首页 > 资讯新闻 > Coinbase 将比特币、狗狗币从支付服务中下架,柴犬挺身而出

Shiba Inu Stands Tall As Coinbase Delists Bitcoin, Dogecoin From Payment Service

Coinbase 将比特币、狗狗币从支付服务中下架,柴犬挺身而出

发布: 2024/02/20 06:17 阅读: 981



Shiba Inu (SHIB) has gotten one over its meme coin counterpart, Dogecoin (DOGE), following Coinbase’s decision to delist crypto tokens adopting the UXTO model, including the flagship cryptocurrency, Bitcoin, from its payment service. 

在 Coinbase 决定将采用 UXTO 模型的加密代币(包括旗舰加密货币比特币)从其支付服务中下架后,柴犬 (SHIB) 的表现超过了它的模因币对应物狗狗币 (DOGE)。

Coinbase Delists Bitcoin And Dogecoin, But Keeps Shiba Inu

Coinbase 下架比特币和狗狗币,但保留柴犬

The Product Lead for Coinbase Commerce, Lauren Dowling, revealed in an X (formerly Twitter) post that Coinbase will remove Bitcoin and other native UTXO support from its payment service. The UXTO (unspent transaction output) model is known to be also used by coins like Dogecoin (DOGE), Litecoin (LTC), and Bitcoin Cash (BCH) which were all forked from Bitcoin. 

Coinbase Commerce 的产品负责人 Lauren Dowling 在 X(以前称为 Twitter)帖子中透露,Coinbase 将从其支付服务中删除比特币和其他原生 UTXO 支持。众所周知,UXTO(未使用交易输出)模型也被狗狗币 (DOGE)、莱特币 (LTC) 和比特币现金 (BCH) 等代币所使用,这些代币都是从比特币中分叉出来的。


Coinbase had, in 2021, added DOGE to its payment service, a move which at then was a major boost for the meme coin’s adoption. That allowed Dogecoin users to be able to make payments on the platform using the crypto token. As such, Coinbase’s latest decision is no doubt disheartening to the DOGE community

Coinbase 于 2021 年将 DOGE 添加到其支付服务中,此举在当时极大地推动了 meme 硬币的采用。这使得狗狗币用户能够使用加密代币在平台上进行付款。因此,Coinbase 的最新决定无疑让 DOGE 社区感到沮丧。

Interestingly, SHIB, which is usually referred to as the ‘DOGE killer,’ looks to be more favored in this instance, considering its status as an ERC-20 token. Dowling further revealed in her X post that the new Commerce product will support hundreds of assets (mainly ERC-20s) across Base, Polygon, and Ethereum. 

有趣的是,考虑到其作为 ERC-20 代币的地位,通常被称为“DOGE 杀手”的 SHIB 在这种情况下似乎更受青睐。 Dowling 在她的 X 帖子中进一步透露,新的 Commerce 产品将支持 Base、Polygon 和以太坊上的数百种资产(主要是 ERC-20)。

These ERC-20 tokens (including SHIB) are also said to be the way in which customers can have the fastest checkout, as they can now use any self-custody EVM wallet to pay. This all forms part of Coinbase’s decision to transform its payment service to an “open onchain payments protocol,” which leverages smart contracts and other EVM tools. 

据说这些 ERC-20 代币(包括 SHIB)也是客户可以最快结账的方式,因为他们现在可以使用任何自助 EVM 钱包进行支付。这都是 Coinbase 决定将其支付服务转变为“开放式链上支付协议”的一部分,该协议利用智能合约和其他 EVM 工具。

Shibarium Still Growing Strong

Shibarium 仍在不断壮大

Layer-2 network Shibarium continues to gain massive adoption, with crypto exchange GroveX recently revealing that they have already integrated the network onto their platform. Meanwhile, more projects continue to be built on Shibarium, something which is also a positive sign for the Shiba Inu ecosystem.

第 2 层网络 Shibarium 继续获得大规模采用,加密货币交易所 GroveX 最近透露,他们已经将该网络集成到其平台上。与此同时,更多的项目不断在Shibarium上建设,这对于Shiba Inu生态系统来说也是一个积极的信号。

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Shiba Inu’s Marketing Lead, Lucie, mentioned in an X post how she believes that “something special” is going on within the ecosystem. She also highlighted some of the “beautiful projects” that are growing on Shibarium. Particularly, the layer-2 network looks to be gaining ground in the area of Decentralized Finance (DeFi) and non-fungible tokens (NFTs). 

Shiba Inu 的营销主管 Lucie 在 X 帖子中提到,她相信生态系统中正在发生“一些特别的事情”。她还强调了 Shibarium 上正在发展的一些“美丽的项目”。特别是,第二层网络似乎在去中心化金融(DeFi)和不可替代代币(NFT)领域取得进展。

Shibarium secured a partnership with K9 Finance, a Liquid Staking Derivatives (LSD) natively built on the layer-2 network. The LSD platform is expected to play a similar role to what Lido Finance plays for Ethereum. This is also a welcome development, as it will ultimately be beneficial for the SHIB token.  

Shibarium 与 K9 Finance 建立了合作伙伴关系,K9 Finance 是一种原生构建在第 2 层网络上的流动质押衍生品 (LSD)。 LSD 平台预计将扮演类似于 Lido Finance 在以太坊中扮演的角色。这也是一个值得欢迎的发展,因为它最终将有利于 SHIB 代币。

At the time of writing, SHIB is trading at around $0.000009836, up almost 1% in the last 24 hours, according to data from CoinMarketCap. 

根据 CoinMarketCap 的数据,截至撰写本文时,SHIB 的交易价格约为 0.000009836 美元,在过去 24 小时内上涨了近 1%。

SHIB price at $0.0000098 | Source: SHIBUSD on Tradingview.com

SHIB 价格为 $0.0000098 |资料来源:Tradingview.com 上的 SHIBUSD

Featured image from Milk Road, chart from Tradingview.com

精选图片来自 Milk Road,图表来自 Tradingview.com


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