首页 > 资讯新闻 > 我们是否会通过狗狗币和 GameStop 表情包重温比特币 2021 年 11 月的欣快感?

Are We Reliving Bitcoin’s Nov. 2021 Euphoria With Dogecoin And GameStop Memes?

我们是否会通过狗狗币和 GameStop 表情包重温比特币 2021 年 11 月的欣快感?

发布: 2023/11/26 06:01 阅读: 842

原文作者:The Coin Republic


The cryptocurrency industry is once again humming with enthusiasm as the Crypto Fear & Greed Index returns to levels reminiscent of the crypto market’s euphoric peak in November 2021. Bitcoin (BTC), the crypto world’s poster child, is presently worth an astonishing $34,154. This rebound in market mood transports us back to mid-November 2021 when Bitcoin’s price reached an all-time high of $69,000. But what’s driving this revival, and what chances do coins like Dogecoin (DOGE) and GameStop Memes (GSM) provide for crypto enthusiasts? Let’s take a look at the intriguing world of cryptocurrency and meme tokens.

随着加密货币恐惧与贪婪指数恢复到让人想起 2021 年 11 月加密货币市场欣快峰值的水平,加密货币行业再次充满热情。加密货币世界的典型代表比特币 (BTC) 目前的价值高达 34,154 美元。市场情绪的反弹让我们回到了 2021 年 11 月中旬,当时比特币的价格达到了 69,000 美元的历史新高。但是什么推动了这种复兴,狗狗币 (DOGE) 和 GameStop Memes (GSM) 等加密货币为加密货币爱好者提供了哪些机会?让我们来看看加密货币和模因代币的有趣世界。

Bitcoin’s Resurgence


According to the Crypto Fear & Greed Index, Bitcoin’s astounding jump from its October 24 score represents a significant six-point increase and a spectacular 16-point leap from its October 18 “neutral” attitude. What is driving this revival? It’s the excitement and anticipation around the prospective approval of a spot Bitcoin exchange-traded fund (ETF) by the US Securities and Exchange Commission, with a focus on BlackRock’s involvement.

根据加密货币恐惧与贪婪指数,比特币自 10 月 24 日得分以来的惊人跃升代表着 6 点的显着增长,以及自 10 月 18 日“中立”态度的惊人飞跃 16 点。是什么推动了这种复兴?人们对美国证券交易委员会预期批准现货比特币交易所交易基金(ETF)感到兴奋和期待,其中贝莱德的参与是重点。

Bitcoin staged its most major single-day rise in over a year on October 24, reaching an astounding 14% daily gain and momentarily exceeding the $35,000 milestone. This uptick in market sentiment hasn’t been observed since November 14, 2021, only four days after Bitcoin hit an all-time high of $69,044. The Crypto Fear & Greed Index methodically compiles data from multiple market performance indicators to create a daily attitude score, and the present score suggests that the crypto community is optimistic. The current climate is favorable for new ventures such as GameStop Memes, which have the potential to rise and leave Wall Street Memes in the dust.

10 月 24 日,比特币出现了一年多来最大幅度的单日涨幅,日涨幅达到惊人的 14%,并一度突破 35,000 美元的里程碑。自 2021 年 11 月 14 日以来,市场情绪从未出现过这种回升,距离比特币触及 69,044 美元的历史高点仅四天。加密货币恐惧与贪婪指数有条不紊地汇集了多个市场表现指标的数据,以创建每日态度得分,目前的得分表明加密货币社区是乐观的。当前的环境有利于 GameStop Memes 等新企业,它们有潜力崛起,让华尔街 Memes 望尘莫及。

Dogecoin’s Impressive 29% Rally

狗狗币令人印象深刻的 29% 反弹

While Bitcoin is the center of attention, Dogecoin has been quietly making waves in the cryptocurrency industry. DOGE has increased by 29% in the last week, and its current price is $0.0708. This spike cements its place as one of the highest-performing currencies in the top ten by market capitalization.

虽然比特币是人们关注的焦点,但狗狗币却在加密货币行业悄然掀起波澜。 DOGE上周上涨了29%,目前价格为0.0708美元。这一飙升巩固了其作为市值前十名中表现最好的货币之一的地位。

Some have questioned the long-term viability of DOGE’s recent advances. However, Rekt Capital, a famous analyst, feels that this might be a “moment of truth” for the meme-inspired cryptocurrency. DOGE’s price increases are attracting additional capital inflows as a result of FOMO, and a weekly close above $0.07163 might herald a significant breakthrough.

一些人质疑 DOGE 近期进展的长期可行性。然而,著名分析师 Rekt Capital 认为,这可能是这种受模因启发的加密货币的“关键时刻”。由于 FOMO,DOGE 的价格上涨正在吸引更多资本流入,周收盘价高于 0.07163 美元可能预示着重大突破。

The current surge in DOGE is notable since it occurred without the influence of Elon Musk, who has been a strong backer of the coin. Does this imply that Musk is exploring additional prospective cryptocurrencies, such as GameStop Memes, which was inspired by Wall Street Memes?

DOGE 目前的飙升引人注目,因为它是在没有埃隆·马斯克的影响下发生的,而埃隆·马斯克一直是该货币的坚定支持者。这是否意味着马斯克正在探索其他有前景的加密货币,例如受华尔街 Memes 启发的 GameStop Memes?

GameStop Memes’ Strength

GameStop Memes 的实力

The growth of GameStop Memes has been a unique phenomenon in the cryptocurrency world. This token depicts the triumph of Wall Street Memes in the crypto realm, as well as its link to GameStop’s financial confrontation in early 2021, a moment that signaled a shift in the financial landscape and blossomed into a financial revolution.

GameStop Memes 的增长是加密货币世界中的独特现象。该代币描绘了华尔街模因在加密货币领域的胜利,以及它与 GameStop 在 2021 年初的金融对抗的联系,这一时刻标志着金融格局的转变并发展成为一场金融革命。

The GameStop Memes token was developed as an homage to this momentous occasion, embracing the spirit of defiance, unity, and memes. It stands as a testament to retail traders’ combined power and the potential for community-driven initiatives to disrupt the existing financial system.

GameStop Memes 代币的开发是为了向这一重要时刻致敬,体现了反抗、团结和 meme 的精神。它证明了零售交易者的综合力量以及社区驱动的举措颠覆现有金融体系的潜力。

The goal of GameStop Memes focuses upon opposition to traditional structures, worldwide unification, empowerment via education, and the celebration of the clash between online memes and Wall Street. It aims to make finance more inclusive, fun, and accessible to everyone.

GameStop Memes 的目标侧重于反对传统结构、全球统一、通过教育赋权以及庆祝在线 meme 与华尔街之间的冲突。它的目标是让金融变得更加包容、有趣,并且让每个人都可以使用。

GameStop Memes distinguishes out in the cryptocurrency industry by paying respect to the GameStop tale, stressing a community-driven approach, maintaining secure and transparent operations, and introducing new tokenomics features such as auto-liquidity and token redistribution. It is a ray of hope in the world of meme tokens, combining historical relevance, community interaction, security, and forward-thinking initiatives.

GameStop Memes 在加密货币行业中脱颖而出,因为它尊重 GameStop 的故事,强调社区驱动的方法,保持安全和透明的运营,并引入新的代币经济学功能,例如自动流动性和代币重新分配。它是模因代币世界的一线希望,结合了历史相关性、社区互动、安全性和前瞻性举措。

The Last Bite


The crypto market is once again riding high on the Crypto Fear & Greed Index, with Bitcoin and Dogecoin leading the charge. Meanwhile, GameStop Memes offers a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to be a part of a movement that challenges the old financial order and believes in the power of memes and community-driven projects.

加密货币市场再次在加密货币恐惧与贪婪指数上走高,其中比特币和狗狗币处于领先地位。与此同时,GameStop Memes 提供了千载难逢的机会,让您成为挑战旧金融秩序并相信 meme 和社区驱动项目力量的运动的一部分。

GameStop Memes


Website: https://gamestopmemes.com 


Twitter: https://twitter.com/GameStopMemes 


Telegram: https://t.me/GameStopMemes 


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