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'New SHIB,' 'DOGE Successor' Ends up Being Insider-Controlled


发布: 2024/08/02 01:07 阅读: 655




NEIRO: Ethereum Token Tied to Shiba Inu Meme Accused of Whale Domination

NEIRO:与 Shiba Inu Meme 相关的以太坊代币被指控鲸鱼统治

NEIRO, an Ethereum-based token associated with the Shiba Inu "Kabosu" meme, has come under scrutiny for alleged whale domination.

NEIRO 是一种基于以太坊的代币,与柴犬“Kabosu”模因相关,因涉嫌鲸鱼统治而受到审查。

Insiders Control Over 78% of Supply

内部人控制超过 78% 的供应

According to a report by Bubblemaps researchers, at launch, 78% of NEIRO's supply was acquired by whales through sniping across 80 addresses. Each address managed to secure approximately 1% of the supply.

根据 Bubblemaps 研究人员的一份报告,在 NEIRO 上线时,78% 的供应量是鲸鱼通过狙击 80 个地址获得的。每个地址都设法获得了大约 1% 的供应量。

Profit Exceeds $4.5 Million

利润超过 450 万美元

The tokens were subsequently distributed to 3,000 additional addresses. These insider-controlled wallets have cautiously sold NEIRO, accumulating profits estimated at over $4.5 million.

这些代币随后被分发到另外 3,000 个地址。这些内部控制的钱包谨慎出售 NEIRO,累计利润估计超过 450 万美元。

Hype Fueled by New Pet Announcement


Recent excitement surrounding NEIRO stems from the announcement of a new pet by the owner of Kabosu, the original meme mascot for Dogecoin and Shiba Inu.

最近围绕 NEIRO 的兴奋源于 Kabosu 的主人宣布了一种新宠物,Kabosu 是狗狗币和柴犬的原始模因吉祥物。

Ethereum Version of NEIRO Popular

NEIRO 的以太坊版本 热门

Despite the hype around Solana-based meme coins, the Ethereum version of NEIRO has remained dominant. This was acknowledged by Su Zhu, founder of the defunct Three Arrows Capital firm, who suggested that NEIRO's success on Ethereum is positive for the cryptocurrency itself.

尽管围绕基于 Solana 的模因币大肆宣传,但以太坊版本的 NEIRO 仍然占据主导地位。已倒闭的三箭资本公司创始人苏朱也承认了这一点,他表示 NEIRO 在以太坊上的成功对加密货币本身来说是积极的。

Note: The original article contained CSS and JavaScript code, which have been removed for clarity. Suspected advertising content has also been filtered out.

注意:原始文章包含 CSS 和 JavaScript 代码,为了清晰起见,这些代码已被删除。疑似广告内容也已被过滤掉。


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