首页 > 资讯新闻 > 市场分析师警告称,Robinhood 持有的狗狗币存在高集中度风险

Robinhood’s Dogecoin Holdings Signal High Concentration Risk, Market Analyst Warns

市场分析师警告称,Robinhood 持有的狗狗币存在高集中度风险

发布: 2024/06/18 13:43 阅读: 988



Robinhood's Dogecoin Dominance Raises Concerns

Robinhood 的狗狗币主导地位引发担忧

Robinhood's prominence in the cryptocurrency industry stems from its early embrace of meme coin trading, notably Dogecoin, during the 2021 boom. The platform has since become a major hub for meme coin trading, with its Dogecoin holdings reaching levels that have raised concerns among analysts.

Robinhood 在加密货币行业的突出地位源于其在 2021 年繁荣时期早期接受模因币交易,尤其是狗狗币。此后,该平台已成为模因币交易的主要中心,其狗狗币持有量达到了引起分析师担忧的水平。

Dogecoin Holdings Rivaling Bitcoin


In a recent Twitter post, IO Fund researcher Beth Kindig revealed that Robinhood's concentration of Dogecoin holdings is unusually high. This concentration has coincided with decreased volatility and trading volumes for Dogecoin overall.

在最近的 Twitter 帖子中,IO 基金研究员 Beth Kindig 透露,Robinhood 持有的狗狗币集中度异常高。这种集中度与狗狗币整体波动性和交易量的下降相一致。

IO Fund's market analyst further noted that Dogecoin accounted for 62% of the total crypto transaction volume on Robinhood. Crypto transactions, in turn, represent 38% of Robinhood's total transaction revenue, indicating Dogecoin's significant contribution.

IO Fund 的市场分析师进一步指出,狗狗币占 Robinhood 加密货币交易总量的 62%。加密货币交易则占 Robinhood 总交易收入的 38%,表明狗狗币的贡献巨大。

Surging DOGE Volume


Robinhood has also witnessed a notable increase in Dogecoin transaction volume, outpacing other crypto assets on the platform. Dogecoin has seen a 122% quarter-over-quarter increase in customer balances, while Bitcoin, the largest cryptocurrency by market cap, has seen a more modest 68% increase.

Robinhood 的狗狗币交易量也显着增加,超过了平台上的其他加密资产。狗狗币的客户余额环比增长了 122%,而市值最大的加密货币比特币的增长则较为温和,为 68%。

Long-Term Viability Concerns


IO Fund questions the sustainability of Robinhood's business model given its heavy reliance on Dogecoin trading. With crypto trading volumes declining, it remains to be seen whether Robinhood can maintain its transaction revenue growth.

鉴于 Robinhood 严重依赖狗狗币交易,IO Fund 质疑 Robinhood 商业模式的可持续性。随着加密货币交易量下降,Robinhood 能否保持交易收入增长仍有待观察。

Additionally, uncertainties surrounding the regulatory status of certain tokens listed on Robinhood, including Dogecoin, pose potential risks. If the SEC deems Dogecoin to be a security, Robinhood may be required to halt trading, which could significantly impact its revenue.

此外,Robinhood 上列出的某些代币(包括狗狗币)监管状况的不确定性也会带来潜在风险。如果 SEC 认为狗狗币是一种证券,Robinhood 可能会被要求停止交易,这可能会严重影响其收入。

Impact of Market Correlation


However, Robinhood's Dogecoin revenue could continue if Dogecoin's open market volume remains high, as correlation remains strong. IO Fund noted that Dogecoin's recent surge has correlated with increased volumes and transaction revenues for Robinhood in Q1, but this has led to declining trading volumes and transaction revenue in Q2.

然而,如果狗狗币的公开市场交易量保持高位,Robinhood 的狗狗币收入可能会继续,因为相关性仍然很强。 IO Fund 指出,狗狗币最近的飙升与 Robinhood 第一季度交易量和交易收入的增加有关,但这导致第二季度交易量和交易收入下降。


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