首页 > 资讯新闻 > 为什么在 2024 年,随着狗狗币 (DOGE) 鲸鱼投资者的购买,Pushd (PUSHD) 看起来比 BNB (BNB) 和 Ripple (XRP) 等更好的投资......

Why Pushd (PUSHD) Looks Like a Better Investment Over the Likes of BNB (BNB) and Ripple (XRP) in 2024 as Dogecoin (DOGE) Whale Investor Buys...

为什么在 2024 年,随着狗狗币 (DOGE) 鲸鱼投资者的购买,Pushd (PUSHD) 看起来比 BNB (BNB) 和 Ripple (XRP) 等更好的投资......

发布: 2024/01/29 06:07 阅读: 410



为什么在 2024 年,随着狗狗币 (DOGE) 鲸鱼投资者的购买,Pushd (PUSHD) 看起来比 BNB (BNB) 和 Ripple (XRP) 等更好的投资......

As much as the crypto market is quite uncertain, analysts remain positive about Pushd (PUSHD) which is a new investment opportunity for investors. It is not news that thousands of cryptocurrencies exist with each one claiming to be a better alternative to the other. The bad news is several of such cryptos fail to meet little expectations from the market. However, the good news is that Pushd (PUSHD) unlike the likes of BNB (BNB) and Ripple (XRP) is set to outdo all expectations required of it.

尽管加密货币市场相当不确定,但分析师仍然对 Pushd (PUSHD) 持乐观态度,这对投资者来说是一个新的投资机会。存在数千种加密货币,每种加密货币都声称是另一种更好的替代品,这并不是什么新闻。坏消息是,其中一些加密货币未能满足市场的预期。然而,好消息是,与 BNB (BNB) 和 Ripple (XRP) 等产品不同,Pushd (PUSHD) 将会超出对其的所有预期。

Besides, investing smart is investing in Pushd (PUSHD), not investing in Pushd (PUSHD) is like leaving your money in the hands of fate when you can easily reap thousands.


Without the Binance Exchange, BNB (BNB) Is Without Use

没有币安交易所,BNB (BNB) 就没有用处

In the real sense, BNB (BNB) is nearly useless outside the popular Binance ecosystem. This means that unlike other cryptocurrencies like Pushd (PUSHD), the Binance Coin is limited to the Binance exchange. In other words, BNB (BNB) is only useful for traders and investors on the Binance platform, outside that, it holds no real value.

真正意义上,BNB(BNB)在流行的币安生态系统之外几乎毫无用处。这意味着与 Pushd (PUSHD) 等其他加密货币不同,币安币仅限于币安交易所。换句话说,BNB(BNB)只对币安平台上的交易者和投资者有用,除此之外,它没有任何实际价值。

Also, cyber attacks have been a major issue in the crypto market. Talking of cyber attacks, the Binance ecosystem has been the center of attraction for cyber hackers. Would you risk investing in a target platform for cyber attacks and lose all your earnings in a minute? Pushd (PUSHD) is built on blockchain technology which makes it unlikely to be attacked successfully by hackers.

此外,网络攻击一直是加密货币市场的一个主要问题。说到网络攻击,币安生态系统一直是网络黑客的关注中心。您是否会冒着投资网络攻击目标平台并在一分钟内损失所有收入的风险? Pushd(PUSHD)建立在区块链技术之上,这使得它不太可能被黑客成功攻击。

Investors from Ripple (XRP) Need to Switch to Pushd (PUSHD)

Ripple (XRP) 的投资者需要转向 Pushd (PUSHD)

Although Ripple (XRP) has been in the market for a while now, it still struggles to compete with others like it and unlike others with little volatility, the price of Ripple (XRP) is easily prone to fluctuations. For investors looking at short term investment goals, it is uncertain that Ripple (XRP) would generate any real ROI. In addition, according to Crypto Intelligence, traders from Ripple (XRP) have witnessed $130.24 million in losses since the year started.

尽管瑞波币(XRP)已经进入市场一段时间了,但它仍然难以与其他同类产品竞争,并且与波动性较小的其他产品不同,瑞波币(XRP)的价格很容易波动。对于寻求短期投资目标的投资者来说,瑞波币(XRP)能否产生任何真正的投资回报率并不确定。此外,根据 Crypto Intelligence 的数据,自年初以来,Ripple (XRP) 的交易员已经损失了 1.3024 亿美元。

Furthermore, Ripple (XRP) has a default list of validators which undermines its credibility. It has also faced skepticism about not fully being decentralized.


Dogecoin Whale Investor Buys into Pushd (PUSHD)

狗狗币鲸鱼投资者买入 Pushd (PUSHD)

Dogecoin whale investor buys into Pushd (PUSHD). This is what happens when Pushd (PUSHD) outperforms Dogecoin (DOGE). So far, the amazing predictions concerning Pushd (PUSHD) have attracted investors to the new crypto because of the success it recorded during the presale. Even the top analysts believe in the power of Pushd (PUSHD) to solve all the unending risks involved in trading and investing in cryptocurrencies.

狗狗币鲸鱼投资者购买 Pushd (PUSHD)。这就是当 Pushd (PUSHD) 优于狗狗币 (DOGE) 时会发生的情况。到目前为止,有关 Pushd (PUSHD) 的惊人预测吸引了投资者对这种新加密货币的关注,因为它在预售期间取得了成功。即使是顶级分析师也相信 Pushd (PUSHD) 的力量可以解决加密货币交易和投资中涉及的所有无尽风险。

Pushd (PUSHD)  gives investors the chance to earn on the platform. When the platform finally launches, the presale holders would earn an amount of the revenue from the platform. In the same vein, investors can earn on Pushd (PUSHD) by completing certain tasks.

Pushd (PUSHD) 为投资者提供了在平台上赚钱的机会。当平台最终启动时,预售持有者将从平台获得一定的收入。同样,投资者可以通过完成某些任务来赚取 Pushd (PUSHD) 的收益。

Finally, unlike BNB (BNB) with little value outside the Binance platform and Dogecoin (DOGE) which depends on a meme, Pushd (PUSHD) holds real utility outside the platform. Pushd (PUSHD) is a crypto that doubles as an online platform for buying and selling goods.

最后,与在币安平台之外几乎没有价值的 BNB (BNB) 和依赖于 meme 的狗狗币 (DOGE) 不同,Pushd (PUSHD) 在平台之外拥有真正的实用性。 Pushd(PUSHD)是一种加密货币,同时也是买卖商品的在线平台。

Find out more about the Pushd presale at their official website.

在其官方网站上了解有关 Pushd 预售的更多信息。

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The post Why Pushd (PUSHD) Looks Like a Better Investment Over the Likes of BNB (BNB) and Ripple (XRP) in 2024 as Dogecoin (DOGE) Whale Investor Buys In appeared first on CaptainAltcoin.

为什么 Pushd (PUSHD) 在 2024 年看起来是比 BNB (BNB) 和 Ripple (XRP) 更好的投资,因为狗狗币 (DOGE) 鲸鱼投资者买入了呢?这篇文章首先出现在 CaptainAltcoin 上。


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