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Solana Price Braces For Potential Crash Below $100 Amid Investigation Rumors

由于调查传闻,Solana 价格可能跌破 100 美元

发布: 2024/06/25 08:02 阅读: 892



Solana Price Faces Uncertain Future Amid Investigation Rumors

Solana 价格在调查传闻中面临不确定的未来

The Solana price has been tumbling in recent weeks, mirroring the broader market correction. Concerns have escalated following rumors of a potential investigation into the blockchain platform.

最近几周,Solana 价格一直在下跌,反映了更广泛的市场调整。在有传言称可能对区块链平台进行调查后,担忧不断升级。

Regulatory Scrutiny


Market expert Crypto Bitlord, with a significant following on social media, hinted at an impending investigation into Solana. The post suggested that the investigation could be made public soon.

在社交媒体上拥有大量追随者的市场专家 Crypto Bitlord 暗示即将对 Solana 进行调查。该帖子暗示调查结果可能很快就会公开。

No details about the jurisdiction or agency involved have been released, but the US has been cracking down on the cryptocurrency industry after the collapse of FTX in late 2022. Legal actions have been taken against industry executives, including Changpeng Zhao (CZ) of Binance and Coinbase.

目前尚未公布有关司法管辖区或机构的详细信息,但自 2022 年底 FTX 崩溃后,美国一直在打击加密货币行业。已对行业高管采取了法律行动,包括币安的赵长鹏 (CZ) 和币库。

Solana's Price Impact

Solana 的价格影响

The potential impact of an investigation on Solana's price, according to Crypto Bitlord, could be severe. However, these statements remain speculative until further news emerges. Solana's founders have not made any official comments.

Crypto Bitlord 表示,调查对 Solana 价格的潜在影响可能会很严重。然而,在进一步的消息出现之前,这些声明仍然是推测性的。 Solana 的创始人尚未发表任何官方评论。

Price Analysis


Solana's price has fallen significantly across time frames, with declines of over 9%, 18%, and 22% in the past seven, fourteen, and thirty days, respectively. Despite the downturn, trading volume has been robust, exceeding $2.8 billion in the past 24 hours.

Solana 的价格在不同时间段内大幅下跌,过去 7 天、14 天和 30 天分别下跌超过 9%、18% 和 22%。尽管经济低迷,但交易量依然强劲,在过去 24 小时内超过 28 亿美元。

CoinShares has reported inflows into various altcoins, including Solana, amounting to over $2.7 million. This indicates that some investors see value in SOL despite the price drop.

CoinShares 报告称,流入包括 Solana 在内的各种山寨币的金额超过 270 万美元。这表明尽管价格下跌,一些投资者仍看到了 SOL 的价值。

However, the Solana price faces a critical test as it nears critical support levels. Currently, it trades just above a four-month support at $127, which marked the uptrend when SOL reached a yearly peak of $210 in March.

然而,Solana 价格在接近关键支撑位时面临严峻考验。目前,其交易价格略高于四个月支撑位 127 美元,这标志着 SOL 在 3 月份达到年度峰值 210 美元时的上升趋势。

If selling pressure increases and support is breached, SOL could retrace to $117, a significant mid-term support level. Other support levels are at $109 and $102. Bullish investors should monitor these levels to prevent Solana from falling below $100.

如果抛售压力增加且支撑位被突破,SOL 可能会回撤至 117 美元,这是一个重要的中期支撑位。其他支撑位为 109 美元和 102 美元。看涨投资者应监控这些水平,以防止 Solana 跌破 100 美元。

Disclaimer: The information provided in this article is for informational purposes only and does not constitute financial advice.



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