(24-hour Dogecoin price trend)
Dogecoin's Latest Price Movement: Slumping Slightly
As of February 1, 2025, 4:00 PM, Dogecoin (DOGE) is valued at $0.32544002027261. Within the past 24 hours, the volume of transactions involving DOGE has amounted to $1,748,302,973.7154. Over the same 24-hour period, the price of Dogecoin has experienced a decline of -0.75530398%.
截至2025年2月1日,下午4:00,Dogecoin(Doge)的价值为0.32544002027261。在过去的24小时内,涉及门槛的交易量为$ 1,748,302,973.7154。在同一24小时时期,Dogecoin的价格下降了-0.75530398%。
Circulating Supply and Supply Limits
The current circulating supply of Bitcoin stands at 147,862,416,383.71. Dogecoin does not have a maximum supply limit. Its total supply is 147,862,416,383.71, and the circulating market capitalization is $48,120,347,785.47.
当前的比特币循环供应量为147,862,416,383.71。 Dogecoin没有最大的供应限制。它的总供应量为147,862,416,383.71,循环市值为48,120,347,785.47美元。
Additional Information
- Website: https://dogecoin.com/
- Block Explorer: https://dogechain.info/
- Social Media: https://twitter.com/dogecoin
网站:https://dogecoin.com/block Explorer:https://dogechain.info/social媒体:https://twitter.com/dogecoin