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Solana Surpasses Ethereum in Google Searches

Solana 在 Google 搜索中超越以太坊

发布: 2023/12/30 08:35 阅读: 450



Solana recently achieved a significant milestone by overtaking Ethereum in Google search interest for the first time. According to Google Trends data from December 17–23, global Solana searches eclipsed those for Ethereum, with a peak score of 56 versus 50.

Solana 最近实现了一个重要的里程碑,在谷歌搜索热度中首次超越以太坊。根据 12 月 17 日至 23 日的 Google 趋势数据,Solana 的全球搜索量超过了以太坊,最高得分为 56 对 50。

In certain countries, like Spain and the Philippines, Solana commanded substantially higher relative search volumes than Ethereum. Meanwhile, Ethereum still leads Solana in Indonesia, Taiwan, Morocco, and other regions.

在西班牙和菲律宾等某些国家,Solana 的相对搜索量远高于以太坊。与此同时,以太坊在印度尼西亚、台湾、摩洛哥等地区仍领先于Solana。

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Solana 正在受到全世界的关注

Nonetheless, Solana’s ascendance in search dominance underscores its increasing mainstream traction. Much of the attention likely stems from the success of meme coins built on the network.

尽管如此,Solana 在搜索领域的主导地位突显了其日益增长的主流吸引力。大部分关注可能源于网络上建立的模因币的成功。

Google Trends revealed surging user interest in Solana-based projects like Bonk. Bonk, a dog-themed meme token, shocked markets after flipping Dogecoin rival Pepe for a short period in terms of market capitalization.

Google 趋势显示,用户对 Bonk 等基于 Solana 的项目兴趣激增。 Bonk 是一种以狗为主题的模因代币,在市值短时间内击败了狗​​狗币竞争对手 Pepe 后,震惊了市场。

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Solana’s native SOL token also breached new milestones, likely fueling additional searches. SOL briefly flipped XRP as the fourth-largest cryptocurrency in late December based on market capitalization. It also dethroned BNB as the fourth-largest coin for a short period of time.

Solana 的原生 SOL 代币也突破了新的里程碑,可能会推动更多搜索。 12 月底,SOL 曾一度将 XRP 取代为市值第四大加密货币。它还在短时间内取代了 BNB 作为第四大代币的地位。

For now, SOL appears to be riding the wave of market exuberance, even as analysts question its sustainability beyond near-term trends. However, if the network can channel short-term hype into long-term adoption, SOL may establish itself as a lasting alternative to Ethereum.

目前,SOL 似乎正乘着市场繁荣的浪潮,尽管分析师质疑其近期趋势之外的可持续性。然而,如果网络能够将短期炒作转化为长期采用,SOL 可能会成为以太坊的持久替代品。

Source: https://thebittimes.com/solana-surpasses-ethereum-in-google-searches-tbt75149.html



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