首页 > 资讯新闻 > 柴犬(SHIB)濒临悬崖,狗狗币(DOGE)走向0.13美元,以太坊(ETH)确实需要这种支持

Shiba Inu (SHIB) Hanging on Verge of Cliff, Dogecoin (DOGE) Heading Toward $0.13, Ethereum (ETH) Really Needs This Support


发布: 2024/06/11 09:05 阅读: 334




Shiba Inu Faces UncertaintyAmidst Bearish Sentiment


Shiba Inu faces a period of uncertainty, exhibiting a bearish trend despite its positive position days ago. The recent drop below the 100 EMA (orange line) suggests a significant shift in sentiment.

柴犬面临一段不确定时期,尽管几天前处于积极状态,但仍呈现出看跌趋势。最近跌破 100 EMA(橙色线)表明市场情绪发生重大转变。

Shiba Inu has historically relied on the 100-day Exponential Moving Average (EMA) for support, but the breach indicates increasing selling pressure. The 200-day EMA, a critical long-term support, is now within reach of SHIB. Market conditions further compound Shiba Inu's precarious position.

柴犬历来依赖 100 天指数移动平均线 (EMA) 提供支撑,但突破表明抛售压力不断增加。关键的长期支撑位 200 日均线现在已在 SHIB 的触及范围之内。市场状况进一步加剧了柴犬的不稳定地位。

Traders monitor SHIB's price action as it approaches crucial support levels, anticipating potential recovery or further decline. A bearish crossover is indicated by the 50-day EMA positioned above the price, often interpreted as a bearish signal given the short-term momentum against Shiba Inu. Prolonged weakness below this level could signal a more extended downtrend.

当 SHIB 接近关键支撑位时,交易员会监控其价格走势,预计可能会复苏或进一步下跌。位于价格上方的 50 日均线表明看跌交叉,考虑到柴犬的短期势头,通常被解读为看跌信号。长期低于该水平可能预示着下行趋势将持续更长。

Trading volume trends offer insights into market dynamics. The recent surge in volume during the downturn indicates increased liquidation of SHIB holdings. Bitcoin's dip below $70,000 likely contributes to investor unease.

交易量趋势提供了对市场动态的洞察。近期经济低迷时期的交易量激增表明 SHIB 持仓清算增加。比特币跌破 70,000 美元可能会加剧投资者的不安。

Dogecoin Loses Momentum


Dogecoin continues to lose volume and traction following the passing of the Shiba Inu dog that inspired the meme. The decline is puzzling given its potential for widespread adoption, particularly with the anticipated implementation in the X payments system.

在激发了这一模因的柴犬去世后,狗狗币的数量和吸引力继续下降。考虑到其广泛采用的潜力,尤其是 X 支付系统的预期实施,这种下降令人费解。

Dogecoin faces technical concerns as its price tests critical support levels. The breach below the 100-day EMA suggests bearish momentum, pushing the price towards the 200-day EMA at $0.13.

狗狗币面临技术问题,因为其价格测试关键支撑位。跌破 100 日均线表明看跌势头,将价格推向 200 日均线 0.13 美元。

Weakening volume indicates a lack of strong buying interest, hindering Dogecoin's recovery. Oversold territory in the Relative Strength Index (RSI) may lead to a temporary price uptick, but overall sentiment remains negative. A significant market shift or change in investor sentiment is necessary for sustained gains.


Ethereum's Crucial Support


Ethereum stands at a pivotal juncture where technical support could determine its performance for the coming week. The 26 EMA currently serves as a key threshold, preventing a fall towards $3,380.

以太坊正处于关键时刻,技术支持可能决定其未来一周的表现。 26 EMA 目前是防止跌向 3,380 美元的关键门槛。

Ethereum has experienced significant volatility, testing multiple support and resistance levels. The price currently hovers around the 26-day EMA, serving as a critical support. A breakdown below this level could trigger a more significant decline.


Ethereum faces challenges in maintaining above the 26 EMA. Failure to do so could lead to a move towards the 50-day EMA (blue line) at $3,380, indicating additional bearish momentum. This would represent a substantial decrease from recent highs, potentially unsettling investors.

以太坊面临维持在 26 EMA 上方的挑战。如果不这样做,可能会导致价格向 3,380 美元的 50 日均线(蓝线)移动,表明进一步的看跌势头。这将意味着较近期高点大幅下跌,可能会让投资者感到不安。

Conversely, Ethereum may regain bullish momentum by holding above the 26 EMA. The $3,700 resistance remains a crucial level to monitor, with a potential move towards higher resistance levels if ETH breaks above it.

相反,以太坊可能会通过守住 26 EMA 上方来重新获得看涨势头。 3,700 美元的阻力位仍然是需要监控的关键水平,如果 ETH 突破该阻力位,则可能会向更高的阻力位移动。


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