首页 > 资讯新闻 > 随着鲸鱼的介入,柴犬 (SHIB) 价格一个月内涨幅总计超过 30%

Shiba Inu (SHIB) Price Rally Totals Over 30% in a Month as Whales Step in

随着鲸鱼的介入,柴犬 (SHIB) 价格一个月内涨幅总计超过 30%

发布: 2023/12/28 22:34 阅读: 956



随着鲸鱼的介入,柴犬 (SHIB) 价格一个月内涨幅总计超过 30%



  • Shiba Inu (SHIB) has seen a notable increase in its price recently, with its performance compared to other cryptocurrencies like Dogecoin.
  • 与狗狗币等其他加密货币相比,柴犬(SHIB)的价格最近显着上涨。

  • Various factors and developments within the Shiba Inu project are influencing its current market trend, including its L2 blockchain solution Shibarium.
  • Shiba Inu 项目中的各种因素和发展正在影响其当前的市场趋势,包括其 L2 区块链解决方案 Shibarium。

  • The article also discusses the impact of actions by large SHIB investors on the cryptocurrency’s market dynamics and investor sentiment.
  • 本文还讨论了 SHIB 大型投资者的行为对加密货币市场动态和投资者情绪的影响。

Shiba Inu (SHIB) Performs Better Than Dogecoin (SHIB)

柴犬 (SHIB) 的表现优于狗狗币 (SHIB)

Despite not being among the best performers today (December 28), the popular meme coin – Shiba Inu – has experienced a notable price increase lately. It is up more than 30% on a monthly basis (according to CoinGecko’s data), outpacing the gains recorded by Dogecoin (19%).

尽管在今天(12 月 28 日)表现不佳,但流行的模因币——柴犬——最近经历了显着的价格上涨。它的月度涨幅超过 30%(根据 CoinGecko 的数据),超过了狗狗币 (Dogecoin) 的涨幅 (19%)。

SHIB’s uptrend could be attributed to numerous developments, such as the asset’s burning mechanism and the advancement of the layer-2 blockchain solution Shibarium.


The meme coin project witnessed over 17 billion tokens burned last week. In addition, the burn rate for December 27 exploded by around 2,500%, resulting in more than 136 million assets destroyed. The move aims to reduce the tremendous circulating supply of SHIB, thus making it more scarce and potentially valuable in time.

Meme 币项目上周销毁了超过 170 亿枚代币。此外,12 月 27 日的销毁率激增约 2,500%,导致超过 1.36 亿资产被毁。此举旨在减少SHIB的巨大流通供应,从而使其更加稀缺并具有潜在的时间价值。

For its part, Shibarium blasted through another major milestone in terms of transaction volume. As CryptoPotato recently reported, total transactions on the network have surpassed the 200 million mark, whereas total blocks have climbed above 2.3 million. Those willing to learn about Shibarium’s merits and specifics could do so by watching our dedicated video below:

就其本身而言,Shibarium 在交易量方面突破了另一个重要里程碑。正如 CryptoPotato 最近报道的那样,网络上的总交易量已超过 2 亿大关,而总区块数已攀升至 230 万以上。那些愿意了解 Shibarium 的优点和细节的人可以通过观看下面的专用视频来实现:

Meanwhile, IntoTheBlock reveals that 40% of SHIB holders are currently sitting on paper profits, while 52% are in the red. Almost 90% of investors were underwater less than four months ago

与此同时,IntoTheBlock 透露,40% 的 SHIB 持有者目前持有账面利润,而 52% 则处于亏损状态。不到四个月前,近 90% 的投资者陷入困境

SHIB Whales on the Move

移动中的 SHIB 鲸鱼

The recent actions of Shiba Inu whales could have also played a role. As disclosed by WhaleAlert, one such investor transferred over 2.2 trillion SHIB (worth around $24 million at current rates) from Binance to an unknown address. Shifting from exchanges toward self-custody methods might be considered bullish since it reduces the immediate selling pressure.

柴犬鲸最近的行为也可能起到了一定作用。据 WhaleAlert 披露,其中一位投资者将超过 2.2 万亿个 SHIB(按当前汇率价值约 2400 万美元)从币安转移到了一个未知地址。从交易所转向自我托管方法可能被认为是看涨的,因为它减少了直接的抛售压力。

According to IntoTheBlock, whales control approximately 78% of Shiba Inu’s circulating supply (over 580 trillion), and their efforts can affect the token’s price.

据 IntoTheBlock 称,鲸鱼控制着柴犬流通供应量的约 78%(超过 580 万亿),他们的努力可以影响代币的价格。

The post Shiba Inu (SHIB) Price Rally Totals Over 30% in a Month as Whales Step in appeared first on CryptoPotato.

随着鲸鱼的介入,柴犬 (SHIB) 价格在一个月内上涨了 30% 以上,这一消息首先出现在 CryptoPotato 上。


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