首页 > 资讯新闻 > $RBLZ 现象:反叛中本聪的崛起对狗狗币和注入投资者意味着什么?

The $RBLZ Phenomenon: What Rebel Satoshi’s Rise Means for Dogecoin and Injective Investors?

$RBLZ 现象:反叛中本聪的崛起对狗狗币和注入投资者意味着什么?

发布: 2024/01/05 18:35 阅读: 385





  • Rebel Satoshi (RBLZ) raises $1 million in ongoing presale to lead the top ICO list of 2023. 
  • Rebel Satoshi (RBLZ) 在正在进行的预售中筹集了 100 万美元,在 2023 年 ICO 排行榜上名列前茅。

  • Dogecoin (DOGE) gained despite a delay in SpaceX’s DOGE-1 mission to the moon. 
  • 尽管 SpaceX 的 DOGE-1 登月任务延迟,狗狗币 (DOGE) 仍上涨。

  • Injective (INJ) surged after integrating Kujira. 
  • 整合 Kujira 后,注入 (INJ) 飙升。

RebelSatoshi (RBLZ) has achieved an important milestone in its ongoing presale. Meanwhile, the Dogecoin (DOGE) community received bad news from SpaceX. On the other hand, Injective (INJ) has shown a significant gain after announcing a new integration. 

RebelSatoshi (RBLZ) 在正在进行的预售中实现了一个重要的里程碑。与此同时,狗狗币(DOGE)社区收到了来自 SpaceX 的坏消息。另一方面,Injective (INJ) 在宣布新的整合后显示出显着的收益。

Let’s review the latest about $RBLZ, DOGE, and INJ to find the best crypto to invest in!

让我们回顾一下有关 $RBLZ、DOGE 和 INJ 的最新动态,以找到最适合投资的加密货币!

$RBLZ Is the Best ICO of the Year After Raising $1 Million in Presale

$RBLZ 预售筹集 100 万美元,成为年度最佳 ICO

Rebel Satoshi is a new meme coin that aims to bring positive change in the crypto world. Rebel Satoshi aims to dismantle the status quo and herald a new era of decentralization with the help of rebels. 

Rebel Satoshi 是一种新的模因币,旨在为加密世界带来积极的变化。反叛者中本聪的目标是在反叛者的帮助下打破现状并预示一个去中心化的新时代。

$RBLZ, the native token from Rebel Satoshi, is the beacon of hope for the rebels. Investing in $RBLZ will bring the rebels a bunch of exclusive benefits. $RBLZ investors will also be able to contribute to the Rebel Satoshi ecosystem

$RBLZ 是 Rebel Satoshi 的原生代币,是叛军的希望灯塔。投资 $RBLZ 将为叛军带来一系列独家福利。 $RBLZ 投资者也将能够为 Rebel Satoshi 生态系统做出贡献。

Currently, Rebel Satoshi is in the Citizens Round 3 stage of the $RBLZ presale. Each $RBLZ token is currently priced at $0.025, a 100% increase since the initial price. Rebel Satoshi has also passed $1 million in the presale so far. 

目前,Rebel Satoshi 正处于 $RBLZ 预售的公民第 3 轮阶段。每个 $RBLZ 代币目前的价格为 0.025 美元,较初始价格上涨 100%。迄今为止,Rebel Satoshi 的预售金额也已超过 100 万美元。

Rebel Satoshi has picked February 2024 as the launch month. Once Rebel Satoshi officially launches on DEX, $RBLZ is expected to trade at more than $0.025. The expected price will bring a 150% return on investment to early investors of $RBLZ

Rebel Satoshi 选择 2024 年 2 月作为发布月份。一旦 Rebel Satoshi 在 DEX 上正式上线,$RBLZ 的交易价格预计将超过 0.025 美元。预期价格将为$RBLZ的早期投资者带来150%的投资回报。

Moreover, you can now use Bitcoin and 50 top altcoins to join the $RBLZ presale!

此外,您现在可以使用比特币和 50 种顶级山寨币参加 $RBLZ 预售!



DOGE Climbs Slightly Despite SpaceX Mission Getting Delayed

尽管 SpaceX 任务被推迟,DOGE 仍小幅攀升

In 2021, SpaceX founder Elon Musk announced that his company will be launching satellite DOGE-1 to the moon next year.

2021 年,SpaceX 创始人埃隆·马斯克宣布,他的公司将于明年向月球发射卫星 DOGE-1。

However, on December 19, 2023, the company taking part in the launch announced in a press release that the launch had been delayed. Unsuitable conditions on the moon mean DOGE will have to wait till February 2024 for the voyage. 

然而,2023 年 12 月 19 日,参与此次发射的公司在新闻稿中宣布推迟发射。月球上的条件不适合,意味着 DOGE 必须等到 2024 年 2 月才能进行这次航行。

Despite the bad news, DOGE, the native token from Dogecoin, did not decrease in value. Since December 19, DOGE has gained 3.6% in value. During this time, Dogecoin went from trading at $0.08974 to $0.09301

尽管有坏消息,狗狗币的原生代币 DOGE 的价值并未下跌。自 12 月 19 日以来,DOGE 的价值已上涨 3.6%。在此期间,狗狗币的交易价格从 0.08974 美元上涨至 0.09301 美元。

DOGE price prediction suggests that Dogecoin’s native token can gain 72% in 2024. If bullish sentiments affect the market, DOGE will be trading at $0.1600 by the end of 2024. However, the price of Dogecoin can also be affected by bearish signals. If that happens, Dogecoin will be trading at $0.1323 by the end of 2024. 

DOGE 价格预测表明,狗狗币的原生代币在 2024 年将上涨 72%。如果看涨情绪影响市场,到 2024 年底,狗狗币的交易价格将为 0.1600 美元。然而,狗狗币的价格也可能受到看跌信号的影响。如果这种情况发生,到 2024 年底,狗狗币的交易价格将为 0.1323 美元。

Dogecoin prediction indicates that it could continue to rise in 2024, which makes it a good investment option. 


INJ Surges After Injective Announces Kujira Integration

Injective 宣布整合 Kujira 后 INJ 飙升

On December 12, 2023, Injective shared in a tweet that it has now integrated Kujira. Kujira is the ideal ecosystem for builders and web3 users seeking sustainable FinTech. After the integration, Injective users can now access assets like $KUJI via the Injective Hub and dApps. 

2023 年 12 月 12 日,Injective 在推文中分享称,它现已集成 Kujira。 Kujira 是寻求可持续金融科技的构建者和 web3 用户的理想生态系统。集成后,Injective 用户现在可以通过 Injective Hub 和 dApp 访问 $KUJI 等资产。

The integration also helped improve the price of Injective’s native token by 57.7%. INJ went from trading at $24.01 to $37.87. Injective’s steady gain has brought it attention from crypto investors. Future price predictions for INJ suggest that Injective’s native token can increase in price by 67.6% in 2024. 

此次整合还帮助 Injective 原生代币的价格提高了 57.7%。 INJ 的交易价格从 24.01 美元上涨至 37.87 美元。 Injective的稳定增长引起了加密货币投资者的关注。 INJ 的未来价格预测表明,Injective 的原生代币价格到 2024 年可能会上涨 67.6%。

If the market sentiments turn bullish, INJ will be trading at $63.48 by the end of 2024. However, bearish sentiments can also affect the price of INJ. In that case, Injective will be trading at $53.46 per INJ by the end of 2024. 

如果市场情绪转为看涨,到 2024 年底,INJ 的交易价格将为 63.48 美元。然而,看跌情绪也会影响 INJ 的价格。在这种情况下,到 2024 年底,Injective 的交易价格将为每 INJ 53.46 美元。

For the latest updates and more information, be sure to visit the official Rebel Satoshi Presale Website or contact Rebel Red via Telegram

如需最新更新和更多信息,请务必访问 Rebel Satoshi 官方预售网站或通过 Telegram 联系 Rebel Red

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