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Shiba Inu, Dogecoin, and DigiToads meme coins under the lens


发布: 2023/08/12 16:30 阅读: 581



Meme coins, especially Dogecoin (DOGE), Shiba Inu (SHIB), and DigiToads (TOADS), have gained recognition in crypto due to their engaged communities and rapid growth.

Meme 币,特别是狗狗币 (DOGE)、柴犬币 (SHIB) 和 DigiToads (TOADS),由于其活跃的社区和快速增长而在加密领域获得了认可。

DigiToads aims to address limitations associated with traditional meme coins. The platform offers practical applications and employs a deflationary model. The presale success indicates investor interest and its potential influence within the meme coin domain.

DigiToads 旨在解决与传统模因币相关的限制。该平台提供实际应用并采用通货紧缩模型。预售的成功表明了投资者的兴趣及其在模因币领域的潜在影响力。

In this article, we explore the rise of meme coins and analyze the factors that contributed to their current status.


DigiToads is a new player

DigiToads 是新玩家

DigiToads centers on web3 and play-to-earn (P2E) gaming sectors, offering an immersive virtual realm called the Swamp. The Swamp allows players to nurture, enhance, and train digital avatars, engaging in real-time combat to earn TOADS, the platform’s native tokens. TOADS finds use in enhancing digital Toads, acquiring non-fungible tokens (NFTs), or accruing profits.

DigiToads 专注于 web3 和即玩即赚 (P2E) 游戏领域,提供名为 Swamp 的沉浸式虚拟领域。 The Swamp 允许玩家培养、增强和训练数字化身,参与实时战斗以获得 TOADS(该平台的原生代币)。 TOADS 可用于增强数字 Toad、获取不可替代代币 (NFT) 或累积利润。

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Moreover, the project’s NFT staking mechanism enables users to earn rewards by holding TOADS tokens and staking their NFTs. A 2% allocation of TOADS from each transaction contributes to the staking rewards pool, establishing a continuous cycle of value creation and encouraging user engagement.

此外,该项目的 NFT 质押机制使用户可以通过持有 TOADS 代币并质押其 NFT 来获得奖励。每笔交易中 2% 的 TOADS 分配将有助于质押奖励池,建立价值创造的持续循环并鼓励用户参与。

DigiToads has raised over $6.8 million in the ongoing final presale, selling over 380 million TOADS. The dynamic pricing strategy has played a pivotal role in attracting investors. 

DigiToads 在正在进行的最终预售中筹集了超过 680 万美元,销售了超过 3.8 亿个 TOAD。动态定价策略在吸引投资者方面发挥了关键作用。

TOADS is currently available at $0.05 and will rise to $0.055 on Aug.2 when it launches. At this level, early investors will be up 450%.

TOADS 目前售价为 0.05 美元,8 月 2 日推出时将升至 0.055 美元。在此水平上,早期投资者将上涨450%。

Dogecoin: the original meme coin


Dogecoin emerged as a lighthearted alternative to conventional cryptocurrencies and has grown into a meme with a considerable following. 


It facilitates efficient peer-to-peer transactions through a decentralized blockchain platform. 


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The success of DOGE highlights the potential of meme coins to generate value, emphasizing the importance of thorough research and informed decision-making.

DOGE 的成功凸显了模因币创造价值的潜力,强调了彻底研究和明智决策的重要性。

Operating on a proof-of-work (PoW) blockchain, Dogecoin enables participants in the network to achieve consensus on uploaded data. Moreover, DOGE has been used to acquire sought-after NFT projects. 

狗狗币在工作量证明 (PoW) 区块链上运行,使网络中的参与者能够就上传的数据达成共识。此外,DOGE 还被用来收购炙手可热的 NFT 项目。

Analysts predict DOGE to eventually break $1 in future sessions.

分析师预测 DOGE 最终将在未来几个交易日突破 1 美元。

Shiba Inu forging new paths


Shiba Inu, a meme coin propelled by its association with the Shiba Inu dog breed and resemblances to the famed Dogecoin, has carved a niche within the meme coin ecosystem. 


Launched in August 2020, Shiba Inu aimed to leverage the popularity of Dogecoin while incorporating its unique twists. The coin’s ecosystem includes ShibaSwap, a decentralized exchange, and SHIB, its native token. 

Shiba Inu 于 2020 年 8 月推出,旨在利用狗狗币的受欢迎程度,同时融入其独特的元素。该币的生态系统包括去中心化交易所 ShibaSwap 及其原生代币 SHIB。

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Users engage in activities such as trading, holding, staking, and accessing an NFT sector on the decentralized exchange. Wagering SHIB tokens offers participants incentives.

用户在去中心化交易所上从事交易、持有、质押和访问 NFT 部门等活动。投注 SHIB 代币可为参与者提供激励。

Despite its origins as a meme coin, SHIB has extended its reach into real-world applications and utility. 

尽管 SHIB 最初是一种模因币,但它已将其影响力扩展到现实世界的应用程序和实用程序中。

The introduction of the ShibaSwap decentralized exchange and the creation of the governance token, ShibaSwap Bone, reflects the project’s aspiration to transcend meme status, underlining its potential for tangible impact.

ShibaSwap 去中心化交易所的推出以及治理代币 ShibaSwap Bone 的创建,反映了该项目超越 meme 地位的愿望,强调了其产生切实影响的潜力。



The ascension of Shiba Inu, Dogecoin, and DigiToads underscores the multifaceted nature of the meme coin phenomenon. 

柴犬、狗狗币和 DigiToads 的崛起凸显了模因币现象的多面性。

These digital assets transcend their origins as internet jests, tapping into broader cultural trends while challenging established norms, positioning them as notable meme coin successes. 


Amid this, DigiToads has practical applications, offering a distinctive TOADS Economics model and community-centric approach to growth.

其中,DigiToads 具有实际应用,提供独特的 TOADS 经济模型和以社区为中心的增长方法。

Visit DigiToads Presale

访问 DigiToads 预售

Mint DigiToads NFTs Here

在这里薄荷 DigiToads NFT

Buy DigiToads NFTs on OpenSea

在 OpenSea 上购买 DigiToads NFT

Join the community 


阅读更多:随着世界币引发争议,DigiToads 正在扩大投资者基础

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