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Tesla To Accept Dogecoin Payments For CyberTruck? Here’s What You Should Know

特斯拉将接受狗狗币支付 Cyber​​Truck?这是你应该知道的

发布: 2023/12/05 18:07 阅读: 388



With the release of the Tesla CyberTruck, the crypto community on X (formerly Twitter) has been abuzz with possibilities of what this could mean for Dogecoin. More specifically, if CEO Elon Musk will finally implement Dogecoin payments for Tesla’s vehicles for the first time in history. While there have been no official statements regarding this, the DOGE community has dug out some ‘evidence’ that could show that the automobile manufacturer is actually getting ready for DOGE payments.

随着 Tesla Cyber​​Truck 的发布,X(以前称为 Twitter)上的加密社区一直在热议这对狗狗币意味着什么。更具体地说,首席执行官埃隆·马斯克最终是否会在历史上首次为特斯拉的车辆实施狗狗币支付。虽然目前还没有关于此事的官方声明,但 DOGE 社区已经挖掘出一些“证据”,可能表明这家汽车制造商实际上正在为 DOGE 付款做好准备。

Dogecoin Appears On CyberTruck Checkout Page

狗狗币出现在 Cyber​​Truck 结帐页面上

In search of hints that Elon Musk could be getting ready to integrate Dogecoin payments for Tesla’s vehicles, community members have looked at the source code for its website. The findings have shown that the electric vehicle manufacturer may in fact be looking toward DOGE payments.

为了寻找埃隆·马斯克可能准备为特斯拉汽车整合狗狗币支付的线索,社区成员查看了其网站的源代码。调查结果表明,这家电动汽车制造商实际上可能正在寻求 DOGE 支付。

The source code which was shared on X by the @TOPDOGE007 account shows multiple mentions of Dogecoin. These mentions are all in relation to DOGE payments which appear alongside other payment methods such as wire transfer and SEPA.

@TOPDOGE007 帐户在 X 上共享的源代码显示多次提及狗狗币。这些提及均与 DOGE 付款相关,这些付款方式与电汇和 SEPA 等其他付款方式一起出现。

One community member revealed on X that Dogecoin actually appears more than 50 times on the CyberTruck website source code. This has sparked speculation that even though Tesla does not accept DOGE payments for the CyberTruck, it may be getting ready to do so.

一位社区成员在 X 上透露,狗狗币实际上在 Cyber​​Truck 网站源代码中出现了 50 多次。这引发了人们的猜测,尽管特斯拉不接受 DOGE 为 Cyber​​Truck 付款,但它可能正准备这样做。

Interestingly, Dogecoin is the only mention of any cryptocurrency on the CyberTruck website. It excludes even the likes of Bitcoin which suggests that DOGE payments may be the only form of cryptocurrency payments the company is exploring.

有趣的是,狗狗币是 Cyber​​Truck 网站上唯一提及的加密货币。它甚至排除了比特币等货币,这表明 DOGE 支付可能是该公司正在探索的唯一加密货币支付形式。

DOGE Community Waiting On Elon Musk

DOGE 社区等待埃隆·马斯克

The Dogecoin community continues to wait to see the next step of billionaire Elon Musk who has come to be known as the ‘Dogefather.’ Musk’s influence in the DOGE community has seen even something as simple as his tweets triggering a price increase in the price of Dogecoin.


Now, there have been expectations for Musk to integrate DOGE payments into a number of his products, including X and Tesla vehicles. Musk himself has previously touted the idea of owning a social media platform that uses DOGE as a means to reward creators.

现在,人们期望马斯克将 DOGE 支付集成到他的许多产品中,包括 X 和特斯拉汽车。马斯克本人此前曾吹捧拥有一个社交媒体平台的想法,该平台使用 DOGE 作为奖励创作者的手段。

Previously, Tesla had integrated Bitcoin payments before discontinuing it back in 2021. However, the impact of that single decision was a massive price rally that pushed the 2020-2021 bull market higher than expectations.

此前,特斯拉曾整合比特币支付,然后于 2021 年停止使用。然而,这一单一决定的影响是价格大幅上涨,推动 2020-2021 年牛市超出预期。

Given Bitcoin’s performance when Tesla announced BTC payments, it is expected that the DOGE price will react in a similar manner if the automobile manufacturer does announce Dogecoin payments. It could be the catalyst that drives the Dogecoin price above $1.

考虑到特斯拉宣布 BTC 支付时比特币的表现,如果汽车制造商确实宣布狗狗币支付,预计 DOGE 价格也会以类似的方式做出反应。它可能是推动狗狗币价格突破 1 美元的催化剂。


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