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SpaceX’s DOGE-1 mission to moon reportedly delayed

据报道,SpaceX 的 DOGE-1 登月任务被推迟

发布: 2023/12/21 16:27 阅读: 230



据报道,SpaceX 的 DOGE-1 登月任务被推迟

SpaceX’s DOGE-1 satellite launch mission was delayed due to bad weather.

SpaceX 的 DOGE-1 卫星发射任务因恶劣天气而被推迟。

The DOGE-1, a planned space mission funded by the cryptocurrency Dogecoin and famously supported by Elon Musk, has been delayed.

DOGE-1 是一项计划中的太空任务,由加密货币狗狗币资助,并得到埃隆·马斯克的大力支持,但该任务已被推迟。

The company taking part in the launch, Intuitive Machines, said in a Dec. 19 press release that the launch of the Nova-C IM-1 mission, which the Doge community has entrusted for their mission, has a new launch date for sometime in mid-February.

参与此次发射的公司 Intuitive Machines 在 12 月 19 日的新闻稿中表示,Doge 社区委托执行的 Nova-C IM-1 任务的发射新的发射日期为 2019 年的某个时间。二月中旬。

“The IM-1 mission Nova-C lunar lander is targeted to land near the south pole of the Moon, requiring specific lighting conditions that are only available for a handful of days each month.”

“IM-1 任务 Nova-C 月球着陆器的目标是在月球南极附近着陆,需要特定的照明条件,而每个月只有少数几天可用。”

Intuitive Machines’ message


Space technology firm Geometric Energy Corporation is developing the DOGE-1 satellite, which was first announced by SpaceX founder Elon Musk in 2021.

空间技术公司 Geometric Energy Corporation 正在开发 DOGE-1 卫星,该卫星由 SpaceX 创始人埃隆·马斯克于 2021 年首次宣布。

In addition, the American company Astrobotic, which develops space robotics for lunar missions, announced that it will send a wallet with the Dogecoin (DOGE) meme cryptocurrency to the surface of the Earth’s satellite on Dec. 23, using the Vulcan Centaur Rocket ULA.


A wallet with the DOGE will be delivered to the Moon under the Moonbox program of the German transport company DHL, which, for a fee, allows customers to send small items into space.

带有 DOGE 的钱包将根据德国运输公司 DHL 的 Moonbox 计划运送到月球,该计划允许客户付费将小件物品发送到太空。

All signals that Doge, the loveable shiba inu dog at the heart of crypto’s most profitable meme coins, has already established a laudable space legacy.


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Source: https://thebittimes.com/spacex-s-doge-1-mission-to-moon-reportedly-delayed-tbt74270.html



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