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The latest price of Dogecoin at 07:00 on September 23, 2024


发布: 2024/09/23 07:30 阅读: 240


(24-hour Dogecoin price trend)


Dogecoin (DOGE) Price Update: A Decline in Value


As of September 23, 2024, 7:00 AM UTC, the latest price of Dogecoin (DOGE) stands at $0.10623578761006. Over the past 24 hours, the cryptocurrency has experienced a decline in value of 3.2424696%, driven by a trading volume of $489,641,768.29259.

截至世界标准时间 2024 年 9 月 23 日上午 7:00,狗狗币 (DOGE) 的最新价格为 0.10623578761006 美元。在过去 24 小时内,由于交易量为 489,641,768.29259 美元,该加密货币的价值下跌了 3.2424696%。

Supply and Market Situation


Dogecoin has a circulating supply of approximately 146,068,086,383.71, with an uncapped maximum supply. The total supply is identical to its circulation, meaning no additional coins can be created. As a result, the cryptocurrency's supply and scarcity status remain unchanged.

狗狗币的流通供应量约为 146,068,086,383.71,最大供应量没有上限。总供应量与其流通量相同,这意味着不能创建额外的硬币。因此,加密货币的供应和稀缺状态保持不变。

The market capitalization of Dogecoin, calculated by multiplying its circulating supply by its current price, stands at $15,517,658,201.666. This figure represents the total estimated value of all Dogecoins in circulation.

狗狗币的市值(以其流通供应量乘以当前价格计算)为 15,517,658,201.666 美元。该数字代表所有流通中的狗狗币的总估计价值。

Historical Outlook


Dogecoin, initially created as a joke in 2013, has witnessed significant price volatility over the years. It has experienced both substantial surges and dips in value. In early 2021, the cryptocurrency soared to its highest-ever price of $0.7376, fueled by a combination of Elon Musk's endorsement and a surge in retail trading. However, it has since faced downward pressure and has not yet recovered its former peak.

狗狗币最初于 2013 年作为一个笑话而诞生,多年来见证了价格的大幅波动。它的价值经历了大幅上涨和下跌。 2021 年初,在埃隆·马斯克的支持和零售交易激增的推动下,加密货币飙升至历史最高价格 0.7376 美元。但此后面临下行压力,尚未恢复往日峰值。



The recent decline in Dogecoin's value is a reminder of the unpredictable nature of the cryptocurrency market. Despite its widespread recognition and initial surge in popularity, its price remains susceptible to market fluctuations and external factors. Investors considering Dogecoin should proceed with caution and conduct thorough research before making any commitments.



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