首页 > 资讯新闻 > Solana (SOL) 价格飙升;距离 25 美元关键水平仅一步之遥

Solana (SOL) Price Skyrockets; Inches Closer to $25 Key Level

Solana (SOL) 价格飙升;距离 25 美元关键水平仅一步之遥

发布: 2023/10/02 22:07 阅读: 502



  • Solana is now the seventh most valuable cryptocurrency as per CMC.
  • 根据 CMC 的数据,Solana 现在是第七大最有价值的加密货币。

  • If the price breaks decisively over the $25 resistance, it may go towards $27.50.
  • 如果价格果断突破 25 美元阻力位,则可能会升至 27.50 美元。

Lately, the price of Solana (SOL) skyrocketed, coming alarmingly close to $25. Due to its recent price increase, Solana is now the seventh most valuable cryptocurrency, surpassing both Dogecoin (DOGE) and Cardano (ADA).

最近,Solana (SOL) 的价格飙升,令人震惊地接近 25 美元。由于最近的价格上涨,Solana 现在是第七大最有价值的加密货币,超过了狗狗币 (DOGE) 和卡尔达诺 (ADA)。

This year, the TVL for Solana reached a new high of $338.21 million. This provides some good news for Solana fans after a year full of setbacks.

今年,Solana 的 TVL 达到 3.3821 亿美元的新高。这为 Solana 粉丝在经历了一年的挫折后带来了一些好消息。

Bulls in Total Control


Solana’s TVL rose 4.15 percent from $324.64 million yesterday, for a yearly growth of nearly 38 percent from its $210.47 million starting point on January 1. These numbers, however, cannot make up for the shocking 60% drop in TVL starting in 2022.

Solana 的 TVL 较昨天的 3.2464 亿美元增长了 4.15%,较 1 月 1 日的起点 2.1047 亿美元同比增长了近 38%。然而,这些数字无法弥补从 2022 年开始 TVL 令人震惊的 60% 下降。

In comparison to Solana’s high of over $10 billion in 2021, the TVL’s present recovery is notable but not very impressive. Its TVL has increased by almost $116 million year to date, which might indicate a positive sentiment. At the time of writing, SOL is trading at $24.18, up 6.18% in the last 24 hours as per data from CMC. Moreover, the trading volume is up 39.83%. In terms of technical analysis, the first key barrier is at $24.60, followed by $25. 

与 Solana 在 2021 年超过 100 亿美元的高点相比,TVL 目前的复苏虽然引人注目,但并不十分令人印象深刻。今年迄今为止,其 TVL 已增加近 1.16 亿美元,这可能表明了积极的情绪。根据 CMC 的数据,截至撰写本文时,SOL 的交易价格为 24.18 美元,在过去 24 小时内上涨了 6.18%。此外,交易量增长了39.83%。技术分析方面,第一个关键障碍是24.60美元,其次是25美元。

If the price breaks decisively over the $25 resistance, it may go towards the $27.50, with the next major barrier seen around the $28.80 area. If the current trend keeps on, the price may soon hit $30. However, if SOL cannot find buyers between $24.50 and $25, it may change course. The $23.20 price point, together with the adjacent trend line, provides initial downward support.

如果价格果断突破 25 美元阻力位,则可能会升至 27.50 美元,下一个主要障碍位于 28.80 美元区域。如果目前的趋势持续下去,价格可能很快就会达到 30 美元。然而,如果 SOL 无法在 24.50 美元到 25 美元之间找到买家,它可能会改变路线。 23.20 美元的价格点以及邻近的趋势线提供了初步的下行支撑。


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