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Super Bowl Sparks Excitement and Disappointment in Crypto Community


发布: 2024/02/12 22:33 阅读: 497



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您还可以在 COINTURK NEWS 上阅读此新闻:超级碗在加密社区引发兴奋和失望

Last night’s Super Bowl was a stage for various spectacles. While the lack of an official advertisement related to the cryptocurrency sector created disappointment among crypto investors, Jack Dorsey wearing a shirt with ‘Satoshi’ written on it during the NFL Super Bowl LVIII event excited the crypto community. On the other hand, there were numerous references including Dogecoin supporter Elon Musk attending the game with his son, and a surprise campaign advertisement from presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr., known for his affinity for Bitcoin.

昨晚的超级碗是各种精彩表演的舞台。虽然缺乏与加密货币行业相关的官方广告让加密货币投资者感到失望,但杰克·多西 (Jack Dorsey) 在第 58 届 NFL 超级碗活动期间穿着一件写有“中本聪”的衬衫,令加密货币社区兴奋不已。另一方面,有很多参考资料,包括狗狗币支持者埃隆·马斯克(Elon Musk)和他的儿子一起观看比赛,以及以对比特币的喜爱而闻名的总统候选人小罗伯特·F·肯尼迪(Robert F. Kennedy Jr.)的令人惊讶的竞选广告。

Jack Dorsey and Satoshi


Block Inc’s co-founder and former owner of Twitter, Bitcoin maximalist Jack Dorsey made an appearance at last night’s game. During the Super Bowl LVIII match between the Kansas City Chiefs and the San Francisco 49ers, Dorsey, captured on camera with Jay-Z and Beyoncé, drew all the attention with his ‘Satoshi’ T-shirt.

Block Inc 的联合创始人、Twitter 前所有者、比特币极端主义者 Jack Dorsey 出现在昨晚的比赛中。在堪萨斯城酋长队和旧金山 49 人队之间的第 58 届超级碗比赛中,多尔西与 Jay-Z 和碧昂丝一起被镜头捕捉到,他穿着“Satoshi”T 恤吸引了所有的注意力。

Known as the host of The Wolf of All Street Podcast, Scott Melker shared his thoughts on the matter. According to the host, Jack Dorsey’s T-shirt, which emphasized Satoshi, could be interpreted as a Bitcoin advertisement. The famous host also pointed out the significance of Dorsey’s seating position.

作为“全街之狼”播客的主持人,斯科特·梅尔克分享了他对此事的看法。据主持人介绍,Jack Dorsey 的 T 恤上强调了中本聪,可以解读为比特币广告。这位著名主持人还指出了多尔西座位位置的重要性。

Being on camera with Beyonce and Jay-Z could be a big step for crypto, he stated.

他表示,与 Beyonce 和 Jay-Z 一起出现在镜头前可能是加密货币领域的一大进步。

On the other hand, Fox journalist Eleanor Terrett, whose name has been heard frequently lately, commented on the accuracy of her report that no crypto advertisements were made during this year’s Super Bowl. Terrett also shared her thoughts on Jack Dorsey’s ‘Satoshi’ T-shirt at the Super Bowl, emphasizing that it was unpredictable for her.

另一方面,最近经常听到名字的福克斯记者埃莉诺·特雷特(Eleanor Terrett)评论了她报道的准确性,即今年超级碗期间没有制作加密货币广告。 Terrett 还分享了她对 Jack Dorsey 在超级碗上穿的“Satoshi”T 恤的看法,强调这对她来说是不可预测的。

Crypto investors, while criticizing the lack of advertisements from crypto companies, expressed their satisfaction with the T-shirt worn by Jack Dorsey and his support for Bitcoin.

加密货币投资者在批评加密货币公司缺乏广告的同时,对 Jack Dorsey 穿的 T 恤及其对比特币的支持表示满意。

Elon Musk and Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s Surprise


Elon Musk‘s appearance at the Super Bowl with his son also caused a stir in the crypto community, especially among Dogecoin followers, as DOGE’s speculative nature is always a highlighted fact.

埃隆·马斯克 (Elon Musk) 带着儿子出现在超级碗上也引起了加密货币界的轰动,尤其是在狗狗币的追随者中,因为狗狗币的投机性质始终是一个突出的事实。

In addition to all this, the election campaign advertisement given by Robert F. Kennedy Jr. for the Super Bowl might have been the night’s surprise. John F. Kennedy had made a similar move during his presidential race in 1960.

除此之外,小罗伯特·F·肯尼迪为超级碗制作的竞选广告可能也是当晚的惊喜。约翰·F·肯尼迪 (John F. Kennedy) 在 1960 年总统竞选期间也采取了类似的举措。

The presidential candidate known for his closeness to Bitcoin, RFK Jr., has repeatedly expressed his open support for Bitcoin and positioned it as the “currency of freedom.”

以与比特币关系密切而闻名的总统候选人 RFK Jr. 多次公开表达对比特币的支持,并将其定位为“自由货币”。

The post first appeared on COINTURK NEWS: Super Bowl Sparks Excitement and Disappointment in Crypto Community

该帖子首次出现在 COINTURK 新闻上:超级碗在加密社区引发兴奋和失望


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