首页 > 资讯新闻 > 柴犬(SHIB)和狗狗币(DOGE)的反弹只是更大事件的开始吗?

Is the Shiba Inu (SHIB) and Dogecoin (DOGE) Rally Just the Beginning of Something Bigger?


发布: 2023/12/16 06:22 阅读: 324

原文作者:Crypto Daily™



After reaching 20-month highs last week, Bitcoin has found a new trading band, oscillating between $42,000 and just over $43,000 for much of this week. Notably, investor anticipation surrounding the approval of spot BTC ETFs seems to have been factored into the current asset prices, with no decisive actions from the SEC expected until the new year. This has resulted in a sideways movement in the crypto market for the remaining part of 2023. Adding to the market's complexities, the recent Ledger hack, affecting multiple Ethereum-based decentralized applications, has injected a sense of caution among investors, further influencing the market's steady but cautious trajectory.

在上周达到 20 个月高点后,比特币找到了一个新的交易区间,本周大部分时间在 42,000 美元到略高于 43,000 美元之间波动。值得注意的是,投资者对现货 BTC ETF 获批的预期似乎已计入当前资产价格,预计 SEC 直到新年才会采取果断行动。这导致加密货币市场在 2023 年剩余时间里出现横盘走势。最近的 Ledger 黑客攻击影响了多个基于以太坊的去中心化应用程序,这加剧了市场的复杂性,给投资者带来了谨慎的感觉,进一步影响了市场的走势稳定但谨慎的轨迹。

Diving further into the vibrant world of cryptocurrencies, we encounter a thrilling twist. In partnership with Crypto Daily, StealthEX is adding a festive flair to the crypto universe! This isn't just about understanding market trends – it’s an opportunity to benefit during the holiday season!

进一步深入充满活力的加密货币世界,我们遇到了令人兴奋的转折。 StealthEX 与 Crypto Daily 合作,为加密世界增添节日气氛!这不仅仅是了解市场趋势 - 这是在假期期间受益的机会!

Win Big This Christmas: StealthEX's $1,000 Festive Giveaway Awaits! 

今年圣诞节赢得大奖:StealthEX 的 1,000 美元节日赠品等待着您!

Feel the Christmas magic with StealthEX's exciting $1,000 giveaway, happening from December 13th to 23rd! It's a festive fortune where everyone has a fair shot! Just swap your favorite cryptos like Shiba Inu (SHIB), Dogecoin (DOGE), and a few others (just ensure a minimum transaction of $100), submit your transaction via a simple form, and you're in the draw.

12 月 13 日至 23 日期间,StealthEX 推出令人兴奋的 1,000 美元赠品,感受圣诞魔力!这是一个大家都有公平机会的节日福气!只需交换您最喜欢的加密货币,如柴犬 (SHIB)、狗狗币 (DOGE) 和其他一些加密货币(只需确保最低交易额为 100 美元),通过简单的表格提交您的交易,您就可以参加抽奖。

We're spreading holiday cheer with prizes that'll make your season bright: $500 for the lucky winner, and $250 each for two runners-up. Winners will be revealed on December 24th, so keep an eye on StealthEX’s channels.

我们将通过奖品传播节日欢乐,让您的赛季更加精彩:幸运获胜者将获得 500 美元,两名亚军将获得每人 250 美元的奖金。获奖者将于 12 月 24 日揭晓,敬请关注 StealthEX 频道。

Get in on the action at StealthEX, make your swaps, and join the festive fun. Let the holiday luck be with you, and may your Christmas be filled with joy and potential winnings!

参与 StealthEX 的活动,进行兑换,并加入节日的乐趣。让节日好运伴随您,愿您的圣诞节充满欢乐和潜在的奖金!

Turn swaps into wins with StealthEX!

使用 StealthEX 将互换转化为胜利!

Shiba Inu's Big Leap: Anticipating Major Innovations


Shiba Inu (SHIB) is on the brink of a significant breakthrough, as its lead developer Shytoshi Kusama teases a major announcement. Positioned as a year-ending surprise, this revelation is set to showcase Shiba Inu's advancements in the Web 3.0 space. The Shiba Inu community is abuzz with speculation, anticipating everything from new technology releases to strategic partnerships that could boost SHIB's adoption. 

Shiba Inu (SHIB) 正处于重大突破的边缘,其首席开发商 Shytoshi Kusama 宣布了一项重大公告。这一消息被定位为年终惊喜,旨在展示 Shiba Inu 在 Web 3.0 领域的进步。 Shiba Inu 社区充满了各种猜测,他们期待着从新技术发布到战略合作伙伴关系等一切都可以促进 SHIB 的采用。

Adding to the excitement, multiple SHIB burns are planned, aimed at reducing circulating supply and enhancing the token's value. This flurry of activity, combined with Kusama's recent recognition among the top 50 influencers in crypto, positions Shiba Inu for potential substantial growth and innovation​​.

更令人兴奋的是,计划进行多次 SHIB 销毁,旨在减少流通供应并提高代币的价值。这一系列的活动,再加上 Kusama 最近跻身加密货币领域前 50 名影响者之列,使 Shiba Inu 拥有潜在的大幅增长和创新​​。

Shiba Inu (SHIB) Technical Analysis

柴犬 (SHIB) 技术分析

The technical indicators for Shiba Inu present a mixed sentiment. The Relative Strength Index (RSI) for SHIB stands at 64.46, leaning towards a bullish outlook, but not yet in the overbought territory. The Stochastic %K is at 87.19, indicating that SHIB might be approaching overbought conditions. The Commodity Channel Index (CCI) at 78.99 also supports a growing bullish sentiment. However, the Average Directional Index (ADI) at 24.38 shows a weaker trend strength, suggesting that the bullish trend may not be strongly established. SHIB is trading above its 10-day Simple Moving Average (SMA) of $0.00000978, which could be seen as a positive signal.

柴犬的技术指标呈现出复杂的情绪。 SHIB的相对强弱指数(RSI)为64.46,倾向于看涨前景,但尚未处于超买区域。随机指标 %K 位于 87.19,表明 SHIB 可能接近超买状况。商品通道指数 (CCI) 为 78.99,也支持了日益增长的看涨情绪。然而,平均方向指数(ADI)为24.38,显示趋势强度较弱,表明看涨趋势可能尚未牢固确立。 SHIB 的交易价格高于 0.00000978 美元的 10 日简单移动平均线 (SMA),这可以被视为一个积极信号。

Shiba Inu (SHIB) Price Prediction

柴犬 (SHIB) 价格预测

With SHIB's recent surge in transaction volume and the anticipation of Shibarium-related announcements, there is potential for further price growth. If SHIB maintains its current momentum, it could break above its immediate resistance level at $0.00001118. The ongoing community-driven SHIB burns and Shibarium developments could propel SHIB towards even higher levels. 

随着SHIB近期交易量的激增以及Shibarium相关公告的预期,价格有进一步上涨的潜力。如果 SHIB 保持目前的势头,它可能会突破 0.00001118 美元的直接阻力位。正在进行的社区驱动的 SHIB 销毁和 Shibarium 开发可能会推动 SHIB 迈向更高的水平。

If market sentiment turns negative or the anticipated developments do not meet expectations, SHIB could see a decline, falling below its immediate support level at $0.00000872. A failure to maintain key support levels could lead to a further drop, potentially testing the 52-week low of $0.00005394. StealthEX's blog provides a comprehensive Shiba Inu (SHIB) price prediction, from a conservative $0.000009 (+11.11%) to an optimistic $0.000068832 (+749.78%) in 2025​. 

如果市场情绪转为负面或预期发展未达到预期,SHIB 可能会下跌,跌破其即时支撑位 0.00000872 美元。如果未能维持关键支撑位,可能会导致进一步下跌,并可能测试 0.00005394 美元的 52 周低点。 StealthEX 的博客提供了全面的柴犬 (SHIB) 价格预测,从保守的 0.000009 美元 (+11.11%) 到乐观的 2025 年 0.000068832 美元 (+749.78%)​。

Exchange Shiba Inu (SHIB) Now and Join StealthEX's Holiday Giveaway!

立即兑换柴犬 (SHIB) 并加入 StealthEX 的节日赠品!

Dogecoin's Whale Awakening: A Sign of Impending Rally?


Dogecoin (DOGE) has recently witnessed a significant movement in its ecosystem, as an old Dogecoin wallet, inactive for nine years, has reemerged. This event coincides with the buzz around Elon Musk's interest in integrating cryptocurrencies like Dogecoin into X's payment systems. The reactivation of this wallet, holding over 2 million DOGE, has sparked optimism within the DOGE community, suggesting a possible bullish market sentiment. This renewed activity, especially in light of Musk's influence and the recent price increase in Dogecoin (DOGE), may indicate an impending upward trend for the meme cryptocurrency. 

狗狗币(DOGE)最近见证了其生态系统的重大变化,闲置九年的旧狗狗币钱包重新出现。这一事件恰逢埃隆·马斯克(Elon Musk)对将狗狗币(Dogecoin)等加密货币整合到 X 的支付系统中的兴趣而热议。该钱包的重新激活持有超过 200 万个 DOGE,在 DOGE 社区内引发了乐观情绪,表明市场情绪可能看涨。这种新的活动,特别是考虑到马斯克的影响力和最近狗狗币(DOGE)的价格上涨,可能表明模因加密货币即将出现上涨趋势。

Dogecoin (DOGE) Technical Analysis

狗狗币 (DOGE) 技术分析

For Dogecoin, the RSI at 69.66 signals a strong bullish trend but verges on entering the overbought zone. The Stochastic %K at 99.45 and the Williams Percent Range (WPR) at -0.20 further support the bullish trend. The Commodity Channel Index (CCI) at 150.44 indicates a bullish sentiment, but also that DOGE might be approaching overbought conditions. The coin is currently trading above its 10-day SMA of $0.0942, reinforcing the bullish outlook.

对于狗狗币来说,RSI 为 69.66,标志着强劲的看涨趋势,但接近进入超买区域。随机指标 %K 为 99.45,威廉姆斯百分比范围 (WPR) 为 -0.20,进一步支持看涨趋势。商品通道指数 (CCI) 为 150.44,表明看涨情绪,但也表明 DOGE 可能已接近超买状况。该代币目前交投于 0.0942 美元的 10 日移动平均线上方,强化了看涨前景。

Dogecoin (DOGE) Price Prediction

狗狗币 (DOGE) 价格预测

If DOGE can sustain its bullish momentum, it might surpass its immediate resistance level at $0.10197. The overall positive market sentiment, combined with Musk's influence, could drive DOGE towards new highs. 

如果 DOGE 能够维持看涨势头,则可能会突破 0.10197 美元的直接阻力位。整体积极的市场情绪,加上马斯克的影响力,可能会推动 DOGE 迈向新高。

Despite the optimistic outlook, if DOGE fails to breach the resistance levels, it could see a pullback. A downturn in market sentiment or a lack of follow-through on Musk's plans could push DOGE below its immediate support at $0.08686, potentially leading to further declines.

尽管前景乐观,但如果 DOGE 未能突破阻力位,则可能会出现回调。市场情绪低迷或马斯克计划缺乏后续行动可能会使 DOGE 跌破其即时支撑位 0.08686 美元,从而可能导致进一步下跌。

Exchange Dogecoin (DOGE) Now to Join the StealthEX Giveaway!

立即兑换狗狗币 (DOGE) 即可参加 StealthEX 赠品活动!

Final Words 


Wrapping up, it's clear the crypto world is a never-ending adventure. Bitcoin's been riding its own rollercoaster, while Shiba Inu (SHIB) and Dogecoin (DOGE) keep things interesting with their own twists and turns. And don't forget about StealthEX's exciting holiday giveaway – it's not every day you get a shot at winning some extra crypto cash. So, whether you're tracking market trends or just in it for the thrill, there's always something new around the corner in the crypto universe. Stay tuned, and who knows, you might just hit the jackpot!

总而言之,很明显,加密世界是一场永无止境的冒险。比特币一直在坐过山车,而柴犬(SHIB)和狗狗币(DOGE)则以自己的曲折让事情变得有趣。不要忘记 StealthEX 令人兴奋的节日赠品 - 并不是每天都有机会赢得额外的加密现金。因此,无论您是在跟踪市场趋势还是只是为了寻求刺激,加密世界中总会有新的东西出现。请继续关注,谁知道呢,您可能会中大奖!

Disclaimer: This is a sponsored article and is for informational purposes only. It does not reflect the views of Crypto Daily, nor is it intended to be used as legal, tax, investment, or financial advice.

免责声明:这是一篇赞助文章,仅供参考。它不反映 Crypto Daily 的观点,也不打算用作法律、税务、投资或财务建议。




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