首页 > 资讯新闻 > 马克·库班批准后,狗狗币地址激增;新兴山寨币正在颠覆加密行业

Surge in Dogecoin Addresses Following Mark Cuban’s Approval; Emerging Altcoin is Disrupting Crypto Industry


发布: 2024/02/14 06:00 阅读: 531



Dogecoin (DOGE) continues to take the center stage in the crypto news scene based on an exponential growth in its addresses after billionaire investor Mark Cuban approved the meme coin. 


Meanwhile, Borroe Finance ($ROE) is emerging as a game-changing altcoin that is breaking entry barriers in the Web3 sector.

与此同时,Borroe Finance ($ROE) 正在成为一种改变游戏规则的山寨币,打破了 Web3 领域的进入壁垒。


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Borroe Finance is Taking the Crypto Sector by Storm

Based on Borroe Finance’s outstanding success rate at the presale level, the network is already crafting a name for itself as one of the best DeFi projects that are changing stakes in the Web3 industry.

Borroe Finance 正在通过 Storm 进军加密货币领域基于 Borroe Finance 在预售层面的出色成功率,该网络已经成为改变 Web3 行业利害关系的最佳 DeFi 项目之一。

What is making Borroe Finance go through the roof? Well, the network serves as a peer-to-peer ecosystem that links revenue buyers and sellers in Web3.

是什么让 Borroe Finance 如此火爆?好吧,该网络作为一个点对点生态系统,将 Web3 中的收入买家和卖家联系起来。

Furthermore, it is powered by groundbreaking technologies like artificial intelligence (AI), blockchain, smart contracts, and non-fungible tokens (NFTs), enabling it to be a revolutionary DEX (Decentralized Exchange)

此外,它由人工智能 (AI)、区块链、智能合约和不可替代代币 (NFT) 等突破性技术提供支持,使其成为革命性的 DEX(去中心化交易所)。

As one of the major liquidity pools in Web3, Borroe Finance enables content creators and businesses to generate their future incomes and outstanding payments as NFTs, which they sell off on the network’s marketplace, and in the process, they get instant cash.

作为 Web3 的主要流动性池之一,Borroe Finance 使内容创作者和企业能够以 NFT 的形式产生未来收入和未偿付款,他们在网络市场上出售这些 NFT,并在此过程中获得即时现金。

Therefore, Borroe Finance seeks to be a significant Web3 catalyst through its outstanding crowdfunding platform, making it a top crypto to buy

因此,Borroe Finance 寻求通过其出色的众筹平台成为 Web3 的重要催化剂,使其成为最值得购买的加密货币。


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Borroe Finance’s Presale Continues to Sparkle

Borroe Finance’s presale is manifesting its excellent journey as one of the top new DeFi projects that are rendering significant innovation in the crypto space. 

Borroe Finance 的预售继续精彩 Borroe Finance 的预售彰显了其作为在加密领域带来重大创新的顶级新 DeFi 项目之一的出色旅程。

Specifically, Borroe Finance has raised more than $2.78 million at presale, depicting heightened investor confidence. 

具体而言,Borroe Finance 在预售中筹集了超过 278 万美元,这表明投资者信心增强。

Furthermore, the network’s governance token called $ROE is witnessing soaring adoption rates, given that more than 231 million coins have been purchased, illustrating that the AI altcoin is a top crypto to buy

此外,鉴于已购买超过 2.31 亿枚代币,该网络名为 $ROE 的治理代币的采用率正在飙升,这表明 AI 山寨币是最值得购买的加密货币。

Therefore, Borroe Finance is outshining other new crypto projects, given that it is among the top in the decentralized cryptocurrency list

因此,Borroe Finance 的表现超越了其他新的加密货币项目,在去中心化加密货币排行榜中名列前茅。

As a result, investors are giving Borroe Finance a keen eye based on its transformative AI-powered and NFT-enabled funding marketplace. 

因此,投资者对 Borroe Finance 以其变革性的 AI 驱动和 NFT 支持的融资市场给予了敏锐的关注。

With Borroe Finance being at the fourth stage of its presale, early adopters and investors are already laughing all the way to the bank based on a 90% return.

随着 Borroe Finance 进入预售第四阶段,早期采用者和投资者已经以 90% 的回报率一路欢笑到银行。

At the Beta Stage, $ROE was retailing at $0.01 compared to the current price of $0.019 at Stage 4. 

在 Beta 阶段,$ROE 零售价为 0.01 美元,而当前第 4 阶段的价格为 0.019 美元。

With which crypto to buy today for long-term being top of mind for investors, Borroe Finance is definitely filling this void. 

今天购买哪种加密货币是投资者最关心的长期问题,Borroe Finance 无疑填补了这一空白。

Dogecoin Network Activity Goes Through the Roof

Dogecoin has been experiencing a jaw-dropping growth in its addresses, given that they recently surged by a whopping 1,100%.

狗狗币网络活动如火如荼的进行狗狗币的地址数量一直在经历令人瞠目结舌的增长,最近它们的地址猛增了 1,100%。

Leading market analyst Ali Martinez pointed out, “The Dogecoin network is witnessing a remarkable surge in growth, with new addresses increasing by a staggering 1,100% over the past week.”

首席市场分析师 Ali Martinez 指出:“狗狗币网络正在见证显着的增长,过去一周新地址增长了惊人的 1,100%。”

He added, “On January 29 alone, a record-breaking 247,240 new DOGE addresses were created, marking an all-time high. A sustained uptrend in network expansion could soon reflect positively on DOGE prices.”

他补充道:“仅 1 月 29 日,就创造了破纪录的 247,240 个新 DOGE 地址,创下历史新高。网络扩张的持续上升趋势可能很快就会对 DOGE 价格产生积极影响。”

Source: Ali Martinez/IntoTheBlock


Therefore, the heightened network activity that Dogecoin is experiencing is bullish because its price might soon experience an uptrend.


With Mark Cuban-owned Dallas Mavericks basketball team recently disclosing that it could continue accepting Dogecoin as a payment option, the top meme coin has been enjoying a notable bullish momentum.

随着马克·库班 (Mark Cuban) 旗下的达拉斯小牛队 (Dallas Mavericks) 篮球队最近透露,它可能会继续接受狗狗币作为支付选项,这种顶级模因代币一直享有显着的看涨势头。

Therefore, with meme tokenomics continuously engulfing the crypto market, DOGE is leading the chase.

因此,随着模因代币经济不断席卷加密货币市场,DOGE 正在引领这场追逐。

Furthermore, Dogecoin continues to edge closer to the psychological price of $0.10 thanks to memetic market sentiment.

此外,由于模因市场情绪,狗狗币继续接近 0.10 美元的心理价格。

DOGE was up by 1.5% in the past week to hit $0.08 at the time of writing, according to CoinGecko data.  

根据 CoinGecko 的数据,DOGE 在过去一周上涨了 1.5%,截至撰写本文时达到 0.08 美元。

Learn more about Borroe Finance ($ROE) here:

在此了解有关 Borroe Finance ($ROE) 的更多信息:

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