首页 > 资讯新闻 > Ripple 的斯图尔特·阿尔德罗蒂 (Stuart Alderoty) 声称 SEC 输掉了法律诉讼;实体 DOGE、BTC 今年将前往月球,Shibarium 迎来新的采用...

Ripple's Stuart Alderoty Claims SEC Losing Legal Battles; Physical DOGE, BTC to Head to Actual Moon This Year, Shibarium Hits New Adoption M...

Ripple 的斯图尔特·阿尔德罗蒂 (Stuart Alderoty) 声称 SEC 输掉了法律诉讼;实体 DOGE、BTC 今年将前往月球,Shibarium 迎来新的采用...

发布: 2023/11/18 01:11 阅读: 699



Don't miss anything happening in the world of crypto with U.Today's top three news stories over the past day.


Ripple 总法律顾问声称 SEC 输掉了法律诉讼

In a recent X post, Stuart Alderoty, chief legal officer at Ripple, has severely criticized the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and its chair, Gary Gensler. Without mincing words, Alderoty wrote that the regulating agency is losing its legal battles and is also being criticized by judges for "shady behavior." Indeed, the SEC has not been very fortunate in many major cases this year: it lost the Govil case, and also emerged defeated in the case against Grayscale concerning Bitcoin ETF application. Last, but not least, the SEC's loss in its legal battle against Ripple after Judge Torres decided that XRP was not a security in and of itself. As previously reported by U.Today, the case is now in the phase of the remedies discovery process, with the judge having already scheduled it.

在最近的 X 帖子中,Ripple 首席法律官 Stuart Alderoty 严厉批评了美国证券交易委员会 (SEC) 及其主席 Gary Gensler。阿尔德罗蒂毫不拐弯抹角地写道,监管机构正在输掉法律诉讼,并且还因“不正当行为”而受到法官的批评。确实,SEC今年在很多重大案件中都不太走运:Govil案败诉,比特币ETF申请灰度案也败诉。最后但并非最不重要的一点是,在托雷斯法官判定 XRP 本身不是证券之后,美国证券交易委员会 (SEC) 在针对 Ripple 的法律诉讼中失败了。据《今日美国》此前报道,该案目前正处于补救措施发现阶段,法官已经安排了审理时间。

Physical DOGE, BTC, Bitcoin Genesis plate to head to moon on Dec. 23 this year

实物 DOGE、BTC、Bitcoin Genesis 盘将于今年 12 月 23 日前往月球

Yesterday, Nov. 16, Dogecoin's official X handle provided an update on the "Dogecoin On The Moon" initiative. According to the announcement, a physical Dogecoin is expected to be delivered to the moon two days prior to Christmas, Dec. 23, 2023. The meme coin will be sent in the DHL Moonbox with ULA's Vulcan Centaur Rocket. The initiative has finally turned into reality thanks to Dogecoin teaming up with Astrobotic, a space company that delivers various cargo to the moon for governments, corporations and those individuals who can afford it. However, DOGE is not the only crypto that will take part in the space journey. The payloads will also carry "Lunar Bitcoin" for BitMEX exchange and "Bitcoin Genesis Plate,"which includes a copy of the Genesis Block, the first mined block of Bitcoin.

昨天,即 11 月 16 日,狗狗币的官方 X 账号提供了“狗狗币在月球”计划的最新信息。根据该公告,实体狗狗币预计将于 2023 年 12 月 23 日圣诞节前两天运送到月球。模因币将通过 ULA 的火神半人马火箭通过 DHL Moonbox 发送。由于狗狗币与 Astrobotic 合作,该倡议最终变成了现实,Astrobotic 是一家太空公司,为政府、企业和有能力的个人运送各种货物到月球。然而,DOGE 并不是唯一参与太空之旅的加密货币。有效负载还将携带用于 BitMEX 交易所的“月球比特币”和“比特币创世板”,其中包括创世块的副本,这是第一个开采的比特币块。

New Shibarium adoption milestone celebrated by SHIB team

SHIB 团队庆祝新的 Shibarium 采用里程碑

Shibarium, the Layer-2 blockchain by the Shiba Inu project, has recently been integrated by Atomic Wallet, a decentralized and anonymous cryptocurrency wallet for holding various cryptos. From now on, five million users of the wallet can interact with the network and its native coins, SHIB, BONE and LEASH. This act of Shibarium adoption has not been left unnoticed by Shiba Inu team members. Lucie, Shiba ecosystem official, as well as RagnarShiba, admin of the Shibarium Tech Telegram channel, have spread the word about this crucial milestone across the X platform. Meanwhile, over the past two days, Shibarium's native crypto, SHIB, has shown 13.41% growth. Currently, SHIB is changing hands at $0.000008551.

Shibarium 是 Shiba Inu 项目的第 2 层区块链,最近已被 Atomic Wallet 集成,Atomic Wallet 是一个用于保存各种加密货币的去中心化匿名加密货币钱包。从现在开始,钱包的 500 万用户可以与网络及其原生代币 SHIB、BONE 和 LEASH 进行交互。这种收养柴犬的行为并没有被柴犬团队成员忽视。 Shiba 生态系统官员 Lucie 以及 Shibarium Tech Telegram 频道管理员 RagnarShiba 在 X 平台上宣传了这一重要里程碑。与此同时,在过去的两天里,Shibarium 的原生加密货币 SHIB 出现了 13.41% 的增长。目前,SHIB 易手价格为 0.000008551 美元。


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