首页 > 资讯新闻 > 现在是购买狗狗币最大竞争对手柴犬的时候了吗?专家解释一下!山寨币的价格可能比预期低得多!

Is it Time to Buy Shiba Inu, Dogecoin’s Biggest Rival? Experts Explain! The Price of the Altcoin Could Be Much Lower Than Expected!


发布: 2023/10/15 08:15 阅读: 985



Shiba Inu (SHIB), the biggest competitor of Dogecoin and the second largest memecoin in the market, has experienced a turbulent price movement over the past few months, continuing to unsettle its investors.


SHIB made an incredible price movement towards the end of 2021, making many of its investors rich, and then settled down and started to decline. Since then, this sharp decline has sparked debates among analysts about its true value.

SHIB 在 2021 年底出现了令人难以置信的价格走势,使其许多投资者变得富有,然后稳定下来并开始下跌。从那时起,这种急剧下跌引发了分析师对其真实价值的争论。

The Future of Shiba Inu


There is still uncertainty about the price of SHIB. While some analysts argue that SHIB is undervalued, others believe that SHIB is nothing more than an overhyped cryptocurrency.

SHIB的价格仍存在不确定性。虽然一些分析师认为 SHIB 被低估,但另一些分析师则认为 SHIB 只不过是一种被过度炒作的加密货币。

However, recently emerged data provided an opportunity for analysts to shed light on the potential value of SHIB and the points it could reach in the future.

然而,最近出现的数据为分析师提供了一个机会来揭示 SHIB 的潜在价值及其未来可能达到的目标。

One of the indicators supporting the view that SHIB’s price is low is the NVT ratio shared by IntoTheBlock. The NVT ratio is the comparison of a blockchain’s native token market value to its total transaction value over a certain period. Currently, when SHIB’s NVT ratio is calculated, it appears to have dropped from its highest level in the past year, which was 788.59, to 172.

支持SHIB价格较低观点的指标之一是IntoTheBlock分享的NVT比率。 NVT比率是区块链原生代币市场价值与其在一定时期内的总交易价值的比较。目前,按SHIB的NVT比率计算,该比率似乎已从去年的最高水平788.59下降至172。

Considering this situation, it can be thought that SHIB’s value may be lower compared to other cryptocurrencies. Because the amount of value transacted on the blockchain is considered relatively low compared to its market value.

考虑到这种情况,可以认为与其他加密货币相比,SHIB 的价值可能较低。因为与市场价值相比,区块链上交易的价值被认为相对较低。

SHIB Price Analysis


Another indicator supporting the view that SHIB’s value is low is the MVRV ratio. Speaking of what the MVRV ratio is, it can be described as the evaluation of a cryptocurrency’s market value against its realized value.


When SHIB’s MVRV ratio is examined, it has a ratio of 0.34. This ratio appears significantly lower compared to the past. Based on this, it would not be wrong to say that a large number of SHIB investors are currently at a loss. This strengthens the view that SHIB may have experienced excessive selling and may indicate a potential buying opportunity for investors.

当检查 SHIB 的 MVRV 比率时,其比率为 0.34。与过去相比,这一比例显得明显较低。据此,可以说目前大量SHIB投资者处于亏损状态。这强化了SHIB可能经历了过度抛售的观点,并可能为投资者带来潜在的买入机会。

Finally, it is important to be cautious when considering the value and potential of a cryptocurrency. Investors should avoid relying solely on technical indicators. SHIB, which is relatively still new in the crypto world and does not have a deep-rooted history unlike other cryptocurrencies, can be considered to have a higher risk ratio compared to its competitors.

最后,在考虑加密货币的价值和潜力时务必谨慎。投资者应避免仅仅依赖技术指标。 SHIB 在加密世界中相对较新,与其他加密货币不同,它没有根深蒂固的历史,与竞争对手相比,可以被认为具有更高的风险比率。

Disclaimer: The information in this article does not constitute investment advice. Investors should be aware that cryptocurrency carries risks due to their high volatility and should conduct their own research before making any transactions.


Continue Reading: https://en.coin-turk.com/is-it-time-to-buy-shiba-inu-dogecoins-biggest-rival-experts-explain-the-price-of-the-altcoin-could-be-much-lower-than-expected/

继续阅读:https://en.coin-turk.com/is-it-time-to-buy-shiba-inu-dogecoins-biggest-rival-experts-explain-the-price-of-the-altcoin-could -远低于预期/


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