首页 > 资讯新闻 > Sealana 空投将于 7 月 2 日举行——发布前购买 SEAL 代币的最后机会

Sealana Airdrop Set for July 2 – Last Chance to Buy SEAL Tokens Before Launch

Sealana 空投将于 7 月 2 日举行——发布前购买 SEAL 代币的最后机会

发布: 2024/06/29 00:02 阅读: 670



Sealana 空投将于 7 月 2 日举行——发布前购买 SEAL 代币的最后机会

Sealana: The Anticipated Debut


Brace yourself for the highly anticipated launch of Sealana (SEAL) on July 2.

敬请期待 7 月 2 日备受期待的 Sealana (SEAL) 的发布。

After securing over $6 million in presale, Sealana's team prepares to airdrop tokens to early investors. However, before this meme coin hits the open market, enthusiasts have a final opportunity to secure SEAL at a fixed price.

在获得超过 600 万美元的预售后,Sealana 的团队准备向早期投资者空投代币。然而,在这款模因币进入公开市场之前,爱好者们有最后的机会以固定价格获得 SEAL。

Countdown to Sealana's Launch and Airdrop

Sealana 发布和空投倒计时

Sealana's official launch date is July 2, 1pm UTC, when SEAL tokens will be distributed to investors.

Sealana 的正式发布日期为世界标准时间 7 月 2 日下午 1 点,届时 SEAL 代币将分发给投资者。

Presale Extension and Airdrop Sales


Despite the technical closure of the presale, Sealana's team has extended the opportunity to participate. The presale will now continue until July 1, 1pm UTC.

尽管预售在技术上已经结束,Sealana 的团队还是延长了参与的机会。预售将持续到 UTC 时间 7 月 1 日下午 1 点。

Following the presale, a 24-hour "airdrop sales" period will commence. Those who participate during this time will be included in the airdrop but will receive their tokens after the initial distribution.


DEX Listing


SEAL will be launched on a Solana-based decentralized exchange (DEX), though the specific platform remains undisclosed.

SEAL 将在基于 Solana 的去中心化交易所 (DEX) 上推出,但具体平台尚未公开。

Hype and Community Engagement


Sealana has garnered significant interest, with over 13,000 Twitter followers and 19,700 active members in its Telegram channel.

Sealana 引起了极大的兴趣,在 Twitter 上拥有超过 13,000 名关注者,其 Telegram 频道有 19,700 名活跃会员。

Sealana's Appeal: A Degen's Delight

Sealana 的魅力:Degen 的喜悦

Sealana's charm lies in its quirky appeal, featuring a chubby seal as a mascot and embracing a "degen" culture with no whitepaper or tokenomics. This approach has resonated with investors who value raw excitement over complex structures.

Sealana 的魅力在于其奇特的吸引力,以胖乎乎的海豹为吉祥物,并拥抱一种没有白皮书或代币经济学的“degen”文化。这种方法引起了那些重视原始兴奋而非复杂结构的投资者的共鸣。

YouTuber Support

YouTuber 支持

Sealana has gained support from notable YouTubers, including Matthew Perry and Zach Humphries, who have highlighted its potential as a "gem" and a possible "moonshot."

Sealana 获得了 Matthew Perry 和 Zach Humphries 等知名 YouTube 用户的支持,他们强调了其作为“宝石”和可能的“登月计划”的潜力。

Solana's Meme Coin Momentum

Solana 的 Meme 币势头

The surging interest in Solana meme coins provides a promising backdrop for Sealana. Coins like BONK and WIF have experienced exponential growth, demonstrating the demand for such assets.

人们对 Solana meme 币的兴趣高涨,为 Sealana 提供了一个充满希望的背景。 BONK 和 WIF 等代币经历了指数级增长,表明了对此类资产的需求。



With its unique blend of humor, patriotism, and YouTuber backing, Sealana is poised to make a splash in the Solana meme coin space. As the airdrop approaches on July 2, the market anticipates Sealana's ability to maintain its momentum and join the ranks of successful meme coins.

凭借其独特的幽默、爱国主义和 YouTuber 支持的融合,Sealana 有望在 Solana 模因币领域引起轰动。随着 7 月 2 日空投临近,市场预计 Sealana 能够保持势头并加入成功的模因币行列。


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