首页 > 资讯新闻 > 九月的 Meme 奇迹:4 种人人都赞叹的最佳 Meme 硬币

September’s Meme Marvels: 4 Best Meme Coins Everyone’s Raving About

九月的 Meme 奇迹:4 种人人都赞叹的最佳 Meme 硬币

发布: 2023/09/14 00:00 阅读: 541



Meme coins have become one of the crypto market’s hottest assets in the recent few years. Despite their playful theme, they pose significant potential as viable investment opportunities. This article handpicks a select few that stand above the rest. They have been carefully selected based on several factors, such as community engagement, innovative features, and growth potential.

Meme 币已成为近几年加密市场最热门的资产之一。尽管主题很有趣,但它们作为可行的投资机会具有巨大的潜力。本文精心挑选了一些脱颖而出的作品。它们是根据社区参与度、创新功能和增长潜力等多种因素精心挑选的。

Read on to discover which four meme coins are on everyone’s lips in September.


Best Meme Coins to Buy in September

九月最值得购买的 Meme 硬币

  1. Shiba Memu: Revolutionizing meme coin marketing
  2. Shiba Memu:彻底改变 meme 硬币营销

  3. Shiba Inu: The leading Dogecoin challenger
  4. Shiba Inu:领先的狗狗币挑战者

  5. Floki Inu: Going beyond memes with a bubbling ecosystem
  6. Floki Inu:通过冒泡的生态系统超越模因

  7. HarryPotterObamaSonic10Inu: The wild card in the meme coin arena
  8. HarryPotterObamaSonic10Inu:迷因币竞技场中的通配符

1. Shiba Memu: Revolutionizing meme coin marketing

1. Shiba Memu:彻底改变 meme 币营销

Shiba Memu is a fresh name on everyone’s lips, heralding a revolution in crypto meme coins. Unlike its counterparts, Shiba Memu is not relying solely on human creativity. Instead, it uses cutting-edge artificial intelligence to generate its own marketing strategies. It crafts press releases and social media posts while engaging with investors autonomously. It grows smarter daily, incorporating tons of data to refine and master its messaging.

Shiba Memu 是每个人都耳熟能详的名字,预示着加密模因币的革命。与其他同类产品不同,Shiba Memu 不仅仅依赖于人类的创造力。相反,它使用尖端的人工智能来制定自己的营销策略。它在自主与投资者互动的同时制作新闻稿和社交媒体帖子。它每天都变得更加智能,整合大量数据来完善和掌握其消息传递。

Shiba Memu stands out as a diamond in the rough for users hunting upcoming meme coins. Touted as one of the best meme coins for 2023, it offers an opportunity too good to miss, especially in its ongoing presale phase. 

Shiba Memu 对于寻找即将推出的 meme 硬币的用户来说就像一颗未经雕琢的钻石。它被誉为 2023 年最好的模因币之一,提供了一个不容错过的机会,尤其是在正在进行的预售阶段。

Throughout the presale, SHMU is increasing daily by $0.000225, meaning it surges almost 240% from start to finish. Though the token has already seen a more than 100% rise at the time of writing, the clock is still ticking, leaving time for investors to seize these daily gains. With its sensible pricing, transformative potential, and incentives for early investors, SHMU is quickly gaining traction as one of the next meme coins to explode.

在预售期间,SHMU 每天增加 0.000225 美元,这意味着它从开始到结束飙升近 240%。尽管在撰写本文时该代币已经上涨了 100% 以上,但时间仍在流逝,为投资者留下了抓住这些每日收益的时间。凭借其合理的定价、变革潜力以及对早期投资者的激励,SHMU 正迅速获得关注,成为下一个爆炸性的模因币之一。

>>> You can find more information, including how to buy SHMU, here <<<

>>> 您可以在此处找到更多信息,包括如何购买 SHMU

2. Shiba Inu: The leading Dogecoin challenger

2. Shiba Inu:狗狗币的领先挑战者

Not to be confused with Shiba Memu, Shiba Inu is an established meme coin that may still have a potential upside in the next bull market. Being the leading competitor to Dogecoin, the SHIB coin has recently been thrust into the limelight again with the launch of Shibarium. 

不要与 Shiba Memu 混淆,Shiba Inu 是一种成熟的 meme 代币,在下一个牛市中可能仍有潜在的上涨空间。作为狗狗币的主要竞争对手,SHIB 币最近随着 Shibarium 的推出再次成为人们关注的焦点。

The layer-2 solution, launched in August and operating on Polygon, aims to make the networks more scalable. This new addition has been a game-changer, so much so that it hit an impressive milestone in late August. It surpassed 100,000 wallet addresses.

该第 2 层解决方案于 8 月推出并在 Polygon 上运行,旨在使网络更具可扩展性。这一新增功能改变了游戏规则,以至于在八月底达到了令人印象深刻的里程碑。钱包地址超过10万个。

In comparision to Dogecoin, Shiba Inu has much more going for it. Its ecosystem is broad, offering a range of products that support its value: a mobile game, NFTs, a decentralized exchange, several related tokens, and more.


Fueling SHIB’s status as one of the top meme coins is a passionate community—the SHIB Army. Their unwavering support makes Shiba Inu one of the most compelling meme coins to buy in September. Its ever-expanding ecosystem supports this notion.

推动 SHIB 作为顶级模因币之一的地位的是一个充满热情的社区——SHIB Army。他们坚定不移的支持使柴犬成为 9 月份最引人注目的模因币之一。其不断扩大的生态系统支持这一理念。

3. Floki Inu: Going beyond memes with a bubbling ecosystem

3. Floki Inu:通过冒泡的生态系统超越模因

Floki Inu is no ordinary name on this list of meme coins. Like its peer, Shiba Inu, Floki Inu started as a meme-based token inspired by Elon Musk’s dog, Floki. It was just the start. The project has since blossomed into an intricate Web3 ecosystem, supported by its committed community, the “Floki Vikings.”

Floki Inu 在这份模因硬币列表中并不是一个普通的名字。和它的同类 Shiba Inu 一样,Floki Inu 最初是一种基于模因的代币,灵感来自埃隆·马斯克的狗 Floki。这只是开始。此后,该项目已发展成为一个复杂的 Web3 生态系统,并得到其忠诚社区“Floki Vikings”的支持。

Besides, a play-to-earn NFT metaverse, a marketplace, and even an educational platform, Floki recently launched the FlokiFi Locker. This facility allows users to lock up their tokens and NFTs securely. Lockers are integral in fostering trust in the DeFi space. FlokiFi Locker has seen a great reception from industry players, partnering with ApeSwap, Chainlink, Radioshack, and more. 

此外,Floki 最近还推出了 FlokiFi Locker,这是一个玩赚钱的 NFT 元宇宙、一个市场,甚至是一个教育平台。该设施允许用户安全地锁定他们的代币和 NFT。储物柜对于培养 DeFi 领域的信任至关重要。 FlokiFi Locker 受到了行业参与者的热烈欢迎,与 ApeSwap、Chainlink、Radioshack 等合作。

As with Shiba Inu, it is hard to ignore the enthusiasm of the Floki Vikings and the steps the team is taking to fulfill its roadmap promises. Both aspects keep Floki Inu ahead of the competition and position it as one of September’s best meme coins. 

与 Shiba Inu 一样,我们很难忽视 Floki Vikings 的热情以及团队为履行其路线图承诺而采取的步骤。这两个方面都使 Floki Inu 在竞争中保持领先地位,并将其定位为 9 月份最好的模因币之一。

4. HarryPotterObamaSonic10Inu: The wild card in the meme coin arena

4. HarryPotterObamaSonic10Inu:迷因硬币竞技场中的外卡

HarryPotterObamaSonic10Inu, or HPOS10I, stands as the wild card among this list of the best meme coins to buy. Unlike the other projects here, which aim to go beyond simple memes, HPOS10I dives headfirst into the chaotic realm of 4chan culture. Its ticker, BITCOIN, is an overt nod to the project’s absurdity.

HarryPotterObamaSonic10Inu(或 HPOS10I)是这份最值得购买的模因币列表中的通配符。与其他旨在超越简单模因的项目不同,HPOS10I 一头扎进了 4chan 文化的混乱领域。它的股票代码是“比特币”,这是对该项目荒谬性的公开认可。

Navigating its website is like stepping into a time machine set to the era of Web 1.0. It is filled with poorly edited, pixelated images and looping GIFs. As for a formal whitepaper—there isn’t one, just an ASCII image of Sonic the Hedgehog in a simple .txt file. The anonymous founders remain shrouded in mystery. This project’s Twitter account is suspended at the time of writing.

浏览其网站就像步入 Web 1.0 时代的时间机器。它充满了编辑不当、像素化的图像和循环 GIF。至于正式的白皮书——没有,只有一个简单的 .txt 文件中的刺猬索尼克 ASCII 图像。匿名创始人仍然笼罩在神秘之中。在撰写本文时,该项目的 Twitter 帐户已被暂停。

Now, for the twist: despite all these quirks—or perhaps because of them—the token’s value rocketed almost 4,500% from $0.0043 in May 2023 to a peak of $0.1977 in late AugustIt pulled in millions in daily trading volume. While many new meme coins strive for utility, HPOS10I thrives on its utter lack of it. That, paradoxically, is what carves out its niche value in the meme coin crypto arena.

现在,情况有所不同:尽管存在所有这些怪异现象(或者可能正因为这些怪异现象),代币的价值从 2023 年 5 月的 0.0043 美元飙升了近 4,500%,达到 8 月底的 0.1977 美元峰值,日交易量达到数百万美元。虽然许多新的模因币都追求实用性,但 HPOS10I 却因其完全缺乏实用性而蓬勃发展。矛盾的是,这正是在模因币加密领域创造其利基价值的原因。

Don’t miss September’s best meme coins


Creating this list of the best meme coins was no small feat. Scouring through hundreds of meme crypto coins required a meticulous approach. Hopefully, it has helped to sort the wheat from the chaff. Each project has significant potential in the market and the excitement behind them is palpable. To recap the best meme coins to buy in September, look no further than:

创建这份最佳模因币列表绝非易事。搜寻数百种模因加密货币需要采取细致的方法。希望它能帮助我们从谷壳中筛选出小麦。每个项目都具有巨大的市场潜力,其背后的兴奋点是显而易见的。要回顾 9 月份最值得购买的模因币,只需看看:

  • Shiba Memu
  • 柴犬

  • Shiba Inu
  • 柴犬

  • Floki Inu
  • 弗洛基伊努

  • HarryPotterObamaSonic10Inu
  • 哈利·波特奥巴马索尼克10犬

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