首页 > 资讯新闻 > SOL Meme 和 PolitiFi Colossus、Solciety 在 48 小时内筹集了 30 万美元(6 月 20 日)

SOL Meme and PolitiFi Colossus, Solciety Raises $300k in Under 48 Hours (20 Jun)

SOL Meme 和 PolitiFi Colossus、Solciety 在 48 小时内筹集了 30 万美元(6 月 20 日)

发布: 2024/06/20 19:04 阅读: 684



SOL Meme 和 PolitiFi Colossus、Solciety 在 48 小时内筹集了 30 万美元(6 月 20 日)

London, United Kingdom, June 20th, 2024

英国伦敦,2024 年 6 月 20 日

Solciety, a prominent player in the PolitiFi meme coin sector, has successfully raised over $300,000 within the first 48 hours of its presale, which commenced on June 18th at 14:00 UTC. The presale is scheduled to run for 30 days, concluding on July 18th.

Solciety 是 PolitiFi meme 硬币领域的知名参与者,预售于 6 月 18 日 14:00 UTC 开始,在 48 小时内成功筹集了超过 300,000 美元。预售预计持续 30 天,将于 7 月 18 日结束。

This success aligns with the heightened interest in PolitiFi tokens during this significant US election year. Solciety aims to capitalize on this trend, appealing to a broad audience with its unique "political party for degens" branding.

这一成功与在这个重要的美国大选年对 PolitiFi 代币兴趣的高涨相一致。 Solciety 旨在利用这一趋势,以其独特的“德根斯政党”品牌吸引广大受众。

Solciety invites all interested parties to participate in discussions on its social channels.

Solciety 邀请所有感兴趣的各方参与其社交渠道的讨论。

A total of 3 billion out of the 10 billion Solciety tokens are available for purchase this month before the coin becomes available for public trading. The presale includes price increases every 72 hours by smart contract, offering early supporters an opportunity to purchase tokens at a lower rate. Stage 1 buyers can acquire tokens at $0.0015, with the price set to reach $0.0040 by the end of the presale, resulting in a 169% price increase for the earliest participants.

在该代币可供公开交易之前,本月 100 亿枚 Solciety 代币中总共有 30 亿枚可供购买。预售包括通过智能合约每 72 小时提价一次,为早期支持者提供以较低价格购买代币的机会。第一阶段买家可以以 0.0015 美元的价格购买代币,预售结束时价格将达到 0.0040 美元,这使得最早的参与者价格上涨了 169%。

Solciety combines elements of SOL meme coins and PolitiFi, both of which have shown strong performance in the current crypto market.

Solciety 结合了 SOL meme 币和 PolitiFi 的元素,这两者都在当前的加密市场中表现出了强劲的表现。

Solciety (SLCTY) tokens are available for purchase on the Solciety website.

Solciety (SLCTY) 代币可在 Solciety 网站上购买。

Overview of Solciety


Solciety positions itself as "the political party for degens," bringing together meme enthusiasts and investors. The core of its strategy is the Meme Campaigner, which drives its viral success through politically-themed memes featuring characters such as Donald Pump, Badimir Putin, and Kim Wrong Un.

Solciety 将自己定位为“德根斯的政党”,将模因爱好者和投资者聚集在一起。其战略的核心是 Meme Campaigner,通过以唐纳德·庞普 (Donald Pump)、巴迪米尔·普京 (Badimir Putin) 和金·错恩 (Kim Wrong Un) 等人物为主角的政治主题表情包,推动其病毒式成功。

To incentivize content creation, 10% of the SLCTY token supply (one billion tokens) is allocated to reward prolific meme creators. This initiative aims to increase the project's visibility across social media, leveraging the 2024 election cycle for further outreach.

为了激励内容创作,SLCTY 代币供应量的 10%(10 亿代币)被分配给多产的 meme 创作者。该举措旨在提高该项目在社交媒体上的知名度,利用 2024 年选举周期进行进一步推广。

Solciety has garnered attention from top crypto influencers, including ALTCOIN-BEAR, The PEPE ARMY, ShibArmy1000x, and BscGems1000x, who collectively have 835k followers.

Solciety 吸引了顶级加密货币影响者的关注,包括 ALTCOIN-BEAR、The PEPE ARMY、ShibArmy1000x 和 BscGems1000x,他们总共拥有 83.5 万粉丝。

Additionally, Solciety has been fully audited by German veterans Solid Proof, ensuring the smart contract's integrity and providing peace of mind for investors.

此外,Solciety 还经过德国退伍军人 Solid Proof 的全面审核,确保了智能合约的完整性,让投资者安心无忧。

Solana Memes and PolitiFi: Solciety's PR Strategy

Solana Memes 和 PolitiFi:Solciety 的公关策略

Solana meme coins are a defining trend of 2024, with Solciety poised to benefit from SOL's lower transaction fees compared to Ethereum. This has facilitated the rise of various projects within the meme coin space, namely dogwifhat and Bonk.

Solana meme 币是 2024 年的一个决定性趋势,与以太坊相比,SOL 的交易费用较低,Solciety 将从中受益。这促进了 meme 币领域内各种项目的兴起,即 Dogwifhat 和 Bonk。

These two coins have become mainstays in the top 100 most capitalized coins. They've rallied significantly, benefiting many investors. Dogwifhat increased by an incredible 50,000% between December and March, while BONK produced returns of 6,700% over a 12-month period.

这两种货币已成为市值最高的 100 种货币中的中流砥柱。它们大幅上涨,使许多投资者受益。 Dogwifhat 在 12 月至 3 月期间增长了 50,000%,令人难以置信,而 BONK 在 12 个月期间的回报率为 6,700%。

PolitiFi is also home to many of 2024's most notable rallies. This new sector incorporates another market trend that could elevate Solciety's standing. Coins relating to politicians are showing activity in sync with the election season, with the sector totaling over $1 billion in market capitalization; this figure has the potential to increase further as the election year progresses.

PolitiFi 也是 2024 年许多最著名集会的举办地。这个新领域融合了另一种市场趋势,可以提升 Solciety 的地位。与政治家相关的硬币的活动与选举季节同步,该行业的总市值超过 10 亿美元;随着选举年的进展,这一数字有可能进一步增加。

SLCTY tokens are currently available for $0.0015, with prices set to increase every 72 hours by smart contract. Early participation secures the lowest entry price.

SLCTY 代币目前售价为 0.0015 美元,根据智能合约,价格每 72 小时上涨一次。早期参与可确保最低的入场价格。

Solciety (SLCTY) tokens are available to purchase on the Solciety website.

Solciety (SLCTY) 代币可在 Solciety 网站上购买。

About Solciety

关于 Solciety

Solciety is the answer to the dull and economically inept politics of today. It aims to unite degens under the umbrella of memes and potential for gains. With its advanced meme-generating tech and SLCTY token, Solciety harnesses election buzz and aims to dominate the 2024 PolitiFi scene by offering investors a fun and potentially lucrative way to engage in current affairs.

社会是当今沉闷且经济无能的政治的答案。它的目的是在模因和收益潜力的保护下将德根们团结起来。凭借其先进的模因生成技术和 SLCTY 代币,Solciety 利用选举热潮,旨在通过为投资者提供一种有趣且可能有利可图的方式参与时事,从而主导 2024 年 PolitiFi 场景。

For more information about Solciety (SLCTY), users can visit the website.

有关 Solciety (SLCTY) 的更多信息,用户可以访问该网站。

Website | Whitepaper | Socials
Contact: Solcietymarketing@solciety.io

网站 |白皮书 |社交联系方式:Solcietymarketing@solciety.io

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