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Can TON be next Solana or Ether? Data suggests this

TON 能成为下一个 Solana 或 Ether 吗?数据表明这一点

发布: 2024/06/29 01:06 阅读: 880

原文作者:Todayq News


TON 能成为下一个 Solana 或 Ether 吗?数据表明这一点

TON: A Promising Contender with Challenges


Sentiment in the market suggests that TON (The Open Network) has the potential to rival Solana (SOL) or Ethereum (ETH). This is largely attributed to its association with Telegram. However, it faces several significant challenges that temper this optimism.

市场情绪表明 TON(开放网络)有潜力与 Solana (SOL) 或以太坊 (ETH) 竞争。这很大程度上归功于它与 Telegram 的关联。然而,它面临着一些重大挑战,削弱了这种乐观情绪。

Overestimation of Telegram's Impact

高估了 Telegram 的影响

Despite Telegram's impressive global reach and monthly active users (MAUs), a report indicates that the market may be overestimating its ability to distribute TON. Technical limitations, such as TON's programming language limitations, and its fully diluted valuation (FDV) pose challenges.

尽管 Telegram 的全球影响力和每月活跃用户 (MAU) 令人印象深刻,但一份报告表明,市场可能高估了其分发 TON 的能力。技术限制,例如 TON 的编程语言限制及其完全摊薄估值 (FDV) 带来了挑战。

Toncoin's Surge

Toncoin 的飙升

Toncoin (TON) has experienced a remarkable surge of 226% year-to-date (YTD), continuing an upward trend with an 18% gain in the last 30 days. Trading at $7.55, it remains 16% below its all-time high. With a market capitalization of $18.6 billion, TON ranks as the 8th largest cryptocurrency.

Toncoin (TON) 今年迄今 (YTD) 经历了 226% 的显着飙升,继续保持上升趋势,在过去 30 天内上涨了 18%。交易价格为 7.55 美元,仍比历史高点低 16%。 TON 的市值为 186 亿美元,是第八大加密货币。

Telegram's User Base: Strengths and Concerns

Telegram 的用户群:优势和担忧

Telegram's extensive user base is a significant asset for TON. However, daily active users (DAUs) paint a different picture. Estimates range from 55 to 200 million, suggesting a lower engagement rate compared to MAUs. This disparity raises questions about the monetization potential of Telegram's user base and its impact on TON's growth.

Telegram 广泛的用户群是 TON 的重要资产。然而,每日活跃用户 (DAU) 却描绘出不同的景象。估计范围为 55 至 2 亿,这表明与月活跃用户相比,参与率较低。这种差异引发了人们对 Telegram 用户群的货币化潜力及其对 TON 增长影响的质疑。

Technical Hurdles


Another obstacle is TON's native programming language, FunC. Unlike the more familiar and widely used Ethers Solidity or Solana's Rust, FunC is more akin to C, which is less popular and less developer-friendly.

另一个障碍是 TON 的原生编程语言 FunC。与更熟悉和广泛使用的 Ethers Solidity 或 Solana 的 Rust 不同,FunC 更类似于 C,但不太流行且对开发人员不太友好。


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