首页 > 资讯新闻 > ETF 热潮减弱导致比特币、以太坊和狗狗币下跌,但 InQubeta 持续飙升

Reduced ETF Buzz Leads to Drop in Bitcoin, Ethereum and Dogecoin but InQubeta Keeps Soaring

ETF 热潮减弱导致比特币、以太坊和狗狗币下跌,但 InQubeta 持续飙升

发布: 2024/01/31 06:22 阅读: 676



The Bitcoin (BTC) spot exchange-traded funds were rolled out on January 10 after a long-drawn debate over the regulatory challenges for ETFs. However, these financial instruments trumped expectations and posted record returns. 

在对 ETF 的监管挑战进行了长期争论后,比特币 (BTC) 现货交易所交易基金于 1 月 10 日推出。然而,这些金融工具超出了预期并创下了创纪录的回报。

However, as market trends show, they are finally coming down from record highs. According to analysts, the declining trend has had a direct impact on not only Bitcoin but also leading altcoins like Ethereum (ETH) and Dogecoin (DOGE). In recent days it has risen again, but the road ahead is likely to be rocky.


Despite the market volatility, one crypto drawing attention thanks to its stellar growth was InQubeta (QUBE). The platform assists startups in finding investors for AI-led projects and it has been making waves with its presale success. 

尽管市场波动较大,但 InQubeta (QUBE) 凭借其出色的增长而引起了人们的关注。该平台帮助初创公司为人工智能主导的项目寻找投资者,并因其预售的成功而引起轰动。

InQubeta: Showing AI startups the way to success

InQubeta is a blockchain-powered service rolled out for startups tapping into the potential of AI. Using Ethereum’s capabilities, the platform can lead these budding enterprises to become financially empowered. 

InQubeta:向人工智能初创公司展示成功之道InQubeta 是一项区块链驱动的服务,专为挖掘人工智能潜力的初创公司推出。利用以太坊的功能,该平台可以引导这些新兴企业获得财务授权。

Its native cryptocurrency, the QUBE token, is used for settling payments and giving out incentives. With features like a deflationary mechanism, it’s one token that will end your concerns about what cryptos to buy now.

其原生加密货币 QUBE 代币用于结算付款和发放激励。凭借通货紧缩机制等功能,它是一种代币,可以让您不再担心现在要购买什么加密货币。

The platform has created a clear investment model for startups and investors to interact through the sale of NFTs. The NFTs are minted from the offers submitted by startups where all details of the project are mentioned. These tokenized assets can be bought in parts or as a whole with QUBE tokens.

该平台为初创企业和投资者通过出售 NFT 进行互动创建了清晰的投资模式。 NFT 是根据初创公司提交的报价铸造的,其中提到了项目的所有细节。这些代币化资产可以使用 QUBE 代币部分或整体购买。

After securing funding, startups go ahead and grow their business. However, if they encounter a challenge they can explore InQubeta’s business development services for help. 

获得资金后,初创公司将继续发展业务。然而,如果他们遇到挑战,他们可以探索 InQubeta 的业务开发服务来寻求帮助。

QUBE has received a lot of praise for its innovative utilities and passive income generation ability. InQubeta’s popularity has prompted many experts to include it in their best cryptocurrency ICO lists for 2024. Its ICO has so far raised over $8.5 million.

QUBE 因其创新的公用事业和被动创收能力而受到广泛赞誉。 InQubeta 的受欢迎程度促使许多专家将其列入 2024 年最佳加密货币 ICO 名单。迄今为止,其 ICO 已筹集超过 850 万美元。

BlackRock Bitcoin ETF crosses $2 billion in AUM

Bitcoin is a globally used cryptocurrency that can be used for making quicker online transactions. The blockchain confirms all transactions conducted with its native token BTC using the proof-of-work protocol.

贝莱德比特币 ETF 的 AUM 突破 20 亿美元比特币是一种全球使用的加密货币,可用于进行更快的在线交易。区块链使用工作量证明协议确认使用其原生代币 BTC 进行的所有交易。

Its popularity surged due to the excitement around Bitcoin ETFs, especially after the SEC approved their rollout in the US. These ETFs clocked significant investor inflows. In fact, BlackRock iShares Bitcoin ETF even crossed $2 billion in assets under its management. BlackRock was among the 11 entities whose ETFs debuted in the US markets on January 10.

由于比特币 ETF 的热度,其受欢迎程度飙升,尤其是在 SEC 批准在美国推出之后。这些 ETF 吸引了大量投资者流入。事实上,BlackRock iShares 比特币 ETF 管理的资产甚至超过了 20 亿美元。贝莱德是 1 月 10 日在美国市场首次推出 ETF 的 11 家实体之一。

However, as the buzz around Bitcoin ETFs fades, Bitcon’s price has also been impacted. Analysts claim that the negative price action might be due to concerns about the legal aspects of the BTC ETF. It has since picked up again, but there is likely to be volatility ahead.

然而,随着比特币 ETF 的热潮消退,Bitcon 的价格也受到了影响。分析师称,负面价格走势可能是由于对 BTC ETF 法律方面的担忧。此后它再次回升,但未来可能会出现波动。

Developer launches 90s video game on Dogecoin

Dogecoin is among the most popular meme coins and is based on a Japanese dog breed. Its native token is DOGE, and the Dogecoin team has created a separate token called BONE for governance. 

开发商在狗狗币上推出 90 年代视频游戏狗狗币是最受欢迎的模因硬币之一,以日本狗品种为基础。它的原生代币是 DOGE,Dogecoin 团队创建了一个名为 BONE 的独立代币用于治理。

The Dogecoin price has been reeling under the overall impact of the volatility caused by Bitcoin ETFs, but it still has its share of fans. 


In a recent development, the video game ‘Doom’ was launched on the Dogecoin blockchain. The move was the brainchild of a developer called ‘Mini Doge’ and he launched the 1993 game with inscriptions.

在最近的开发中,视频游戏“毁灭战士”在狗狗币区块链上推出。这一举措是一位名为“Mini Doge”的开发者的创意,他于 1993 年推出了带有铭文的游戏。

Ethereum developers set Feb 7 deadline for the final Holesky upgrade

Considered one of the best cryptocurrencies to buy in 2024, Ethereum is a blockchain technology that can be applied to create a wide range of solutions. It can power DeFi solutions like cryptocurrencies, NFTs, blockchains, and dApps. Its native cryptocurrency is ETH. 

以太坊开发者为 Holesky 最终升级设定了 2 月 7 日的最后期限。以太坊被认为是 2024 年最值得购买的加密货币之一,它是一种区块链技术,可用于创建广泛的解决方案。它可以为加密货币、NFT、区块链和 dApp 等 DeFi 解决方案提供支持。它的原生加密货币是 ETH。

Although Ethereum has suffered due to the reduced interest in Bitcoin ETFs, analysts expect the token to pull through over time.

尽管以太坊因比特币 ETF 兴趣下降而遭受损失,但分析师预计该代币将随着时间的推移而渡过难关。

The Ethereum network has been in the news recently because of its upcoming Dencun upgrade which will activate its ‘proto-danksharding’ feature. The upgrade will reduce transaction costs on Layer 2 networks and boost the availability of cheaper on-chain data. 

以太坊网络最近因其即将推出的 Dencun 升级而成为新闻焦点,该升级将激活其“proto-danksharding”功能。此次升级将降低第 2 层网络的交易成本,并提高更便宜的链上数据的可用性。

According to reports, Ethereum’s team of developers has set a February 7 deadline for giving final touches to its Holesky network. 

据报道,以太坊的开发团队已设定 2 月 7 日为对其 Holesky 网络进行最后修改的最后期限。


With the crypto sector starting 2024 on a cheerful note, all eyes are on the altcoins to watch out for. For analysts, InQubeta, Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Dogecoin are coins that will trend and might post record rallies soon. 

结论随着 2024 年加密货币行业的乐观开局,所有人的目光都集中在值得关注的山寨币上。对于分析师来说,InQubeta、比特币、以太坊和狗狗币都是具有趋势性的代币,并且可能很快就会创下创纪录的反弹。

The optimism can be accredited to these tokens’ consistent and robust growth. Backed by great utilities and high growth potential, these tokens can expand the reach of the crypto sector while enabling more people to explore the opportunities they represent.


Visit InQubeta Presale

访问 InQubeta 预售


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