首页 > 资讯新闻 > 叛逆中本聪推出几周后,狗狗币和塞拉斯蒂娅努力维持飙升

Rebel Satoshi a few weeks from launch, Dogecoin and Celestia struggle to maintain surge


发布: 2024/01/29 20:04 阅读: 892



  • Rebel Satoshi is in its last presale stage, a few weeks before it goes live.
  • Rebel Satoshi 正处于最后预售阶段,距离上线还有几周时间。

  • Dogecoin witnessed a 9% price boost spurred by a bogus X/Twitter story.
  • 由于 X/Twitter 的虚假故事,狗狗币的价格上涨了 9%。

  • Celestia hit an all-time high amid potential airdrops and investors benefitting from attractive staking rates.
  • 由于潜在的空投和投资者受益于有吸引力的质押率,Celestia 创下了历史新高。

Recent episodes in the crypto market have resulted in interesting developments in Dogecoin (DOGE) and Celestia (TIA). On the one hand, Doge was the subject of a fake X/Twitter post. Meanwhile, the newly launched Celestia keeps making high after high.

加密货币市场的最近事件导致了狗狗币(DOGE)和塞拉斯蒂亚(TIA)的有趣发展。一方面,Doge 是 X/Twitter 假帖子的主题。与此同时,新推出的 Celestia 不断创下新高。

Rebel Satoshi ($RBLZ) is another project on a similar trajectory. This revolutionary meme coin is about to be launched, with experts anticipating virality!

Rebel Satoshi ($RBLZ) 是另一个具有类似轨迹的项目。这款革命性的模因硬币即将推出,专家们预计将如病毒般传播!

Rebel Satoshi is a few weeks away from launching


Rebel Satoshi is a rebellious meme coin with aspirations to conquer the modern monetary status quo and inject more decentralized finance. The project is motivated by Satoshi Nakamoto and Guy Fawkes, using their defiant spirits to fight against centralized oppressive authorities.

Rebel Satoshi 是一种叛逆的模因币,渴望征服现代货币现状并注入更多去中心化金融。该项目是由中本聪和盖伊福克斯发起的,利用他们的反抗精神来对抗中央集权的压迫当局。

Rebel Satoshi is also bringing together a rebel-minded community to have fun and celebrate rebellion. Ultimately, joining Rebel Satoshi now can put anyone in a favourable position with its goal to hit $100 million in market cap.

反叛中本聪还聚集了一个具有反叛意识的社区来享受乐趣并庆祝反叛。最终,现在加入 Rebel Satoshi 可以让任何人处于有利地位,其目标是达到 1 亿美元的市值。

Building upon rewards from the best DeFi projects, courtesy of the $RBLZ token, are the key enablers. $RBLZ provides perks like additional income from staking and access to the Rebel Artefacts Vault, where users can trade 9,999 rebel-symbolized unique collectibles and digital art characters as NFTs.

关键的推动因素是以 $RBLZ 代币提供的最佳 DeFi 项目的奖励为基础。 $RBLZ 提供额外福利,例如通过质押和访问 Rebel Artefacts Vault 获得额外收入,用户可以在其中将 9,999 件带有叛军标志的独特收藏品和数字艺术角色交易为 NFT。

$RBLZ has risen an impressive 120% since the token’s presale began in November 2023, going from $0.010 to $0.022. It’s trading in the last presale stage, a few weeks before its official launch

自 2023 年 11 月代币预售开始以来,$RBLZ 的价格已上涨 120%,从 0.010 美元涨至 0.022 美元。它正处于预售的最后阶段,即正式推出前几周。

The presale has sold about 104 million $RBLZ tokens, with 17% or 21 million left. In a symbolic nod to Guy Fawkes, Rebel Satoshi will ‘burn’ any unsold tokens after the presale, making $RBLZ deflationary. Users can also expect a 13.6% gain on their holdings as the token will be worth $0.025 but may go further once it’s listed on exchanges.

预售已售出约 1.04 亿美元 RBLZ 代币,还剩 17%,即 2100 万枚。为了象征性地向 Guy Fawkes 致敬,Rebel Satoshi 将在预售后“烧毁”所有未售出的代币,从而使 $RBLZ 通缩。用户还可以预期其持有的代币将获得 13.6% 的收益,因为该代币的价值为 0.025 美元,但一旦在交易所上市,其价值可能会更高。

Dogecoin short-lived 9% surge

狗狗币短暂飙升 9%

Altcoins to watch, like DOGE, are often the quickest to react to misinformation. Dogecoin was the subject of a rather bizarre story on January 10, 2024. An anonymous X/Twitter user irked many enthusiasts with a misleading screenshot. The latter spoke about the alleged death of Dogecoin’s beloved mascot, the Shiba Inu dog Kabosu.

值得关注的山寨币,比如 DOGE,通常对错误信息反应最快。 2024 年 1 月 10 日,狗狗币成为了一个相当离奇的故事的主题。一位匿名的 X/Twitter 用户用一张误导性的屏幕截图激怒了许多爱好者。后者谈到了狗狗币深受喜爱的吉祥物柴犬卡博苏的据称死亡事件。

This news caused DOGE to surge 9% in one day from $0.0765 to $0.0837 (now $0.0819). Strangely, the user soon stated afterwards that the post was fake. They proceeded to delete the news and their entire account. It’s not the first time rumours have circulated about the famous Shiba Inu.

这一消息导致 DOGE 一天内上涨 9%,从 0.0765 美元上涨至 0.0837 美元(现为 0.0819 美元)。奇怪的是,该用户随后很快就表示该帖子是假的。他们随后删除了这条新闻和整个帐户。关于著名的柴犬的谣言已经不是第一次流传了。

Still, Dogecoin remains the leading meme coin, a key factor in positive forecasts that suggest DOGE can reach a minimum of $0.25 by next year.

尽管如此,狗狗币仍然是领先的模因币,这是积极预测的一个关键因素,表明狗狗币明年可能会达到最低 0.25 美元。

Celestia surpasses $20 three months after launch

Celestia 推出三个月后突破 20 美元

Celestia is slowly moving away from newcomer status as more investors learn about this new Cosmos-powered modular blockchain. Data from the likes of CoinGecko and CoinMarketCap shows TIA is in 31st place in the list of top altcoins. While some analysts believe it’s beginner’s luck and FOMO boosting TIA, other information provides insightful catalysts.

随着越来越多的投资者了解这个由 Cosmos 驱动的新型模块化区块链,Celestia 正在慢慢摆脱新来者的地位。来自 CoinGecko 和 CoinMarketCap 等公司的数据显示,TIA 在顶级山寨币列表中排名第 31 位。虽然一些分析师认为这是初学者的运气和 FOMO 推动了 TIA,但其他信息提供了富有洞察力的催化剂。

The first is the imminent airdrops conducted by new crypto projects Saga and Dymension. Both platforms will soon release their respective tokens to holders that own TIA, ATOM, AVAX, and MATIC. The other catalyst is the staking rates provided by Celestia, between 15-17%. This is higher than the average of staking platforms, making Celestia an attractive place for this purpose.

第一个是新的加密货币项目 Saga 和 Dymension 即将进行的空投。这两个平台很快就会向拥有 TIA、ATOM、AVAX 和 MATIC 的持有者发行各自的代币。另一个催化剂是 Celestia 提供的质押率,介于 15-17% 之间。这高于质押平台的平均水平,使 Celestia 成为此目的的一个有吸引力的地方。

TIA is up almost 1000% (983%) since debuting on October 31, 2023, from $1.88 to $20.37. Moreover, forecasts indicate it could hit at least $40 by 2025.

自 2023 年 10 月 31 日推出以来,TIA 已上涨近 1000% (983%),从 1.88 美元涨至 20.37 美元。此外,预测表明到 2025 年它的价格可能至少达到 40 美元。

For the latest updates and more information about Rebel Satoshi, visit the official Rebel Satoshi Presale Website or contact Rebel Red via Telegram.

有关 Rebel Satoshi 的最新更新和更多信息,请访问 Rebel Satoshi 官方预售网站或通过 Telegram 联系 Rebel Red。



Source: https://thebittimes.com/rebel-satoshi-a-few-weeks-from-launch-dogecoin-and-celestia-struggle-to-maintain-surge-tbt78086.html



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