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Strengthen Your Crypto Holdings with Key Altseason Picks

通过 Altseason 的关键精选来增强您的加密资产持有量

发布: 2024/04/02 19:41 阅读: 718



The crypto market has recently seen an unprecedented influx of capital, with a record-breaking $110 billion entering the digital assets space in just the last 30 days. This surge in investment has been highlighted by significant whale activity, particularly in Dogecoin (DOGE), where deep-pocketed investors have acquired over 1.40 billion DOGE, valued at approximately $280 million. This remarkable accumulation reflects a broader trend of growing interest and confidence within the crypto market. 

加密货币市场最近出现了前所未有的资本涌入,仅过去 30 天就有创纪录的 1100 亿美元进入数字资产领域。大量的鲸鱼活动凸显了投资的激增,尤其是狗狗币 (DOGE),财力雄厚的投资者已购买了超过 14 亿枚 DOGE,价值约 2.8 亿美元。这种显着的积累反映了加密货币市场兴趣和信心不断增长的更广泛趋势。

The current market dynamics also underscore a bullish sentiment for Bitcoin (BTC), which is showcasing potential for further gains with technical patterns suggesting a possible breakout. This optimistic outlook is not limited to Bitcoin alone but extends to other altcoins, indicating a potentially lucrative phase for astute traders. Upcoming market shifts will likely make some projects even more attractive. Our goal here was to single out those projects to potentially help you keep your portfolio in the green as the cryptocurrency market could move in very different directions in the coming weeks.


ScapesMania: The Big Debut


After a wildly successful presale that amassed $6.125 million in funding, drew in nearly 18,400 holders, and attracted over 60,000 followers, the eagerly anticipated ScapesMania’s exchange debut finally arrived.

经过一次非常成功的预售,筹集了 612.5 万美元的资金,吸引了近 18,400 名持有者,并吸引了超过 60,000 名追随者,万众期待的 ScapesMania 交易所首次亮相终于到来。

$MANIA is stepping into PancakeSwap, a popular DEX on the Binance Smart Chain network known for its large user base and liquidity. But that's just the start. Following PancakeSwap, the project is exploring possibilities for CEX listings, which could expand avenues for potential growth. Explore the team’s approach to CEX listing here.

$MANIA 正在进军 PancakeSwap,这是币安智能链网络上的一个受欢迎的 DEX,以其庞大的用户群和流动性而闻名。但这只是开始。继 PancakeSwap 之后,该项目正在探索 CEX 上市的可能性,这可以扩大潜在增长的途径。在此探索团队在 CEX 上市的方法。

Trading kicked off with MANIA/WBNB and MANIA/USDT liquidity pairs. USDT is the main source of liquidity as per community demand. The debut trading day was remarkable. The token price has shown resilience, indicating robust tokenomics and promising project prospects. ScapesMania has proven to everyone that it's not just a one-day ICO project but a serious endeavor committed to growing alongside its community of holders. 

交易以 MANIA/WBNB 和 MANIA/USDT 流动性对开始。 USDT 是社区需求的主要流动性来源。首个交易日表现出色。代币价格表现出弹性,表明代币经济强劲且项目前景广阔。 ScapesMania 向所有人证明,这不仅仅是一个一日的 ICO 项目,而是一项致力于与其持有者社区一起成长的认真努力。

Holder count steadied at 18.41K in the first 24 hours, with trading volume hitting $2.25M. ScapesMania instantly dominated DEXTools' Hot Pairs list. 

前 24 小时内,持有者数量稳定在 18,41K,交易量达到 225 万美元。 ScapesMania 立即占据了 DEXTools 的热门配对列表。

In less than three weeks after being listed, the token's price soared to its all-time high of $0.01477, marking an impressive 147.77% increase. No further explanation needed.


Groundbreaking Approach to Gaming


If you’re not yet familiar with what ScapesMania is about, here’s a quick rundown. It’s a gaming ecosystem where players can dive into immersive experiences without any prior crypto knowledge. Meanwhile, holders can benefit from the project’s success and have a say in its direction through DAO.

如果您还不熟悉 ScapesMania 的内容,这里有一个简短的概述。这是一个游戏生态系统,玩家可以在没有任何加密知识的情况下投入身临其境的体验。同时,持有者可以从项目的成功中受益,并通过 DAO 对其方向有发言权。

Tapping into the growing casual gaming industry during the current bull run puts ScapesMania in a favorable position. If you've been following crypto news, you've likely witnessed success stories of gaming projects during the recent market rally. Now, ScapesMania is all set to take off and unleash its potential in a thriving niche.

在当前的牛市期间进军不断增长的休闲游戏行业,使 ScapesMania 处于有利地位。如果您一直关注加密货币新闻,您可能已经在最近的市场反弹中目睹了游戏项目的成功故事。现在,ScapesMania 已准备好在蓬勃发展的利基市场中腾飞并释放其潜力。

Why Go with ScapesMania?

为什么选择 ScapesMania?

Wondering why the community is flocking to ScapesMania? 

想知道为什么社区会涌向 ScapesMania?

Let's decode its appeal:


  • $MANIA tokenomics are carefully balanced with cliff and vesting. A structured vesting schedule is designed to maintain a balance between supply and demand.

    $MANIA 代币经济与悬崖和兑现仔细平衡。结构化的兑现计划旨在维持供需之间的平衡。

  • The $MANIA token serves governance in the evolving DAO and acts as an in-game currency in the pilot gaming project. Community members can also stake tokens for additional rewards and participate in activities for more tokens. The team is actively working on expanding the token's utility, with plans to introduce new projects and increase its use cases within the ecosystem.

    $MANIA 代币服务于不断发展的 DAO 中的治理,并在试点游戏项目中充当游戏内货币。社区成员还可以质押代币以获得额外奖励并参与活动以获得更多代币。该团队正在积极致力于扩展代币的实用性,并计划引入新项目并增加其在生态系统中的用例。

  • There’s a solid post-listing promotional strategy in play. The team has demonstrated its marketing prowess, evident in the $6M+ presale success, the 18.4K+ holder base, the actively growing 60K+ community, and 75K+ average monthly traffic. To further expand the project’s reach, ScapesMania is constantly testing new marketing channels.

    有一个可靠的上市后促销策略正在发挥作用。该团队展示了其营销实力,这在 600 万美元以上的预售成功、18,400 以上的持有者基础、积极增长的 60,000 以上的社区以及 75,000 以上的平均月流量中可见一斑。为了进一步扩大项目的影响范围,ScapesMania 正在不断测试新的营销渠道。

  • The project's smart contract has received a stamp of approval from BlockSafu. As a holder, you can rely on the platform's commitment to security.

    该项目的智能合约已获得 BlockSafu 的批准。作为持有者,您可以信赖平台对安全的承诺。

  • ScapesMania is garnering traction on significant crypto platforms, backed by endorsements from respected influencers in the field.

    ScapesMania 在重要的加密货币平台上获得了关注,并得到了该领域受人尊敬的影响者的支持。

The Road Ahead


In a world where casual gaming rules, ScapesMania leads the way by smartly meeting what the market demands. Unlike other projects facing disconnect from their audience, ScapesMania aligns with community desires: gamers enjoy their favorite pastime while holders benefit from the ecosystem’s success.

在休闲游戏占主导地位的世界中,ScapesMania 通过巧妙地满足市场需求而引领潮流。与其他面临与受众脱节的项目不同,ScapesMania 符合社区的愿望:游戏玩家享受他们最喜欢的消遣,而持有者则从生态系统的成功中受益。

The casual gaming industry is expected to skyrocket to $19.12 billion by 2027, according to Statista. This forecast marks the niche as potentially lucrative.

据 Statista 称,到 2027 年,休闲游戏产业预计将飙升至 191.2 亿美元。这一预测标志着该利基市场具有潜在的利润空间。

With the fund generation goals surpassed, the team is now fully immersed in product development. For quick start, the project has partnered with the devs that secured a prestigious grant in 2023 for the Metaverse/Gaming/NFT category. 

随着资金筹集目标的实现,该团队现在完全投入到产品开发中。为了快速启动,该项目与开发者合作,并于 2023 年获得了 Metaverse/游戏/NFT 类别的著名资助。

Sven, ScapesMania’s CEO, says: “As you know, to achieve ambitious goals, a skilled team is pretty crucial. You can already see how skilled and efficient our launch team really is. We're concurrently working on the product. We are prioritizing the development team's strengthening, too. To streamline operations, I'm combining the roles of CEO and CTO.” 

ScapesMania 首席执行官 Sven 表示:“如您所知,要实现雄心勃勃的目标,一支熟练的团队至关重要。您已经可以看到我们的发布团队是多么熟练和高效。我们正在同时开发该产品。我们也优先考虑加强开发团队。为了简化运营,我将首席执行官和首席技术官的角色合并起来。”

Join the community channel to stay updated on the latest releases.


Community Trust


The crypto community is buzzing about the project on popular platforms. They're excited to join ScapesMania because they share its vision and want to be actively involved. Whales are also taking notice, with deposits already topping $20,000. 

加密社区正在流行平台上热议该项目。他们很高兴加入 ScapesMania,因为他们分享 ScapesMania 的愿景并希望积极参与。鲸鱼也注意到了这一点,存款已经超过 20,000 美元。

It's obvious that none of this success would be possible without such a loyal community. The ScapesMania team truly thanks its supporters for this kickstart. And remember, it’s just the beginning – there's plenty more to come!

显然,如果没有如此忠诚的社区,这一切都不可能取得成功。 ScapesMania 团队衷心感谢支持者的支持。请记住,这只是一个开始——还有更多的事情即将发生!

Join the ScapesMania Movement


ScapesMania’s adventure is just kicking off. As the casual gaming industry gears up for exponential growth in the years ahead, there's never been a better time to tap into this promising landscape. 

ScapesMania 的冒险才刚刚开始。随着休闲游戏行业在未来几年呈指数级增长,现在是进入这一充满希望的前景的最佳时机。

Remember how gaming projects boomed in 2021? Well, the current crypto market boom might offer a similar chance for expansion. With a stable price post-listing and strong initial support, the coin has already proven its resilience.

还记得 2021 年游戏项目如何蓬勃发展吗?那么,当前的加密货币市场繁荣可能会提供类似的扩张机会。凭借上市后稳定的价格和强大的初始支撑,该币已经证明了其韧性。

The future price trajectory hinges on community strength, development milestones, and robust marketing strategies, all of which ScapesMania excels in, leaving endless possibilities ahead. 

未来的价格轨迹取决于社区实力、发展里程碑和稳健的营销策略,所有这些都是 ScapesMania 所擅长的,为未来留下了无限的可能性。

Why wait? Take action today! Secure your spot in a potentially rewarding journey – grab your $MANIA tokens on PancakeSwap now. 

为什么要等?今天就行动吧!确保您在一次潜在回报之旅中占据一席之地 – 立即在 PancakeSwap 上获取您的 $MANIA 代币。

>>> Join 18K Holders – Buy $MANIA Now! <<<

>>> 加入 18K 持有者 – 立即购买 $MANIA!

Dogecoin (DOGE): A Journey from Humor to Market Powerhouse


Dogecoin (DOGE) has captivated the attention of the cryptocurrency market since its inception, initially as a meme but evolving into a significant digital asset. With a substantial community backing and popular endorsements, Dogecoin (DOGE) presence is undeniable. Its ability to maintain relevance amid the volatile crypto market highlights its resilience and the strong sentimental value it holds among investors.


The pricing spectrum for Dogecoin (DOGE) has shown remarkable flexibility, with its value witnessing substantial peaks and troughs over time. Notably, Dogecoin (DOGE) journey towards the $1 milestone, a keenly watched marker, reflects its potential for substantial gains amidst market shifts. The price movements from a minimum of $0.085 to a high of $0.82 in the coming years indicate a broad range of trading possibilities, underpinned by market sentiment and the wider acceptance of cryptocurrencies.

狗狗币(DOGE)的定价范围显示出显着的灵活性,其价值随着时间的推移经历了大幅的高峰和低谷。值得注意的是,狗狗币 (DOGE) 迈向 1 美元里程碑的旅程是一个备受关注的标志,反映了其在市场变化中实现大幅收益的潜力。未来几年,价格从最低 0.085 美元到最高 0.82 美元的走势表明,在市场情绪和加密货币更广泛接受度的支撑下,存在广泛的交易可能性。

Dogecoin (DOGE) trajectory suggests a future where it could potentially serve as a mainstream currency, leveraging its extensive user base and increasing merchant adoption. However, its path is fraught with the typical uncertainties of the crypto market, including regulatory challenges and the evolving landscape of digital currencies. Despite these hurdles, Dogecoin (DOGE) enduring popularity and the speculative interest it generates point towards a future of significant interest and potential growth.


Filecoin (FIL): Charting a Path to Data Sovereignty


Filecoin (FIL) has carved a niche within the cryptocurrency space, addressing the critical need for decentralized storage solutions. Its unique proposition of allowing users to rent out unused storage space has positioned it as a key player in the decentralized web movement. Despite the fluctuating market conditions, Filecoin (FIL) commitment to enhancing data storage and retrieval processes underlines its potential for long-term impact.


The anticipated price movements for Filecoin (FIL) suggest a trajectory of gradual growth, with predictions indicating a rise to $29.40 by 2030. This expected increase reflects confidence in Filecoin (FIL) utility and its foundational technology, which aims to revolutionize the way we store and access data across the globe. The range of projected prices underscores the evolving nature of Filecoin (FIL) market position and the broader acceptance of its underlying technology.

Filecoin (FIL) 的预期价格走势表明了逐步增长的轨迹,预计到 2030 年将上涨至 29.40 美元。这一预期增长反映了人们对 Filecoin (FIL) 实用程序及其基础技术的信心,该技术旨在彻底改变我们的存储方式并访问全球范围内的数据。预计价格范围强调了 Filecoin (FIL) 市场地位的不断变化以及对其基础技术的更广泛接受。

Looking ahead, Filecoin (FIL) faces the challenge of scaling its operations and ensuring widespread adoption within an increasingly competitive landscape. However, the growing demand for decentralized and secure data storage presents significant opportunities. As Filecoin (FIL) continues to innovate and expand its ecosystem, it is well-placed to capitalize on the shift towards more autonomous and user-centric data solutions.

展望未来,Filecoin(FIL)面临着扩大运营规模并确保在竞争日益激烈的环境中得到广泛采用的挑战。然而,对去中心化和安全数据存储不断增长的需求带来了巨大的机遇。随着 Filecoin (FIL) 不断创新和扩展其生态系统,它完全有能力利用向更加自主和以用户为中心的数据解决方案的转变。

Cosmos (ATOM): Building the Internet of Blockchains


Cosmos (ATOM) stands out for its pioneering vision of creating an interconnected blockchain ecosystem, facilitating seamless communication and interoperability between diverse blockchains. This vision positions Cosmos (ATOM) as a foundational pillar in the pursuit of a more integrated and efficient blockchain landscape. Its recent market performance, highlighted by steady price increases, underscores the growing recognition of its value proposition within the crypto community.

Cosmos(ATOM)因其创建互联区块链生态系统、促进不同区块链之间的无缝通信和互操作性的开创性愿景而脱颖而出。这一愿景将 Cosmos (ATOM) 定位为追求更加集成和高效的区块链景观的基础支柱。其最近的市场表现,以价格稳定上涨为亮点,突显了其价值主张在加密社区中的日益认可。

Forecasts for Cosmos (ATOM) suggest a bullish outlook, with prices expected to reach $36.12 by 2025 and further rise to $132.83 by 2030. These predictions reflect optimism about Cosmos (ATOM) technological advancements and its role in shaping the future of blockchain interoperability. The anticipated price range demonstrates the market's confidence in Cosmos (ATOM) potential to drive innovation and foster a more cohesive digital asset ecosystem.

对 Cosmos (ATOM) 的预测表明前景乐观,预计到 2025 年价格将达到 36.12 美元,到 2030 年进一步升至 132.83 美元。这些预测反映了人们对 Cosmos (ATOM) 技术进步及其在塑造区块链互操作性未来中的作用的乐观态度。预期的价格范围表明了市场对 Cosmos (ATOM) 推动创新和培育更具凝聚力的数字资产生态系统潜力的信心。

The roadmap for Cosmos (ATOM) is laden with opportunities to enhance its ecosystem and expand its reach across the blockchain domain. As it continues to develop and implement its vision, Cosmos (ATOM) faces the challenge of maintaining robust security measures and ensuring the scalability of its network. The success of Cosmos (ATOM) hinges on its ability to foster widespread adoption and to continue innovating in the face of an ever-evolving technological landscape.

Cosmos(ATOM)的路线图充满了增强其生态系统并扩大其在区块链领域影响力的机会。在不断发展和实现其愿景的过程中,Cosmos (ATOM) 面临着维持强大的安全措施并确保其网络的可扩展性的挑战。 Cosmos(ATOM)的成功取决于其促进广泛采用和面对不断发展的技术格局持续创新的能力。



Be sure to DYOR before making any moves. Each of the projects mentioned above has the potential to dominate its respective niche, but nothing can be guaranteed in this market. Of course, some coins seem more deserving than others, but with all of the changes coming to this industry, only time can tell which market trends will flourish in the near future. Right now, our pick of the week would be ScapesMania.

在采取任何行动之前一定要先 DYOR。上述每个项目都有潜力在各自的利基市场占据主导地位,但在这个市场上什么都不能保证。当然,有些代币似乎比其他代币更值得,但随着这个行业即将发生的所有变化,只有时间才能告诉我们哪些市场趋势将在不久的将来蓬勃发展。现在,我们本周的选择是 ScapesMania。

Site: https://scapesmania.io/


Twitter: https://twitter.com/ScapesMania


Telegram: https://t.me/scapesmania


Announcement Group: https://t.me/scapesmaniaAnn


Source: https://thebittimes.com/strengthen-your-crypto-holdings-with-key-altseason-picks-tbt84210.html



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