首页 > 资讯新闻 > Shiba Memu 的 2023 年路径揭晓——我们可以从狗狗币价格预测中学习吗?

Shiba Memu’s 2023 Path Unveiled – Can we Learn From Dogecoin Price Predictions?

Shiba Memu 的 2023 年路径揭晓——我们可以从狗狗币价格预测中学习吗?

发布: 2023/10/17 12:15 阅读: 652



Shiba Memu 的 2023 年路径揭晓——我们可以从狗狗币价格预测中学习吗?

Regardless of what people think of meme coins, one thing’s for sure: they are responsible for onboarding masses of first-time crypto users into Web3. Meme coins go viral and go on parabolic price runs because of their relatability as inseparable parts of internet meme culture—not to mention the enticing possibility of minting fortunes overnight.

无论人们如何看待 meme 币,有一点是肯定的:它们负责将大量首次加密货币用户引入 Web3。模因币之所以能像病毒一样传播,价格呈抛物线式上涨,是因为它们是互联网模因文化不可分割的一部分,更不用说一夜暴富的诱人可能性了。

Fast forward to 2023, and investors are more discerning about which meme coins to invest in and which ones not to touch with a 10-foot pole. Namely, meme coins that combine internet culture appeal with actual innovative potential, and not meme coins created for pure speculation.

快进到 2023 年,投资者对哪些模因币值得投资、哪些不能用 10 英尺长的杆子接触变得更加挑剔。即,将互联网文化吸引力与实际创新潜力相结合的模因币,而不是纯粹为投机而创建的模因币。

A newcomer called Shiba Memu is rising up as the new “big dog” of the meme crypto yard—and everybody’s talking about how this new meme crypto can outperform the Dogecoin price prediction for 2025. 

一个名为 Shiba Memu 的新人正在崛起,成为 meme 加密货币领域的新“大狗”——每个人都在谈论这种新的 meme 加密货币如何超越狗狗币 2025 年的价格预测。

Within just 15 weeks of its SHMU token presale, the Shiba Memu has already raised $3.8m—easily outperforming initial estimates by a country mile.

在 SHMU 代币预售后的短短 15 周内,Shiba Memu 已经筹集了 380 万美元——轻松超出最初的估计一英里。

Which is a better investment in 2023? Dogecoin or Shiba Memu? Read on to find out.


What is Shiba Memu and How Does it Work?

什么是 Shiba Memu 及其工作原理?

Meme coins need sustained human marketing efforts to enhance community/investor interest. Hype cycles drive meme crypto prices—and once the hype runs dry, the community falls apart, and token prices begin to tank.


Shiba Memu is redefining the meme coin game by being able to self-direct its marketing and content creation strategy using artificial intelligence, natural language processing (NLP), and sentiment analysis

Shiba Memu 正在重新定义模因硬币游戏,能够利用人工智能、自然语言处理 (NLP) 和情感分析来自我指导其营销和内容创建策略。

Based on the mentions its algorithm gathers across online platforms, Shiba Memu calibrates its marketing strategy autonomously and produces/distributes content according to the prevailing market sentiment. 

根据其算法在在线平台上收集的提及,Shiba Memu 自主调整其营销策略,并根据当前的市场情绪制作/分发内容。

Whether it’s creating social media or online forum posts to counter FUD or producing marketing communications for media outlets to sell its SHMU token, Shiba Memu’s AI algorithms will do it all. 

无论是创建社交媒体或在线论坛帖子来对抗 FUD,还是为媒体机构制作营销传播来销售其 SHMU 代币,Shiba Memu 的人工智能算法都可以做到这一切。

Thus far, no other meme crypto has leveraged AI as creatively as Shiba Memu does—making it capable of outpacing Dogecoin price prediction and growth figures in the coming years.

到目前为止,还没有其他模因加密货币像 Shiba Memu 那样创造性地利用人工智能,使其能够在未来几年超越狗狗币的价格预测和增长数据。

SHMU is the native and governance token of Shiba Memu used to grant access to Shiba Memu’s intuitive marketing interface. SHMU token holders can view all aspects of the protocol’s performance across platforms, marketing campaigns, sentiment tracker, and content pipeline all in one dashboard.

SHMU 是 Shiba Memu 的原生和治理代币,用于授予对 Shiba Memu 直观营销界面的访问权限。 SHMU 代币持有者可以在一个仪表板中查看跨平台、营销活动、情绪跟踪器和内容管道的协议性能的所有方面。

Shiba Memu makes it possible for the hype train to never stop rolling—constantly drawing a stream of fresh capital, sustaining community and investor engagement, stabilizing volatile price movements, and guiding price action upwards.

Shiba Memu 使炒作列车永不停歇——不断吸引新资本流,维持社区和投资者的参与,稳定波动的价格走势,并引导价格走势向上。

Shiba Memu Price Prediction: How High Can SHMU Go in 2025?

Shiba Memu 价格预测:2025 年 SHMU 能涨到多高?

Just imagine this: if a meme coin lacking in utility like Dogecoin can surge all the way to the top, imagine what a meme coin with all the potential and creative use of AI like Shiba Memu can achieve—especially when the long-awaited bull run of 2025 finally arrives.

试想一下:如果像狗狗币这样缺乏实用性的模因币能够一路飙升到顶峰,想象一下像 Shiba Memu 这样具有人工智能的所有潜力和创造性的模因币可以实现什么——尤其是当人们期待已久的牛市时2025年终于到来了。

Shiba Memu price predictions range between a conservative $0.40 to a bullish $0.70 by 2025 from its listing price of $0.0379. That’s roughly a 10x increase on the low end and a 18x increase on the bullish end. Either way, Shiba Memu looks like it could easily blow 2025 Dogecoin price prediction estimates out of the water.

Shiba Memu 的价格预测范围在 2025 年保守的 0.40 美元到看涨的 0.70 美元之间,其挂牌价为 0.0379 美元。低端大约增加 10 倍,看涨端大约增加 18 倍。不管怎样,Shiba Memu 看起来很容易超出 2025 年狗狗币价格预测的预估。

What is Dogecoin and How Does it Work?


Dogecoin is the original meme crypto token, which notably took its branding from the ubiquitous “Doge” meme. Dogecoin investors who bought the meme crypto way before the token’s 2021 highs became crypto millionaires by selling at its $0.72 all-time high. No one could have expected that DOGE token prices would outperform even the most bullish Dogecoin price predictions at that time.

狗狗币是最初的模因加密代币,其品牌源自无处不在的“Doge”模因。狗狗币投资者在该代币达到 2021 年高点之前购买了该代币,并以 0.72 美元的历史高点卖出,成为了加密货币百万富翁。没有人能预料到 DOGE 代币的价格会超过当时最乐观的狗狗币价格预测。

But they did.


However, besides being just another method of online payment, almost nothing has changed about the DOGE ecosystem. Be that as it may, the lack of utility has never stopped people from buying into a meme. Be forewarned, though: it will take tens of billions of dollars in fresh market capitalization for Dogecoin to come anywhere close to its previous all-time high. Where is that money going to come from, with more exciting projects like Shiba Memu eating away at DOGE’s market share?

然而,除了作为另一种在线支付方式之外,DOGE 生态系统几乎没有任何变化。不管怎样,缺乏实用性并没有阻止人们购买模因。不过,请预先警告:狗狗币需要数百亿美元的新市值才能接近之前的历史新高。随着 Shiba Memu 等更多令人兴奋的项目蚕食 DOGE 的市场份额,这笔钱将从何而来?

Dogecoin price prediction: How high can DOGE go in 2025?

狗狗币价格预测:2025 年 DOGE 能走多高?

Dogecoin prices have stagnated since 2021. The token has lost over 90% of its value since the bull run of 2021. Moreover, Dogecoin’s inflationary nature—with 5 billion Dogecoin mined annually—places it firmly on a downward spiral as far as prices are concerned.

自 2021 年以来,狗狗币的价格一直停滞不前。自 2021 年牛市以来,该代币的价值已损失了 90% 以上。此外,狗狗币的通货膨胀性质(每年开采 50 亿枚狗狗币)使其价格坚定地处于螺旋式下降之中。

Realistic 2025 Dogecoin price predictions peg the coin to trade from $0.20 to $0.40 at best. While it crabs between its $0.05 to $0.07 support range, the key takeaway is that even the #1 meme coin by market capitalization can perform terribly and still remain a leader.

现实的 2025 年狗狗币价格预测最多将其交易价格从 0.20 美元调整到 0.40 美元。虽然它在 0.05 美元至 0.07 美元的支撑区间徘徊,但关键的一点是,即使是按市值排名第一的 meme 代币也可以表现糟糕,但仍然保持领先地位。

Shiba Memu vs. Dogecoin: Which is a better investment right now?

Shiba Memu 与狗狗币:目前哪个是更好的投资?

With its unique value proposition in the meme crypto sector and its innovative use of AI, there’s no question that Shiba Memu offers significantly greater potential to appreciate in value than Dogecoin can from 2023 onwards. 

凭借其在 meme 加密领域的独特价值主张及其对人工智能的创新运用,毫无疑问,从 2023 年起,Shiba Memu 的升值潜力将比狗狗币大得多。

Not surprisingly, the smart money is on the Shiba Memu presale. Already touted as one of the best meme crypto ICOs of October 2023, growth investors can take advantage of the SHMU token presale’s 2% daily raise plan throughout the 120-day presale.

毫不奇怪,聪明的钱都在 Shiba Memu 预售上。 SHMU 代币已被誉为 2023 年 10 月最好的 meme 加密 ICO 之一,成长型投资者可以在 120 天预售期间利用 SHMU 代币预售的 2% 每日融资计划。

By the time Shiba Memu launches for public sale on 31st October, early-stage investors will have already locked in their gains well before the rest of the market does. Currently at $0.03408, there’s plenty of money to be made by joining the SHMU presale right now.

当 Shiba Memu 于 10 月 31 日公开发售时,早期投资者将早于市场其他投资者锁定收益。目前价格为 0.03408 美元,现在加入 SHMU 预售可以赚很多钱。

If there’s one thing we can learn about Dogecoin price predictions, it’s that the earlier investors participate, the greater the potential profits they can make.


Join the Shiba Memu presale and learn how to buy SHMU here

加入 Shiba Memu 预售并在此处了解如何购买 SHMU。


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