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These Solana Meme Coins Are Breaking Out This Week

这些 Solana Meme 硬币本周即将爆发

发布: 2024/06/21 00:03 阅读: 510

原文作者:Coingape News Media


Crypto Market Shows Signs of Recovery


Crypto assets are witnessing daily gains, with sectors such as Solana meme coins and decentralized finance (DeFi) aiming for a breakout. This week, assets are experiencing a rebound, though many may still exhibit losses due to recent negative trading. The market capitalization has surged by approximately 2% over the past 24 hours, standing at $2.42 trillion.

加密资产每天都在上涨,Solana meme 币和去中心化金融 (DeFi) 等领域都在寻求突破。本周,资产正在经历反弹,尽管许多资产可能仍因近期的负面交易而出现损失。过去 24 小时内,市值飙升约 2%,达到 2.42 万亿美元。

Meme Coins Gain Momentum

Meme 币势头强劲

Meme coins have seen significant gains, with an overall 5% increase today as top assets recover. Bitcoin remains above $65,000, with bulls anticipating a potential rally to exceed $70,000 if positive sentiment persists.

Meme 币涨幅显着,随着顶级资产的复苏,今天整体上涨了 5%。比特币仍保持在 65,000 美元以上,多头预计,如果积极情绪持续下去,比特币可能反弹超过 70,000 美元。

Solana Meme Coins Stage Breakout Attempts

Solana Meme 硬币阶段突破尝试

Solana meme coins, which had been trading in a range for over a week, have recently shifted direction. Here are the leading Solana meme coins attempting a breakout this week:

Solana meme 币在一周多的时间里一直在区间内交易,最近改变了方向。以下是本周试图突破的主要 Solana meme 代币:



The Tate-themed RNT token has skyrocketed after a period of stagnation. The Solana meme coin has gained 103% today, trading at $0.01082. While daily gains are positive, longer-term indicators suggest outflows. Its daily trading volume has increased to $22.9 million, indicating sustained growth and potential for a breakout.

以泰特为主题的 RNT 代币在经历了一段时间的停滞后已经飙升。 Solana meme 币今天上涨了 103%,交易价格为 0.01082 美元。虽然每日收益为正,但长期指标显示资金外流。其日交易量已增至2290万美元,显示出持续增长和突破的潜力。

Pepe Trump



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