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The latest price of Dogecoin at 09:00 on September 26, 2024


发布: 2024/09/26 09:00 阅读: 247


(24-hour Dogecoin price trend)


Dogecoin (DOGE) Price Remains Stable at $0.107

狗狗币 (DOGE) 价格保持稳定在 0.107 美元

As of September 26, 2024, 09:00 AM UTC, Dogecoin (DOGE) is trading at $0.10744228078873, with a 24-hour trading volume of $674827636.73417. The price of DOGE has declined by -2.27117405% in the last 24 hours.

截至UTC时间2024年9月26日上午09:00,狗狗币(DOGE)的交易价格为0.10744228078873美元,24小时交易量为674827636.73417美元。 DOGE的价格在过去24小时内下跌了-2.27117405%。

Key Statistics:


  • Circulating Supply: 146110006383.71 DOGE
  • Maximum Supply: N/A
  • Total Supply: 146110006383.71 DOGE
  • Market Capitalization: $15698392331.921

Market Overview:

流通供应量:146110006383.71 DOGE最大供应量:N/A总供应量:146110006383.71 DOGE市值:$15698392331.921市场概况:

Despite the recent dip in price, DOGE continues to hover around the $0.10 level, which it has held for the majority of September. The broader cryptocurrency market has also been relatively stable, with Bitcoin (BTC) trading above $20,000.

尽管最近价格下跌,DOGE 仍徘徊在 0.10 美元的水平附近,9 月份的大部分时间都保持在这一水平。更广泛的加密货币市场也相对稳定,比特币(BTC)交易价格超过 20,000 美元。

Bullish Sentiment:


Some market analysts believe that DOGE is undervalued at current levels, citing its strong community and potential real-world use cases. Social media sentiment remains positive, with many users expressing optimism about DOGE's long-term prospects.

一些市场分析师认为,DOGE 在当前水平上被低估,理由是其强大的社区和潜在的现实世界用例。社交媒体情绪依然积极,许多用户对 DOGE 的长期前景表示乐观。

Bearish Concerns:


Others worry that DOGE's lack of fundamental value and the volatility of the cryptocurrency market could limit its potential for sustained growth. The cryptocurrency market is notoriously fickle, and sentiment can change quickly.

其他人担心 DOGE 缺乏基本价值以及加密货币市场的波动性可能会限制其持续增长的潜力。众所周知,加密货币市场变化无常,情绪可能会迅速变化。



The price of Dogecoin remains relatively stable at the time of writing. While the overall market outlook is uncertain, DOGE continues to attract attention from both supporters and skeptics alike. Its long-term price movement will depend on a combination of market factors, social sentiment, and the utility of the coin in the real world.

在撰写本文时,狗狗币的价格保持相对稳定。尽管整体市场前景不确定,但 DOGE 继续吸引支持者和怀疑者的关注。其长期价格走势将取决于市场因素、社会情绪以及代币在现实世界中的效用的结合。


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