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Solana Memecoin Mew Debuts on Telegram Courtesy of Pixelverse

Solana Memecoin Mew 在 Telegram 上首次亮相,由 Pixelverse 提供

发布: 2024/07/04 01:50 阅读: 603

原文作者:Crypto Daily™


Solana Memecoin Mew 在 Telegram 上首次亮相,由 Pixelverse 提供

Pixelverse Transports Solana's Mew to Telegram

Pixelverse 将 Solana 的 Mew 传输到 Telegram

The Web3 gaming ecosystem Pixelverse has made a bold move by bringing one of Solana's most beloved memes to Telegram. With the blessing of Mew's creators, the introduction of this iconic Solana character to TON marks a significant milestone.

Web3 游戏生态系统 Pixelverse 采取了大胆举措,将 Solana 最受欢迎的模因之一引入 Telegram。在 Mew 创作者的祝福下,将这个标志性的 Solana 角色引入 TON 标志着一个重要的里程碑。

Mew, the face of the eponymous Solana catcoin, will now grace Telegram-based mini-games, a signature feature of Pixelverse. This cross-chain collaboration showcases Solana's influence in creating enduring meme characters while introducing a familiar face to TON.

Mew 是同名 Solana 猫币的代言人,现在将出现在基于 Telegram 的迷你游戏中,这是 Pixelverse 的标志性功能。此次跨链合作展示了 Solana 在创造持久模因角色方面的影响力,同时为 TON 引入了熟悉的面孔。

Mew Meets Doge


The integration with Pixelverse does not involve the migration of the Mew token, but rather the transfer of its intellectual property. The intrepid feline will be reborn in Pixelverse's mini-games, joining recognizable figures like Doge of Dogecoin fame.

与 Pixelverse 的整合并不涉及 Mew 代币的迁移,而是涉及其知识产权的转移。这只勇敢的猫科动物将在 Pixelverse 的迷你游戏中重生,加入狗狗币名声大噪的 Doge 等知名人物行列。

Pixelverse has found success with its mini-games, which have become a phenomenon. Over 50 million users engaged with Pixelverse within a month of its launch on Telegram, leveraging the social platform's vast crypto user base.

Pixelverse 的迷你游戏取得了成功,并已成为一种现象。 Pixelverse 在 Telegram 上发布后一个月内就有超过 5000 万用户参与其中,充分利用了该社交平台庞大的加密用户群。

The appeal of Pixelverse's games has also attracted venture capital attention. Recently, the web3 entertainment studio secured a $5.5M seed round led by Delphi Ventures and Merit Circle, both ardent supporters of web3 gaming.

Pixelverse游戏的吸引力也引起了风险投资的关注。最近,web3 娱乐工作室获得了由 Delphi Ventures 和 Merit Circle 领投的 550 万美元种子轮融资,这两家公司都是 web3 游戏的热心支持者。

TON's Rise

TON 的崛起

Telegram Open Network (TON) has witnessed a surge in activity, with active wallet addresses skyrocketing since April. Telegram's introduction of ad revenue sharing in TON has attracted creators and influencers to the ecosystem. April was particularly significant for TON, as USDT launched on its network, making the stablecoin accessible to millions of new users.

Telegram 开放网络 (TON) 的活动激增,自 4 月份以来活跃钱包地址猛增。 Telegram 在 TON 中引入广告收入共享吸引了创作者和影响者加入该生态系统。 4 月份对于 TON 来说尤其重要,因为 USDT 在其网络上推出,使数百万新用户可以使用这种稳定币。

TON is now demonstrating the potential of social networks like X and Meta had they embraced crypto and blockchain more wholeheartedly. While Meta's stablecoin launch was stifled by regulators and Elon Musk's crypto enthusiasm has waned, Telegram has seamlessly integrated TON into its messenger app, making it the predominant communication platform for the crypto community.

TON 现在正在展示 X 和 Meta 等社交网络的潜力,如果它们更全心全意地拥抱加密货币和区块链的话。虽然 Meta 的稳定币推出受到监管机构的压制,而且埃隆·马斯克对加密货币的热情已经减弱,但 Telegram 已将 TON 无缝集成到其通讯应用程序中,使其成为加密社区的主要通信平台。



The rise of Tap-to-Earn games has also contributed to TON's success. Pixelverse and Notcoin have been pioneers in this field, rewarding users for completing tasks to encourage active engagement with their apps and games.

Tap-to-Earn 游戏的兴起也为 TON 的成功做出了贡献。 Pixelverse 和 Notcoin 一直是该领域的先驱,奖励完成任务的用户,以鼓励用户积极参与他们的应用程序和游戏。

With Mew now poised to make its Telegram debut, TON and Pixelverse's momentum shows no sign of slowing down. If the integration proves successful, expect to see more meme characters gracing Telegram mini-games in the future.

随着 Mew 即将在 Telegram 上首次亮相,TON 和 Pixelverse 的势头丝毫没有放缓的迹象。如果整合成功,预计未来会有更多模因角色出现在 Telegram 迷你游戏中。


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