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与 Meme 币一样令人兴奋,区块链 Solana 成为主要家园

发布: 2024/06/14 19:02 阅读: 700



与 Meme 币一样令人兴奋,区块链 Solana 成为主要家园

The Rise of Meme Coins: Solana Dominates, Ethereum Remains a Major Player

Meme 币的崛起:Solana 占主导地位,以太坊仍然是主要参与者

Amidst the surge in meme coins in 2024, the Solana blockchain has emerged as the primary home for a significant portion of these meme-based cryptocurrencies.

随着 2024 年 meme 币的激增,Solana 区块链已成为这些基于 meme 的加密货币的主要所在地。

Meme Coins: A Cultural Phenomenon


Meme coins are cryptocurrencies created or issued on blockchains that draw inspiration from popular internet memes or humorous concepts. They represent or tokenize viral ideas, often featuring humorous or satirical themes.


Unlike conventional cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin (BTC) and Ethereum (ETH), which are known for their technological innovations, meme coins typically lack intrinsic utility or practical applications. Instead, their value and popularity stem from their viral appeal, community support, and speculative nature in cryptocurrency trading, both on centralized and decentralized crypto exchanges.


Dogecoin and Shiba Inu: Trailblazers in the Meme Coin Market

狗狗币和柴犬:Meme 币市场的开拓者

Dogecoin (DOGE), initially created as a parody of Bitcoin in 2013, remains a prominent meme coin. Its popularity has soared thanks in part to Elon Musk's support.

狗狗币 (DOGE) 最初是在 2013 年作为比特币的模仿而创建的,现在仍然是一种著名的模因币。它的受欢迎程度飙升,部分归功于埃隆·马斯克的支持。

Another notable meme coin is Shiba Inu (SHIB), launched on the Ethereum blockchain in opposition to DOGE. It features the Japanese shiba inu dog Kaboshu as its mascot. Pepe Coin (PEPE), based on the popular internet meme Pepe the Frog, and other meme coins have achieved remarkable returns in a short period.

另一个著名的模因币是 Shiba Inu (SHIB),它在以太坊区块链上推出,与 DOGE 相对。它以日本柴犬Kaboshu为吉祥物。佩佩币(PEPE),基于流行的网络迷因青蛙佩佩和其他迷因币在短期内取得了显着的回报。

Solana's Dominance in the Meme Coin Space

Solana 在 Meme 币领域的主导地位

In 2024, Solana became the leading blockchain for a plethora of meme coins. Its low transaction fees reduced barriers for users looking to create and trade meme coins.

2024 年,Solana 成为众多 meme 币的领先区块链。其低廉的交易费用减少了想要创建和交易模因币的用户的障碍。

Moreover, Solana's fast transaction confirmation times made the experience akin to uploading meme content through an internet browser.

此外,Solana 快速的交易确认时间使体验类似于通过互联网浏览器上传模因内容。

Exponential Growth in Solana-Based Meme Coins

基于 Solana 的 Meme 硬币呈指数增长

The end of 2023 marked a turning point for meme coins on Solana. Between August and November 2023, the blockchain saw an average of around 9,000 new tokens per day. Solana now averages over three times that number, with approximately 28,000 tokens daily. At its peak, it reached 100,000 new tokens per day using a 30-day moving average (670,000 at its height).

2023 年底标志着 Solana 上 Meme 币的转折点。 2023 年 8 月至 11 月期间,区块链平均每天出现约 9,000 个新代币。 Solana 现在的平均数量是这个数字的三倍多,每天大约有 28,000 个代币。在巅峰时期,按照 30 天移动平均线计算,每天新增代币数量达到 100,000 个(最高时为 670,000 个)。

Ethereum Remains a Major Hub for Meme Coins

以太坊仍然是 Meme 币的主要中心

Meme coins did not originate on Solana. Dogecoin is among the first and most valuable meme coins in the crypto market, launched in 2013 and now worth over $24 billion as of May 29, 2024.

Meme 币并非源自 Solana。狗狗币是加密货币市场上最早也是最有价值的模因币之一,于 2013 年推出,截至 2024 年 5 月 29 日,目前价值超过 240 亿美元。

Beyond Dogecoin, Ethereum was the blockchain of choice for meme coins during the 2020–2022 crypto bull cycle. It hosted iconic meme coins such as SHIB and more recently, PEPE and Harry Potter Obama Sonic 10 Inu. While activity has migrated from Ethereum to other blockchains, it still holds the second and third largest meme coins by market cap, SHIB and PEPE, reflecting the continued presence of meme coins on its platform.

除了狗狗币之外,以太坊是 2020-2022 年加密货币牛市周期中模因币的首选区块链。它托管了标志性的模因币,例如 SHIB,以及最近的 PEPE 和哈利·波特·奥巴马 Sonic 10 Inu。虽然活动已从以太坊转移到其他区块链,但它仍然拥有市值第二和第三大的 meme 币、SHIB 和 PEPE,这反映出 meme 币在其平台上的持续存在。

Market Expansion and Longevity Challenges


As the number of meme coins increases, so does their market size. The top meme coins as of May 29, 2024, collectively hold a value of $57 billion, representing a 3.5x increase from the same day the previous year and a 4.8x increase from the bear market lows. Notably, four of the seven meme coins featured were created within the past 511 days from May 29, 2024; two of them launched within 160 days. This highlights the fast-paced nature of meme coins and their inherent lack of longevity due to the rapidly evolving nature of human and internet culture.

随着模因币数量的增加,其市场规模也随之扩大。截至 2024 年 5 月 29 日,顶级 meme 代币的总价值为 570 亿美元,较上年同日增长 3.5 倍,较熊市低点增长 4.8 倍。值得注意的是,七个模因币中有四个是在 2024 年 5 月 29 日起的过去 511 天内创建的;其中两个在 160 天内推出。这凸显了模因币的快节奏本质,以及由于人类和互联网文化快速发展的本质而导致其固有的缺乏长寿性。


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