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Shiba Inu and Dogecoin face competition from new crypto


发布: 2023/12/07 20:26 阅读: 242




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  • Shiba Inu may fall below $0.0000075. 
  • Shiba Inu 可能会跌破 0.0000075 美元。

  • Dogecoin consolidates but remains below $0.090. 
  • 狗狗币盘整,但仍低于 0.090 美元。

  • Rebel Satoshi presale in progress
  • 叛逆中本聪预售正在进行中

Shiba Inu (SHIB) and Dogecoin (DOGE) have lagged in the recent crypto rally. In contrast, Rebel Satoshi (RBLZ) is being considered by investors. 

柴犬(SHIB)和狗狗币(DOGE)在最近的加密货币反弹中落后。相比之下,投资者正在考虑 Rebel Satoshi (RBLZ)。

Shiba Inu trades at support; Shibarium growing


SHIB recently rose to $0.0000095 on Nov. 11 before correcting. By Dec. 1, SHIB had declined by 12.6% to $0.0000083.

SHIB 最近于 11 月 11 日上涨至 0.0000095 美元,然后进行调整。截至 12 月 1 日,SHIB 已下跌 12.6% 至 0.0000083 美元。

Even so, the Shiba Inu ecosystem is expanding, with the total number of wallets standing above 1.27 million and total transactions exceeding nine million in November on Shibarium.

即便如此,柴犬生态系统仍在不断扩张,11 月份 Shibarium 钱包总数超过 127 万个,总交易量超过 900 万笔。

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Additionally, on Nov. 29, Shiba Inu launched the 4th Edition of the SHIB Magazine.

此外,11 月 29 日,柴犬推出了第四版《SHIB》杂志。

SHIB is trading at support. However, some analysts predict the token to fall below $0.0000075 in the coming sessions.

SHIB 的交易处于支撑位。然而,一些分析师预测该代币在未来几个交易日将跌破 0.0000075 美元。

Dogecoin consolidates ahead of Doge Moon mission


Dogecoin is facing challenges in the current bear market but rebounded last month. 


With prices rising, DOGE rose to $0.086 by Nov. 17 before correcting. As of Dec. 1, DOGE had dropped by 3.4%, settling at around $0.083. 

随着价格上涨,DOGE 价格在 11 月 17 日上涨至 0.086 美元,然后进行调整。截至 12 月 1 日,DOGE 下跌 3.4%,收于 0.083 美元左右。

Meanwhile, a key development is news of the DOGE-1 Moon Mission, scheduled for launch on Jan. 12, 2024, after a nearly two-year delay. 

与此同时,一个关键进展是 DOGE-1 月球任务的消息,该任务计划在推迟了近两年后于 2024 年 1 月 12 日发射。

While bullish, analysts don’t expect this to significantly impact DOGE prices. In their estimation, the coin will remain below $0.090 in the coming months.

虽然看涨,但分析师预计这不会对 DOGE 价格产生重大影响。他们估计,未来几个月该代币将保持在 0.090 美元以下。

Rebel Satoshi rising


Rebel Satoshi is a decentralized meme coin project built on Ethereum, inspired by Satoshi Nakamoto, the anonymous creator of Bitcoin. 

Rebel Satoshi 是一个建立在以太坊上的去中心化模因硬币项目,受到比特币匿名创造者中本聪的启发。

The project aims to foster a community that challenges the status quo and promotes decentralization through playful and engaging meme culture.


At the heart of Rebel Satoshi lies RBLZ, which serves as its governance and membership token. 

Rebel Satoshi 的核心是 RBLZ,它作为其治理和会员代币。

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您可能还喜欢: 叛逆中本聪吸引狗狗币持有者

RBLZ holders will gain access to various features in the Rebel Satoshi ecosystem, including a staking pool, Rebel NFT Vault, Rebel Hall of Fame, and an upcoming play-to-earn (P2E) game.

RBLZ 持有者将可以使用 Rebel Satoshi 生态系统中的各种功能,包括质押池、Rebel NFT Vault、Rebel Hall of Fame 以及即将推出的即玩即赚 (P2E) 游戏。

In its presale phase, Rebel Satoshi has already surpassed 66% of its target for Rebels Round 1, with RBLZ priced at $0.013. 

在预售阶段,Rebel Satoshi 已超过 Rebels 第一轮目标的 66%,RBLZ 售价为 0.013 美元。

At the end of the presale, RBLZ will trade for $0.025 before listing on crypto exchanges. 

预售结束时,RBLZ 在加密货币交易所上市之前的交易价格为 0.025 美元。

Visit the official Rebel Satoshi presale website or contact Rebel Red via Telegram for more details.

请访问 Rebel Satoshi 官方预售网站或通过 Telegram 联系 Rebel Red 了解更多详情。

Read more: Rebel Satoshi rising, Shiba Inu and PEPE shaky 

阅读更多:反叛中本聪崛起、柴犬和 PEPE 摇摇欲坠

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披露:该内容由第三方提供。 crypto.news 不认可本页提及的任何产品。用户在采取与公司相关的任何行动之前必须进行自己的研究。


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