(24-hour Dogecoin price trend)
Dogecoin (DOGE) Price Analysis
狗狗币 (DOGE) 价格分析
As of January 22, 2025, at 15:00 UTC, the price of Dogecoin (DOGE) stands at $0.36687532095724. This represents a 7.74295228% increase over the past 24 hours.
截至 2025 年 1 月 22 日 15:00 UTC,狗狗币 (DOGE) 的价格为 0.36687532095724 美元。这表示过去 24 小时内增加了 7.74295228%。
Trading Volume
The 24-hour trading volume for Dogecoin is $8492123088.1254, indicating significant trading activity. This high volume suggests strong market interest in the cryptocurrency.
狗狗币的 24 小时交易量为 8492123088.1254 美元,表明交易活动活跃。如此高的交易量表明市场对加密货币有浓厚的兴趣。
Market Capitalization
The market capitalization of Dogecoin is currently $54196750849.263. This is calculated by multiplying the total supply by the current price. The high market capitalization indicates Dogecoin's significant market presence and value.
狗狗币的市值目前为 54196750849.263 美元。这是通过将总供应量乘以当前价格来计算的。高市值表明狗狗币具有重要的市场地位和价值。
- Circulating supply: 147725256383.71 DOGE
- Maximum supply: N/A
- Total supply: 147725256383.71 DOGE
The circulating supply represents the amount of Dogecoin currently in circulation, while the maximum supply refers to the total number of coins that can be created. Dogecoin has an unlimited maximum supply, meaning there is no cap on the number of coins that can be issued.
流通供应量:147725256383.71 DOGE 最大供应量:N/A 总供应量:147725256383.71 DOGE 循环供应量代表当前流通的狗狗币数量,而最大供应量是指可以创建的币总数。狗狗币的最大供应量不受限制,这意味着可以发行的硬币数量没有上限。
Dogecoin continues to experience strong demand and interest in the cryptocurrency market. The recent rise in its price demonstrates its potential as a valuable investment vehicle. With its large market capitalization and high trading volume, Dogecoin has established itself as a significant player in the crypto space.