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Solana (SOL) Token Plunges Despite Visa Hype

尽管 Visa 炒作,Solana (SOL) 代币仍暴跌

发布: 2023/09/10 18:30 阅读: 205



Just days after a promising partnership announcement with Visa, Solana's native token, SOL, has experienced a sharp decline in price.

就在与 Visa 宣布合作的几天后,Solana 的原生代币 SOL 的价格急剧下跌。

Currently trading at $18.40, down 5.5% against Bitcoin, the main Ethereum competitor has a market cap of $7.56 billion and a 24-hour trading volume of $338 million.

目前以太坊的交易价格为 18.40 美元,相对于比特币下跌 5.5%,以太坊主要竞争对手的市值为 75.6 亿美元,24 小时交易量为 3.38 亿美元。

This dramatic drop comes despite initial gains following Visa's announcement to use the Solana blockchain for settling transactions in USDC stablecoin.

尽管 Visa 宣布使用 Solana 区块链来结算 USDC 稳定币交易后最初出现了上涨,但这一大幅下跌还是出现了。

Visa's crypto ambitions fail to sustain SOL's momentum

Visa 的加密货币野心未能维持 SOL 的势头

Earlier this week, Visa unveiled its latest venture into the crypto space, choosing Solana as its blockchain platform to facilitate faster payments in USDC, a leading stablecoin.

本周早些时候,Visa 公布了其进军加密货币领域的最新举措,选择 Solana 作为其区块链平台,以促进领先的稳定币 USDC 的更快支付。

The global payments giant confirmed its plans to help merchants move millions in USDC transactions. Initially, this revelation spurred a 4% price gain for SOL.

这家全球支付巨头确认其计划帮助商家通过 USDC 交易转移数百万美元。最初,这一消息刺激 SOL 的价格上涨 4%。

The partnership was seen as a ringing endorsement of Solana as a legitimate Ethereum alternative, especially prized for its speedy and cost-effective transactions.

此次合作被视为对 Solana 作为合法以太坊替代品的有力认可,尤其因其快速且经济高效的交易而受到赞誉。

Bearish clouds over altcoin horizons


The downtrend is not confined to Solana; the altcoin market at large is also weathering a storm.

下降趋势不仅限于 Solana;整个山寨币市场也正在经历一场风暴。

According to CoinGecko data, major players like Bitcoin and Ethereum have been mostly flat, while other noteworthy altcoins like Cardano and Dogecoin have reported declines of 2.3% and 2.4%, respectively, in the past week.

根据 CoinGecko 的数据,比特币和以太坊等主要参与者基本持平,而卡尔达诺和狗狗币等其他值得注意的山寨币在过去一周分别下跌了 2.3% 和 2.4%。

Litecoin and meme coin Shiba Inu are also down 4.4% and 5% over the past 24 hours, according to CoinGecko data.

根据 CoinGecko 的数据,莱特币和 meme 币 Shiba Inu 在过去 24 小时内也下跌了 4.4% 和 5%。

However, the fact that SOL is underperforming the main altcoins despite the Visa hype is pretty damning for the key Ethereum rival.

然而,尽管 Visa 大肆宣传,但 SOL 的表现仍逊于主要山寨币,这一事实对于以太坊的主要竞争对手来说是相当糟糕的。


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