首页 > 资讯新闻 > 驾驭下一波加密货币浪潮:Pomerdoge (POMD)、Toncoin (TON) 和 Solana (SOL) 占据主导地位

Riding the Next Crypto Wave: Pomerdoge (POMD), Toncoin (TON), and Solana (SOL) Stake Their Claim

驾驭下一波加密货币浪潮:Pomerdoge (POMD)、Toncoin (TON) 和 Solana (SOL) 占据主导地位

发布: 2023/09/28 22:08 阅读: 662



Among the next wave of cryptos are Pomerdoge (POMD), Toncoin (TON), and Solana (SOL). Particularly noteworthy is Pomerdoge, a promising entrant currently in its presale phase. This article aims to delve into the potential these three contenders bring to the table, particularly emphasizing the opportunities presented by the Pomerdoge presale.

下一波加密货币包括 Pomerdoge (POMD)、Toncoin (TON) 和 Solana (SOL)。特别值得注意的是 Pomerdoge,这是一个目前正处于预售阶段的有前途的进入者。本文旨在深入探讨这三位竞争者带来的潜力,特别强调波默多奇预售带来的机会。

  Click Here To Find Out More About The Pomerdoge (POMD) Presale

单击此处了解有关 Pomerdoge (POMD) 预售的更多信息

Pomerdoge (POMD): Revolutionizing the Memecoin Market

Pomerdoge (POMD):彻底改变 Memecoin 市场

The Play-to-Earn (P2E) trend in the crypto industry has emerged as an exciting frontier, attracting both experienced and new investors. Pomerdoge is an exceptional example in this landscape, generating significant attention for its innovative approach to revolutionizing the memecoin market.

加密货币行业的 Play-to-Earn (P2E) 趋势已成为一个令人兴奋的前沿领域,吸引了经验丰富的投资者和新投资者。 Pomerdoge 是这一领域的一个特殊例子,因其彻底改变 memecoin 市场的创新方法而引起了广泛关注。

While Dogecoin has established its dominance in the memecoin space, Pomerdoge is carving out its own distinctive path. Beyond its adorable Pomeranian face, it is not just a mere imitation of a memecoin. Instead, it seamlessly combines the appeal of memes with tangible innovation and value.

虽然狗狗币已经在模因币领域确立了主导地位,但 Pomerdoge 正在开辟自己独特的道路。除了可爱的博美犬脸之外,它不仅仅是模因币的模仿。相反,它将模因的吸引力与有形的创新和价值无缝地结合在一起。

Pomerdoge is a P2E gaming ecosystem designed to offer gamers an immersive experience while empowering them to earn tangible rewards for their efforts. The universe is comprehensive, and POMD tokens are crucial in the project’s financial framework.

Pomerdoge 是一个 P2E 游戏生态系统,旨在为游戏玩家提供身临其境的体验,同时使他们能够通过自己的努力获得切实的回报。宇宙是全面的,POMD 代币在项目的财务框架中至关重要。

Adding depth to its domain is the “Pomerplace” — a dedicated in-game bazaar that streamlines asset transactions and boasts an eclectic mix of Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs). Here, players can both indulge in gameplay and tap into economic avenues.


During phase 3, POMD tokens are pegged at $0.0165, representing a 135% increase from the presale initiation price of $0.070. Early participation may be promising due to the expected upward price trajectory.

在第 3 阶段,POMD 代币的价格为 0.0165 美元,比预售启动价格 0.070 美元上涨了 135%。由于预期价格上涨轨迹,早期参与可能会有希望。

The experts are touting Pomerdoge as a game-changer in the world of memecoins. Its unique blend of entertainment, robust rewards, and innovative features has led to speculation of a 30x increase in POMD’s value.

专家们将 Pomerdoge 吹捧为模因币世界的游戏规则改变者。其独特的娱乐性、丰厚的奖励和创新功能融合在一起,引发了人们对 POMD 价值增长 30 倍的猜测。

Toncoin (TON): The Telegram-Driven Uptrend

Toncoin (TON):电报驱动的上升趋势

Initially introduced 2018 as a promising layer 1 blockchain, Toncoin’s trajectory experienced a pivotal shift when Telegram withdrew and FreeTON assumed control in 2020. This change spurred a significant value augmentation, catapulting it from $0.75 to a notable $2.80 before retracting to $1.20.

Toncoin 最初于 2018 年作为一种有前途的 Layer 1 区块链推出,但当 Telegram 退出、FreeTON 在 2020 年取得控制权时,Toncoin 的发展轨迹经历了关键转变。这一变化刺激了价值的显着增长,从 0.75 美元飙升至 2.80 美元,然后又回落至 1.20 美元。

The preceding weeks have observed a revitalization of a bullish perspective, escalating Toncoin from $1.26 to a zenith of $2.60 within a month. Although Toncoin has experienced a slight depreciation to $2.48, the optimistic outlook persists.

过去几周,看涨观点重新焕发活力,Toncoin 在一个月内从 1.26 美元升至 2.60 美元的顶峰。尽管Toncoin小幅贬值至2.48美元,但乐观的前景依然存在。

The elucidation is encapsulated in the newly introduced Telegram crypto wallet, which has turned Telegram into a viable platform for cryptocurrency exchanges and transfers. Multiple trading bots, like Unibot, are now available on Telegram, coalescing its significance as a communication service and crypto exchange platform.

这一说明被封装在新推出的 Telegram 加密钱包中,该钱包已将 Telegram 变成了一个可行的加密货币交换和转移平台。 Telegram 上现在可以使用 Unibot 等多种交易机器人,这将其作为通信服务和加密货币交易平台的重要性结合在一起。

The Open Network offers a myriad of functionalities, encompassing TON Storage, TON Proxy—a decentralized VPN service—and the TON naming system. This utility has resulted in Toncoin becoming the 10th-largest coin by market cap.

开放网络提供多种功能,包括 TON 存储、TON 代理(一种去中心化 VPN 服务)和 TON 命名系统。这种效用使 Toncoin 成为按市值计算第十大货币。

Analysts analyzing technical charts have identified a resistance level for Toncoin between $2.50 and $2.60. This region has consistently presented significant resistance since 2022, requiring a breakthrough to propel Toncoin towards the $3.50 mark.

分析技术图表的分析师发现 Toncoin 的阻力位在 2.50 美元至 2.60 美元之间。自 2022 年以来,该区域一直存在重大阻力,需要突破才能将 Toncoin 推向 3.50 美元大关。

Solana (SOL)’s DeFi Trajectory: Primed for the 2024 Boom

Solana (SOL) 的 DeFi 轨迹:为 2024 年的繁荣做好准备

From a modest $8 to an impressive $32, Solana’s 2023 rise captured global crypto attention. This elevation of Solana can be traced back to its resilience against the prolonged bearish trend of 2022. Significantly, a breakout from a downward trending triangle ignited this rally, triggering a widespread market FOMO.

从适度的 8 美元到令人印象深刻的 32 美元,Solana 在 2023 年的上涨吸引了全球加密货币的关注。 Solana 的上涨可以追溯到其对 2022 年长期看跌趋势的抵抗力。值得注意的是,向下趋势三角形的突破引发了这次反弹,引发了广泛的市场 FOMO。

Despite a notable rebound, Solana has been unable to surpass the $32 barrier. Currently trading at $19.39, Solana is at a crucial support level after experiencing a sharp decline over the past month. However, many Solana supporters remain optimistic and are buying more of the token in hopes of reaching a new all-time high.

尽管出现显着反弹,Solana 仍无法突破 32 美元的关口。 Solana 目前的交易价格为 19.39 美元,在经历了过去一个月的大幅下跌后,目前处于关键支撑位。然而,许多 Solana 支持者仍然乐观,并正在购买更多代币,希望达到新的历史高点。

Fueling this optimism is a near 50% surge in Solana’s TVL from $210 million in January to $311 million today. Solana is carving its niche as the go-to DeFi 2.0 hub, with several significant projects queued for imminent launch, including Kamino, Parcl, and Marinade.

Solana 的 TVL 从 1 月份的 2.1 亿美元增加到今天的 3.11 亿美元,增长了近 50%,这进一步推动了这种乐观情绪。 Solana 正在努力成为首选 DeFi 2.0 中心,有几个重要项目等待即将推出,包括 Kamino、Parcl 和 Marinade。

Analysts note that the future price trajectory depends on surpassing the $32 resistance. However, with the DeFi sphere primed to boom in 2024, Solana might be well-positioned to take advantage of this incoming wave and establish a long-term foothold.

分析师指出,未来的价格轨迹取决于能否突破 32 美元阻力位。然而,随着 DeFi 领域即将在 2024 年蓬勃发展,Solana 可能处于有利位置,可以利用这一即将到来的浪潮并建立长期立足点。

Find out more about the Pomerdoge (POMD) Presale Today

了解有关 Pomerdoge (POMD) 今日预售的更多信息

Website: https://pomerdoge.com/ 


Telegram Community: https://t.me/pomerdoge 



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