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Solciety Presale: Julian Assange Freedom Pulls In PolitiFi Investors

Solciety 预售:朱利安·阿桑奇的自由吸引了 PolitiFi 投资者

发布: 2024/06/28 15:03 阅读: 414



Solciety 预售:朱利安·阿桑奇的自由吸引了 PolitiFi 投资者

The Solciety presale has raised over $470,000, and the PolitiFi meme coin could see further gains due to major political news.

Solciety 预售已筹集超过 470,000 美元,PolitiFi meme 代币可能会因重大政治新闻而进一步上涨。

Julian Assange's release from a UK prison on Tuesday, pursuant to a plea agreement with the US Department of Justice, allows him to return to Australia as a free man. His freedom is widely celebrated in anti-establishment circles, which overlap significantly with Solciety's audience.

根据与美国司法部达成的认罪协议,朱利安·阿桑奇于周二从英国监狱获释,使他能够以自由人身份返回澳大利亚。他的自由在反建制圈子中受到广泛庆祝,这些圈子与 Solciety 的受众有很大重叠。

Solciety's message of defiance against the global political elite resonates with investors, having raised almost half a million dollars in under ten days.

Solciety 反抗全球政治精英的信息引起了投资者的共鸣,在不到十天内筹集了近 50 万美元。

Solciety is currently in stage 4 of a 15-stage presale. The SLCTY token is currently priced at $0.002222.

Solciety 目前正处于 15 阶段预售的第四阶段。 SLCTY 代币目前的价格为 0.002222 美元。

Solciety (SLCTY) tokens are available for purchase on the Solciety website.

Solciety (SLCTY) 代币可在 Solciety 网站上购买。

Assange's release could boost PolitiFi popularity.

阿桑奇的获释可能会提高 PolitiFi 的受欢迎程度。

Solciety and its community advocate for liberty and anti-elite populism, and the recent increase in presale interest may be a response to Assange's release.

Solciety 及其社区倡导自由和反精英民粹主义,最近预售兴趣的增加可能是对阿桑奇获释的回应。

The PolitiFi sector, encompassing tokens associated with political figures or movements, has grown to a market capitalization of over $1.2 billion in less than a year. Its resilience is evident in its recovery from a recent dip, and PolitiFi tokens are poised for significant gains as the election season intensifies.

PolitiFi 领域包含与政治人物或运动相关的代币,在不到一年的时间里其市值已增长到超过 12 亿美元。它的韧性在从最近的下跌中恢复过来是显而易见的,随着选举季节的加剧,PolitiFi 代币有望大幅上涨。

Solciety: The trending coin making waves on Solana

Solciety:在 Solana 上掀起波澜的热门硬币

Self-described as the "political party for degens," Solciety's meme generation tool empowers users to create and share their own Solciety-branded satirical political memes featuring characters like Pepe, Elon Musk, Michelle Obama, and Joe Biden.

Solciety 自称为“堕落者政党”,它的模因生成工具使用户能够创建和分享他们自己的 Solciety 品牌的讽刺政治模因,其中包括佩佩、埃隆·马斯克、米歇尔·奥巴马和乔·拜登等人物。

Solciety's anti-establishment message has resonated with over 17k followers across various community platforms.

Solciety 的反建制信息在各个社区平台上引起了超过 17,000 名追随者的共鸣。

Its popularity is further driven by the ongoing trend of Solana memes, of which SLCTY is a part. These tokens have surged in popularity, boasting a total market capitalization of over $6 billion and daily trade volume of over $1.5 billion at the time of writing.

Solana 表情包的持续流行趋势进一步推动了它的流行,SLCTY 也是其中的一部分。这些代币人气飙升,截至撰写本文时总市值超过 60 亿美元,日交易量超过 15 亿美元。

This trend shows no signs of slowing down, and with PolitiFi likely to experience further growth as election publicity intensifies, Solciety is well-positioned to benefit from both narratives and achieve significant growth beyond the presale.

这一趋势没有放缓的迹象,随着选举宣传的加剧,PolitiFi 可能会进一步增长,Solciety 处于有利地位,可以从这两种叙述中受益,并在预售之外实现显着增长。

Investors seeking the best SLCTY price should consider purchasing before the presale ends.

寻求最佳 SLCTY 价格的投资者应考虑在预售结束前购买。

Solciety (SLCTY) tokens are available for purchase on the Solciety website.

Solciety (SLCTY) 代币可在 Solciety 网站上购买。

About Solciety

关于 Solciety

Solciety aims to challenge the current political landscape by uniting "degens" through memes and investment opportunities. With its advanced meme-generating technology and SLCTY token, Solciety seeks to harness election buzz and dominate the PolitiFi scene by providing an engaging and potentially profitable way for users to participate in current affairs.

Solciety 旨在通过模因和投资机会联合“堕落者”,挑战当前的政治格局。凭借其先进的 meme 生成技术和 SLCTY 代币,Solciety 寻求通过为用户参与时事提供一种有吸引力且可能有利可图的方式,利用选举热潮并主导 PolitiFi 场景。

For further information and to purchase Solciety (SLCTY), visit the website.

如需了解更多信息并购买 Solciety (SLCTY),请访问该网站。

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