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Top 4 Altcoins To Pump in Early February

2 月初最热门的 4 种山寨币

发布: 2024/02/05 06:00 阅读: 570

原文作者:CoinPedia News


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2 月初最热门的 4 种山寨币一文首先出现在 Coinpedia 金融科技新闻上

As the volatile month of January concludes, the buyers manage to get a strong foothold over the market. With Bitcoin showcasing healthy signals above the $43K mark, the altcoins are preparing to capitalise on this dynamics. Further, the improving sentiments are projecting the lesser resistance of investors to enter the altcoins market.

随着动荡的一月结束,买家设法在市场上站稳脚跟。随着比特币在 4.3 万美元大关之上展现出健康信号,山寨币正准备利用这一动态。此外,情绪的改善预示着投资者进入山寨币市场的阻力将会减弱。

Finding such altcoins with the potential to give a notable performance can be a wholesome task! To solve this crisis, Coinpedia brings to you our Top 4 altcoin picks that can pump and outperform the market in early February.

寻找具有显着表现潜力的山寨币可能是一项有益的任务!为了解决这场危机,Coinpedia 为您带来了我们精选的 4 种山寨币,它们可以在 2 月初推动并超越市场。

Solana (SOL)

索拉纳 (太阳)

Despite being among the top 5 altcoins, the SOL price is quick to move, showcasing high demand for Solana at lower levels. With a recovery rally accounting for a 425% jump in the last 125 days, the SOL price action shows a bullish retest of the rounding bottom breakout in the weekly chart. 

尽管是排名前 5 的山寨币之一,但 SOL 的价格波动很快,表明对 Solana 的需求量较低。由于复苏反弹在过去 125 天内上涨了 425%,SOL 价格走势显示周线图上对圆底突破的看涨重新测试。

Further, the restarting of the rising trend in the trading volume supports the post-retest reversal, increasing the chances of a bull run in February.  Optimistically, the breakout of the 50% Fibonacci level can pump the SOL price higher to $180. 

此外,成交量重启上涨趋势支撑了复试后的反转,增加了2月份牛市的机会。乐观地讲,突破 50% 斐波那契水平可以将 SOL 价格推高至 180 美元。

Currently, the SOL price is trading at $98.96%, so more than 80% upside potential is present in this altcoin. 

目前,SOL 价格交易价格为 98.96%,因此该山寨币存在超过 80% 的上涨潜力。

Ripple (XRP)

瑞波币 (XRP)

Another large-cap coin that can outperform Bitcoin and Ethereum with its February pump is Ripple (XRP). With a market cap of $27.66 Billion, the XRP price is trading at $0.50, a crucial psychological mark, which is reclaimed in early February. 

另一种在 2 月份表现优于比特币和以太坊的大盘币是瑞波币 (XRP)。 XRP 的市值为 276.6 亿美元,目前交易价格为 0.50 美元,这是一个重要的心理标志,该标志已于 2 月初恢复。

Being a volatile coin in 2023, the upside potential in the XRP coin is notable in February 2024. 

作为 2023 年波动较大的代币,XRP 代币的上行潜力在 2024 年 2 月引人注目。

Despite the ongoing bear run, the bullish divergence in the daily RSI line teases a quick reversal for XRP crypto. Considering the reversal breaks the overhead trendline, the XRP price trend can reach the $0.72 mark. However, the death cross in the daily chart warns of an otherwise case, if the price fails to hold dominance over $0.50.

尽管熊市仍在持续,但每日 RSI 线的看涨背离预示着 XRP 加密货币将迅速逆转。考虑到反转突破了上方趋势线,XRP 价格趋势可能会达到 0.72 美元大关。然而,日线图中的死亡交叉警告说,如果价格未能在 0.50 美元以上占据主导地位,则可能会出现其他情况。

Dogecoin (DOGE)

狗狗币 (DOGE)

As the biggest meme coin, the chances of a quick and intense move in DOGE are always greater than in other large-cap altcoins. Standing at $11.28 Billion, the 10th largest altcoin rank goes to this meme coin and reflects its popularity globally. 

作为最大的模因币,DOGE 发生快速而剧烈波动的机会总是比其他大盘山寨币更大。这款 meme 代币价值 112.8 亿美元,排名第十,反映了其在全球的受欢迎程度。

Despite trading at a low of -89.29% from its all-time high, the DOGE crypto is heading higher to surpass the $0.10 barrier. 

尽管交易价格较历史高点低至 -89.29%,但 DOGE 加密货币仍在走高,突破 0.10 美元的关口。

Taking a strong stand at the 200-day EMA, the meme coin awaits a market recovery for a sharp leap and break the 52-W high. In doing so, the Dogecoin price shows potential to reach $0.15 in February 2024.

Meme 币在 200 日均线站稳脚跟,等待市场复苏,大幅跃升并突破 52W 高点。这样,狗狗币的价格就有可能在 2024 年 2 月达到 0.15 美元。

Oasis Network (ROSE)


Coming in as the lowest cap altcoin in this list, the potential for Oasis Network is astronomical, not just in February but throughout 2024. As the altcoin recently crossed the $0.10 barrier, it is coming under the limelight of multiple traders and maybe even institutions. 

作为此列表中市值最低的山寨币,Oasis Network 的潜力是天文数字,不仅在 2 月份,而且在整个 2024 年。随着山寨币最近突破 0.10 美元的大关,它受到了多个交易者甚至机构的关注。

Crossing the short-term resistance trendline, the comeback rally comes with a spike in trading volume. Thus, the chances of a pump in ROSE prices in early February is significantly high. Optimistically, if the uptrend crosses the $0.14 mark, then the altcoin can reach $0.18, a 50% hike from the current market price. 

突破短期阻力趋势线后,反弹反弹伴随着交易量的激增。因此,二月初 ROSE 价格上涨的可能性非常高。乐观的是,如果上涨趋势突破 0.14 美元大关,那么山寨币可以达到 0.18 美元,比当前市场价格上涨 50%。


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