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What is the Telegram game Memefi and how do you play it?

什么是 Telegram 游戏 Memefi 以及如何玩它?

发布: 2024/07/09 20:05 阅读: 626

原文作者:The Block Crypto News


什么是 Telegram 游戏 Memefi 以及如何玩它?

Memefi: A Novel Approach to the "Tap-to-Earn" Gaming Paradigm


Memefi, built on the Telegram platform, is a "tap-to-earn" game that stands out in the genre with its unique twist on the concept. In Memefi, players engage in tap-based combat against opponents, earning rewards and bonuses along the way.

Memefi 建立在 Telegram 平台上,是一款“点击即可赚钱”的游戏,以其独特的概念在同类游戏中脱颖而出。在 Memefi 中,玩家与对手进行基于点击的战斗,并一路获得奖励和奖金。

Gameplay Mechanics


Unlike other tap-to-earn games that typically display a coin on the screen, Memefi presents players with adversaries. Each tap depletes the enemy's health, granting players a token equivalent to the damage inflicted.

与其他通常在屏幕上显示硬币的点击赚钱游戏不同,Memefi 为玩家呈现了对手。每次点击都会消耗敌人的生命值,为玩家提供相当于所造成伤害的令牌。

Getting Started with Memefi

开始使用 Memefi

Players can initiate gameplay by clicking the link provided in Memefi's Telegram bot. This link redirects to Telegram, where instructions, a community link, and a button to start playing are readily accessible.

玩家可以通过单击 Memefi 的 Telegram 机器人中提供的链接来启动游戏。此链接重定向到 Telegram,您可以轻松访问其中的说明、社区链接和开始游戏的按钮。

Upon launching the game, players immediately face their first opponent, Pependalf. This frog-wizard hybrid, inspired by the famous meme frog Pepe, represents the initial challenge in the Memefi odyssey. By clicking Pependalf's name, players can uncover its backstory and the bonus awaiting its defeat.

启动游戏后,玩家立即面对他们的第一个对手,Pependalf。这款青蛙与巫师的混合体,灵感来自著名的 Meme 青蛙 Pepe,代表了 Memefi 冒险之旅中的最初挑战。通过点击佩彭道夫的名字,玩家可以揭开它的背景故事以及等待击败它的奖励。

After vanquishing Pepe through sufficient tapping, players receive a bonus and progress to the next adversary.


Reward Enhancement


Memefi offers various methods to amplify rewards and bonuses, akin to other tap-to-earn games. The "Earn" button located at the bottom of the screen opens the Earn menu, revealing tasks and bounties that yield bonuses. These can include following Memefi's social media accounts.

Memefi 提供各种方法来扩大奖励和奖金,类似于其他点击即可赚钱的游戏。位于屏幕底部的“赚取”按钮可打开“赚取”菜单,显示可产生奖金的任务和赏金。其中包括关注 Memefi 的社交媒体帐户。

Similar to other Telegram-based games, players can invite friends to join and earn 2,500 tokens per referral. Additionally, when an invited friend defeats enemies, the referring player receives an additional bonus that increases with each level.

与其他基于 Telegram 的游戏类似,玩家可以邀请朋友加入,每次推荐即可赚取 2,500 代币。此外,当受邀好友击败敌人时,推荐玩家会收到额外奖励,奖励随着等级的提升而增加。

Moreover, players can purchase boosters and upgrades using in-game currency to enhance their mining rate. Free daily bonuses temporarily increase damage per tap or replenish energy levels. A "tap bot" can also be unlocked and acquired to automate enemy tapping and reward collection while players are offline.


Unique Features


Memefi distinguishes itself from other tap-to-earn games primarily through its combat-based gameplay. Unlike Hamster Kombat, where players assume the role of a CEO, or Dotcoin, which employs a more straightforward tapping mechanism, Memefi immerses players in a battleground where they must overcome enemies.

Memefi 与其他点击赚钱游戏的区别主要在于其基于战斗的游戏玩法。与《Hamster Kombat》(玩家扮演首席执行官)或 Dotcoin(采用更直接的点击机制)不同,Memefi 让玩家沉浸在必须战胜敌人的战场中。

Additionally, the team behind Memefi has developed "Memefi Club," a Web2 game where players develop characters, form guilds, and raid each other for rewards. Like the Telegram-based game, it incorporates popular memes and combines "pop culture with fantasy." Crucially, this game utilizes Linea, an Ethereum layer 2 solution, while most Telegram-based games are associated with the TON blockchain.

此外,Memefi 背后的团队还开发了“Memefi Club”,这是一款 Web2 游戏,玩家可以在其中培养角色、组建公会并互相袭击以获得奖励。与基于 Telegram 的游戏一样,它融入了流行的模因并将“流行文化与幻想”结合起来。至关重要的是,该游戏利用了以太坊第 2 层解决方案 Linea,而大多数基于 Telegram 的游戏都与 TON 区块链相关联。

According to Memefi's documentation, the relationship between the two games remains unclear, but the team assures that accumulated in-game rewards from the tap-to-earn version will provide "something truly valuable in the future."

根据 Memefi 的文档,两款游戏之间的关系仍不清楚,但团队保证,从点击赚取版本中积累的游戏内奖励将提供“未来真正有价值的东西”。

Since its inception on May 17, Memefi boasts over 20 million active users. However, as with other Telegram-based games, it can be challenging to discern the exact ratio of human players to bots.

自 5 月 17 日成立以来,Memefi 拥有超过 2000 万活跃用户。然而,与其他基于 Telegram 的游戏一样,辨别人类玩家与机器人玩家的确切比例可能具有挑战性。


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