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How one high-profile crypto exchange is planning to expand globally


发布: 2023/09/27 02:09 阅读: 498



With a global expansion in its sights, a crypto exchange is boasting compelling features for newcomers and professionals alike.


Presented by CoinW

CoinW, a crypto exchange with more than 9 million users worldwide sets its sights on global expansion — all part of a quest to encourage the mass adoption of digital assets.

CoinW 是一家在全球拥有超过 900 万用户的加密货币交易所,它着眼于全球扩张——所有这些都是为了鼓励数字资产的大规模采用。

When it comes to crypto, newcomers and seasoned traders alike have a checklist.


One thing that unites novices and pros is low fees. Unreasonably high transaction costs can substantially dent profitability, especially when smaller trades are being made. Following the high-profile collapses of FTX and Celsius, users are looking for proof-of-reserves to give them confidence that their funds are safe.

将新手和专业人士团结在一起的一件事是低廉的费用。不合理的高交易成本会严重削弱盈利能力,尤其是在进行较小规模的交易时。在 FTX 和摄氏度备受瞩目的崩盘之后,用户正在寻找准备金证明,以让他们相信自己的资金是安全的。

Those who are experiencing the space for the first time want an extensive cryptocurrency portfolio where they can buy and sell digital assets without limitations. In previous bull markets, the likes of Dogecoin (DOGE) and Shiba Inu (SHIB) have played an instrumental role in enticing people to get involved, but are left disappointed because some major trading platforms fail to list them.


Newcomers also want an experience that’s not too dissimilar to the banking apps they’re already accustomed to. Far too many trading platforms deliver a convoluted user interface that’s difficult to follow, increasing the prospect of expensive mistakes. Novices also yearn for a one-stop shop where they can learn about the industry from the beginning.


Of course, experts have entirely different priorities. As they painstakingly devise strategies, they want an advanced trading toolset that features margin trading, stop-loss orders, optimal liquidity and minimal slippage.


One platform, CoinW, attempts to tick all of these boxes, all while offering an unwavering commitment to security and compliance. Now, CoinW has set its sights on going international, offering a compelling product at a time of sky-high inflation in economies around the world.

CoinW 平台试图满足所有这些要求,同时坚定不移地致力于安全性和合规性。现在,CoinW 已将目光投向国际化,在全球经济通胀高企之际提供引人注目的产品。

Going global


When it comes to operating a crypto exchange, reliability and security matter — and CoinW, which has been in the market since 2017, delivers both.

在运营加密货币交易所时,可靠性和安全性很重要,而自 2017 年进入市场的 CoinW 就满足了这两点。

Source: CoinW

Source: CoinW


At the heart of CoinW’s mission is a dedication to creating user-centric products and services that not only promote cryptocurrency adoption but also facilitate education and profitability. The crypto exchange’s commitment to user satisfaction is evident in its unwavering focus on creating an inclusive and accessible financial future. With the goal of making finance more equitable and open to all, CoinW strives to provide its users with the necessary tools and resources to thrive in the evolving financial landscape.

CoinW 使命的核心是致力于创造以用户为中心的产品和服务,不仅促进加密货币的采用,而且促进教育和盈利。加密货币交易所对用户满意度的承诺体现在其坚定不移地致力于创造一个包容性和可访问的金融未来。为了让金融更加公平、对所有人开放,CoinW 致力于为用户提供必要的工具和资源,以在不断变化的金融格局中蓬勃发展。

One of CoinW’s standout features is its dedication to security and reliability. With a best-in-class risk management framework and a commitment to compliance, CoinW ensures that users can trade with confidence. The exchange’s advanced trading toolset, including features like up to 200x leverage and advanced take-profit and stop-loss configurations, caters to experienced traders looking for precision and control. Additionally, CoinW’s focus on optimal liquidity and minimal trade slippage enhances the trading experience.

CoinW的突出特点之一是致力于安全性和可靠性。凭借一流的风险管理框架和合规承诺,CoinW 确保用户可以放心交易。该交易所的先进交易工具集包括高达 200 倍的杠杆以及先进的止盈和止损配置等功能,可满足寻求精确性和控制力的经验丰富的交易者的需求。此外,CoinW 专注于最佳流动性和最小交易滑点,从而增强了交易体验。

For those on the move, CoinW offers an intuitive mobile app experience, ensuring that users can trade and manage their assets seamlessly from their smartphones. Moreover, CoinW recognizes the importance of education in the crypto space and provides comprehensive cryptocurrency educational resources to help users stay informed and make informed decisions. For instance, CoinW Academy imparts cryptocurrency industry knowledge to new users, while CoinW Live Trading features weekly market analysis by top-tier traders.

对于那些移动的人来说,CoinW 提供直观的移动应用程序体验,确保用户可以通过智能手机无缝地交易和管理其资产。此外,CoinW认识到教育在加密货币领域的重要性,并提供全面的加密货币教育资源,帮助用户了解情况并做出明智的决定。例如,CoinW学院向新用户传授加密货币行业知识,而CoinW实时交易则提供顶级交易者的每周市场分析。

CoinW’s global reach and commitment to mass adoption of crypto are exemplified by its extensive global tour, where the platform has played a key sponsorship role in cryptocurrency conferences around the world, charity events, and initiatives aimed at encouraging the widespread use of cryptocurrencies. This global presence underscores CoinW’s dedication to advancing the crypto industry on a global scale.

CoinW 的全球影响力和对加密货币大规模采用的承诺体现在其广泛的全球巡演中,该平台在世界各地的加密货币会议、慈善活动和旨在鼓励广泛使用加密货币的举措中发挥了关键赞助作用。这一全球影响力凸显了CoinW致力于在全球范围内推动加密货币行业发展的决心。

A crucial step in raising brand awareness and gaining traction has involved embarking on high-profile partnerships. For the third year running, it has partnered with Token2049 as a platinum sponsor to shape the landscape of Web3 and further the advancement of digital assets. A meticulously crafted booth has been established at Asia’s flagship conference, with a spaceship theme as the crypto space prepares to head to the moon once again.

提高品牌知名度和吸引力的关键一步是建立高调的合作伙伴关系。它连续第三年与 Token2049 合作,成为白金赞助商,共同塑造 Web3 的格局并进一步推动数字资产的进步。亚洲旗舰会议上设立了一个精心设计的展位,以宇宙飞船为主题,因为加密空间准备再次前往月球。

Back in November 2022, CoinW served as an official sponsor for the Globe Soccer Awards, hot on the heels of the Qatar World Cup. It was the first crypto trading platform to become an official partner, and given how there are 3.5 billion football fans worldwide, it was an irresistible opportunity to reach new markets.

早在2022年11月,CoinW就成为继卡塔尔世界杯之后的环球足球奖官方赞助商。它是第一个成为官方合作伙伴的加密货币交易平台,考虑到全球有 35 亿足球迷,这是一个进入新市场的不可抗拒的机会。

Making a splash


Source: CoinW

Source: CoinW


CoinW says its goal is to deliver a versatile suite of tools and products for all users, irrespective of which stage of their trading journey they’re at. Consumers and traders increasingly seek utility and a name they can trust. With millions of users already in its client base, CoinW is expanding its horizons even further — all while other trading platforms retreat.

CoinW表示,其目标是为所有用户提供一套多功能的工具和产品,无论他们处于交易旅程的哪个阶段。消费者和贸易商越来越多地寻求实用性和值得信赖的品牌。凭借数百万用户的客户群,CoinW 正在进一步扩大其视野,而与此同时其他交易平台却在撤退。

As the old saying goes, bear markets are for building, and CoinW says it’s well positioned to capitalize on market sentiment as excitement grows about the prospect of a spot Bitcoin exchange-traded fund, with the next BTC halving now less than a year away.

正如俗话所说,熊市是用来建设的,CoinW 表示,随着人们对现货比特币交易所交易基金的前景越来越兴奋,距离下一次比特币减半还有不到一年的时间,CoinW 已经做好充分利用市场情绪的准备。

Learn more about CoinW


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Source: https://thebittimes.com/how-one-high-profile-crypto-exchange-is-planning-to-expand-globally-tbt64100.html



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