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Shiba Inu vs BEFE vs DogeCoin, Which Meme Coin to Invest Right Now

Shiba Inu vs BEFE vs DogeCoin,现在该投资哪种 Meme 币

发布: 2024/02/28 06:00 阅读: 595



Shiba Inu vs BEFE vs DogeCoin,现在该投资哪种 Meme 币

After experiencing a disheartening crypto winter in 2022 and 2023, crypto investors have been able to let out a sigh of relief thanks to the recent bullish sentiment. The last quarter of 2023 saw a complete shift in market sentiment, spurring a much needed rally across the board. 

在经历了 2022 年和 2023 年令人沮丧的加密货币冬天后,由于最近的看涨情绪,加密货币投资者终于松了一口气。 2023 年最后一个季度,市场情绪发生了彻底转变,刺激了急需的全面反弹。

Armed with strong bullish momentum, the prices of cryptocurrencies experienced unprecedented surges. Top cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin (BTC) and Ethereum (ETH) rallied and broke 40 week highs, with their momentum spurring the rise of several newcomers in the crypto market. 

凭借强劲的看涨势头,加密货币的价格经历了前所未有的飙升。比特币 (BTC) 和以太坊 (ETH) 等顶级加密货币上涨并突破 40 周高点,其势头刺激了加密货币市场的一些新来者的崛起。

With a positive market sentiment and a favorable reading from the crypto Fear and Greed Index, crypto investors are lining up to invest in memecoins. However, the presence of various options including, BEFE, Dogecoin (DOGE) and Shiba Inu (SHIB), begs the question: Which memecoin to pick? 

由于积极的市场情绪以及加密货币恐惧和贪婪指数的有利读数,加密货币投资者正在排队投资模因币。然而,包括 BEFE、Dogecoin (DOGE) 和 Shiba Inu (SHIB) 在内的各种选项的存在,引出了一个问题:该选择哪种 memecoin?

Going Beyond Doges and Shibas


One cannot deny the role that Dogecoin has played in forming the memecoin subset within the crypto market and bringing relevance and authenticity to the space. However, the memecoin space has since strayed away from the idea that it was created with. The memecoin projects that propped up over the past few years have had a reputation for operating unethically, which shined a bad light over the whole memecoin space. 


The BEFE crypto project debuted its native memecoin BEFE in November 2023. The team behind BEFE launched its token with a vision: disrupt the memecoin landscape and bring back the glory days of memecoins. Backed by Bitgert and with the world’s most recognizable meme as its mascot, BEFE is ready to take on the memecoin space. 

BEFE 加密项目于 2023 年 11 月首次推出了其原生 memecoin BEFE。BEFE 背后的团队推出了其代币,其愿景是:颠覆 memecoin 格局,恢复 memecoin 的辉煌岁月。在 Bitgert 的支持下,并以世界上最知名的 meme 作为吉祥物,BEFE 已准备好进军 memecoin 领域。

Why Pick BEFE Over DOGE & SHIB?

为什么选择 BEFE 而不是 DOGE & SHIB?

While Dogecoin (DOGE) and Shiba Inu (SHIB) have been around for a lot longer than BEFE, there are several reasons why potential investors should pick BEFE over memecoins. BEFE has proved its potential as a contender to become a leading memecoin by returning an impressive 150% to its investors within two days of its launch. 

虽然狗狗币 (DOGE) 和柴犬 (SHIB) 的存在时间比 BEFE 长得多,但潜在投资者应该选择 BEFE 而不是模因币有几个原因。 BEFE 在推出后两天内向投资者返还了令人印象深刻的 150%,证明了其作为领先 memecoin 的竞争者的潜力。

BEFE previously beat Shiba Inu in terms of initial adoption, by securing a daily trading volume of $2.34 million within five weeks of launch. Looking at more recent metrics, BEFE seems poised for a rally in the near future. After a volatile start to the new year, the memecoin has been consolidating at a major support level around $0.00040. 

BEFE 此前在首次采用方面击败了 Shiba Inu,在推出后五周内实现了 234 万美元的日交易量。从最近的指标来看,BEFE 似乎准备在不久的将来反弹。在经历了新年伊始的波动之后,memecoin 一直在 0.00040 美元左右的主要支撑位盘整。

When it comes down to it, BEFE’s price is arguably its most attractive selling point. Given that BEFE is in its early stages, one can fill up their portfolio with this memecoin without hurting their pocket. Investors who seized this opportunity back in November 2023 have already made a return of 460% on their investment. 

归根结底,BEFE 的价格可以说是其最有吸引力的卖点。鉴于 BEFE 尚处于早期阶段,人们可以用这种 memecoin 来充实自己的投资组合,而不会损害自己的钱包。早在 2023 年 11 月抓住这个机会的投资者已经获得了 460% 的投资回报率。

The BEFE crypto project also added a unique selling proposition (USP) to their memecoin by eliminating taxes on transactions. The team also opted for a fair launch to distribute BEFE, thereby increasing their memecoin’s reach and exposure to a wider class of investors. Access at a lucrative price and multiple differentiating factors make BEFE a better choice for investors

BEFE 加密项目还通过取消交易税为其 memecoin 添加了独特的销售主张 (USP)。该团队还选择公平启动来分发 BEFE,从而扩大他们的 memecoin 的影响力和对更广泛投资者的曝光度。利润丰厚的价格和多重差异化因素使 BEFE 成为投资者更好的选择。

Find Out More Here:


Website: befetoken.com


Telegram: t.me/befetoken


Twitter: twitter.com/befetoken



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