoin and the massive injection of capital into Dogecoin could significantly impact its price


Crypto analyst Ali Martinez pointed out on X that DOGE’s crucial support wall at the $0.072 to $0.073 price point outstrips the resistance in strength. According to Martinez, a breakout over $0.76 puts the next significant hurdle at $0.084. 

加密货币分析师 Ali Martinez 在 X 上指出,DOGE 在 0.072 美元至 0.073 美元价格点的关键支撑墙超过了阻力位。马丁内斯表示,突破 0.76 美元后,下一个重要障碍将位于 0.084 美元。

At the time of writing, the bulls have pushed DOGE by 4.28% in the past 24 hours, and the crypto is now trading at $0.07686. Continued buying pressure from the whales and retail traders could push DOGE back up to $0.1, which we haven’t seen since June.

截至撰写本文时,多头在过去 24 小时内将 DOGE 上涨了 4.28%,该加密货币目前的交易价格为 0.07686 美元。来自鲸鱼和零售交易商的持续买盘压力可能会将 DOGE 推升至 0.1 美元,这是自 6 月份以来我们从未见过的情况。

DOGE price reclaims $0.076 | Source: DOGEUSD on Tradingview.com

DOGE 价格回升 0.076 美元 |资料来源:Tradingview.com 上的 DOGEUSD


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