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SpaceX and Dogecoin’s Cosmic Collaboration: Launching the DOGE-1 Satellite

SpaceX 和狗狗币的宇宙合作:发射 DOGE-1 卫星

发布: 2023/12/08 14:32 阅读: 873

原文作者: Brian Johnson


SpaceX 和狗狗币的宇宙合作:发射 DOGE-1 卫星

  • SpaceX’s Upcoming DOGE-1 Mission: Geometric Energy Corporation (GEC) is set to launch the DOGE-1 satellite into orbit, funded entirely by Dogecoin, with the mission scheduled for January 12.

    SpaceX 即将执行的 DOGE-1 任务:几何能源公司 (GEC) 计划将 DOGE-1 卫星送入轨道,该任务完全由狗狗币资助,任务定于 1 月 12 日进行。

  • Surge in Related Tokens: Ahead of the launch, GEC and XI tokens have seen significant price increases, with GEC quadrupling and XI rising by 36% in value.

    相关代币激增:在推出之前,GEC 和 XI 代币的价格大幅上涨,其中 GEC 翻了两番,XI 的价值上涨了 36%。

  • The Anticipated DOGE-1 Satellite Launch

    The synergy between space exploration and cryptocurrency is set to reach new heights with the scheduled launch of the DOGE-1 satellite. This unique mission, undertaken by Geometric Energy Corporation and facilitated by SpaceX, is garnering significant attention in both the space and crypto communities.

    预期的 DOGE-1 卫星发射随着 DOGE-1 卫星的预定发射,太空探索和加密货币之间的协同作用将达到新的高度。这项独特的任务由几何能源公司 (Geometric Energy Corporation) 承担,并由 SpaceX 协助,在太空和加密社区中引起了极大关注。

    A Leap in Token Values

    As the DOGE-1 satellite mission draws near, two associated tokens, GEC and XI, have seen a remarkable uptick in their market value. The GEC token, issued by Geometric Energy Corporation, has experienced more than a fourfold increase in the past week, while the XI token, intended for advertising payments on the satellite, has climbed by 36%. This surge reflects the growing investor interest and excitement surrounding the upcoming mission.

    代币价值的飞跃 随着 DOGE-1 卫星任务的临近,两个相关代币 GEC 和 XI 的市场价值显着上涨。由 Geometric Energy Corporation 发行的 GEC 代币在过去一周上涨了四倍多,而用于卫星广告支付的 XI 代币则上涨了 36%。这一激增反映出投资者对即将到来的任务的兴趣和兴奋不断增长。

    The Path to DOGE-1’s Orbital Journey

    The DOGE-1 mission, first announced in May 2021, represents a significant milestone in commercial space logistics. Unique for being funded entirely with Dogecoin (DOGE) – the well-known dog-themed meme coin and a favorite of SpaceX founder Elon Musk – this mission aims to place a Dogecoin-themed satellite in lunar orbit.

    DOGE-1 的轨道之旅之路 DOGE-1 任务于 2021 年 5 月首次宣布,是商业太空物流领域的一个重要里程碑。这项任务的独特之处在于完全由狗狗币 (DOGE) 资助——众所周知的狗主题模因硬币,也是 SpaceX 创始人埃隆·马斯克的最爱——这项任务旨在将一颗狗狗币主题卫星送入月球轨道。

    Originally planned for 2022, the mission faced delays but has now received all necessary regulatory approvals, setting the stage for its launch from the Kennedy Space Center on January 12. Geometric Energy founder Samuel Reid confirmed these developments, highlighting the significance of this collaboration between space exploration and cryptocurrency.

    该任务原计划于 2022 年进行,但目前已获得所有必要的监管批准,为 1 月 12 日从肯尼迪航天中心发射奠定了基础。Geometric Energy 创始人 Samuel Reid 证实了这些进展,强调了太空之间合作的重要性探索和加密货币。

    Expanding the Dogecoin-Space Connection

    In addition to DOGE-1, another Dogecoin-related mission is on the horizon. Developers of Dogecoin have announced plans for a physical Dogecoin token to be sent to the moon aboard a payload mission by Pittsburgh-based firm Astrobotic. This mission, scheduled for December 23, involves carrying 21 payloads from various entities, including governments, companies, universities, and NASA’s Commercial Lunar Payload Services.

    扩大狗狗币与太空的联系除了 DOGE-1 之外,另一个与狗狗币相关的任务也即将到来。狗狗币开发商已经宣布计划通过总部位于匹兹堡的 Astrobotic 公司的有效载荷任务将实物狗狗币代币发送到月球。这项任务定于 12 月 23 日进行,涉及携带来自不同实体的 21 个有效载荷,包括政府、公司、大学和 NASA 的商业月球有效载荷服务。


    The DOGE-1 satellite launch and the increasing value of related tokens exemplify the growing intersection of space technology and digital currencies. As the mission approaches, the crypto and space exploration sectors eagerly anticipate this groundbreaking event, showcasing the innovative potential of combining these two fields. The success of DOGE-1 could pave the way for more such collaborations in the future, further integrating the worlds of space exploration and cryptocurrency.

    结论 DOGE-1 卫星的发射和相关代币价值的不断上涨体现了空间技术与数字货币日益增长的交叉。随着任务的临近,加密货币和太空探索领域热切期待这一开创性的事件,展示这两个领域相结合的创新潜力。 DOGE-1 的成功可能为未来更多此类合作铺平道路,进一步整合太空探索和加密货币世界。


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