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Shiba Inu: How To Be a Millionaire When SHIB Hits $0.01?

Shiba Inu:当 SHIB 触及 0.01 美元时如何成为百万富翁?

发布: 2023/12/03 06:11 阅读: 654



Shiba Inu (SHIB) has turned many early investors into multi-millionaires and, in some cases, even billionaires. However, many new players believe they may have missed the boat with SHIB. SHIB and other memecoins, such as Dogecoin (DOGE), have taken a backseat in 2023. Despite having a major layer-2 network launch earlier this year, SHIB’s price has struggled to make significant gains. Since January, SHIB has risen by a meager 1.4%, while other cryptocurrencies, such as Bitcoin (BTC) and Solana (SOL), have rallied by over 100% and 500%, respectively.

柴犬 (SHIB) 已将许多早期投资者变成了千万富翁,在某些情况下甚至是亿万富翁。然而,许多新玩家认为他们可能已经错过了 SHIB 的机会。 SHIB 和狗狗币 (DOGE) 等其他模因币在 2023 年已退居次席。尽管今年早些时候推出了主要的第 2 层网络,但 SHIB 的价格一直难以大幅上涨。自 1 月份以来,SHIB 仅上涨了 1.4%,而比特币 (BTC) 和 Solana (SOL) 等其他加密货币的涨幅分别超过 100% 和 500%。

Also Read: Shiba Inu: Here is How To Make $20 Million When SHIB Hits $0.01

另请阅读:Shiba Inu:当 SHIB 跌至 0.01 美元时,这是如何赚取 2000 万美元的方法

Despite the lackluster performance in 2023, Shiba Inu (SHIB) fans and investors are still pursuing the “one-cent dream.” If SHIB reaches the $0.01 price point, new holders could have a shot at becoming millionaires.

尽管2023年表现平淡,柴犬(SHIB)的粉丝和投资者仍在追求“一分钱的梦想”。如果 SHIB 达到 0.01 美元的价格点,新持有者可能有机会成为百万富翁。

How much Shiba Inu (SHIB) is needed to become a millionaire at $0.01?

需要多少柴犬 (SHIB) 才能以 0.01 美元成为百万富翁?

At $0.01, an investor would need 100,000,000 (100 million) SHIB tokens to have $1 million worth. The cost of 100 million SHIB tokens right now is about $822. If achieved, the portfolio would grow by a whopping 121,554%.

以 0.01 美元计算,投资者需要 100,000,000(1 亿)个 SHIB 代币才能拥有价值 100 万美元的资金。目前 1 亿个 SHIB 代币的成本约为 822 美元。如果实现的话,投资组合将增长高达 121,554%。

Also Read: Shiba Inu: Top 3 Things That Need to Happen for SHIB to Hit $0.01

另请阅读:Shiba Inu:SHIB 达到 0.01 美元需要发生的三件事

However, the question is how Shiba Inu (SHIB) can achieve the $0.01 price level. Firstly, the project will need to reduce its supply. SHIB currently has about 589 trillion tokens in circulation. Reaching $0.01 would mean an unrealistically large market cap. The project requires a burn in the magnitude of Vitalik Buterin’s SHIB burn in 2021. Buterin received half the supply and decided to burn 90% of it. Buterin’s actions played a significant role in SHIB’s rally in 2021.

然而,问题是柴犬(SHIB)如何才能达到 0.01 美元的价格水平。首先,该项目需要减少供应。 SHIB目前流通的代币数量约为589万亿。达到 0.01 美元将意味着不切实际的大市值。该项目要求在 2021 年销毁 Vitalik Buterin 的 SHIB 销毁量。Buterin 收到了一半的供应量,并决定销毁其中的 90%。 Buterin的举动对SHIB 2021年的反弹起到了重要作用。

Furthermore, the project will need to increase demand. The Shibarium network could bring more real-world use cases for SHIB, thereby driving adoption. An increase in demand and a drop in supply could lead to SHIB reaching its $0.01 goal.

此外,该项目将需要增加需求。 Shibarium 网络可以为 SHIB 带来更多现实世界的用例,从而推动采用。需求增加和供应下降可能导致 SHIB 达到 0.01 美元的目标。

Source: https://thebittimes.com/shiba-inu-how-to-be-a-millionaire-when-shib-hits-0-01-tbt72408.html



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