首页 > 资讯新闻 > 2023 年加密货币热门新闻:区块链和加密货币市场的突破——一年回顾

Top Crypto News in 2023: Breakthroughs in Blockchain & Crypto Market – A Year in Review

2023 年加密货币热门新闻:区块链和加密货币市场的突破——一年回顾

发布: 2023/12/29 20:04 阅读: 362

原文作者:CoinPedia News


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《2023 年顶级加密新闻:区块链和加密市场的突破——一年回顾》一文首先出现在 Coinpedia 金融科技新闻上

It would not be an exaggeration to call 2023 the game-changing year for crypto! The momentum was evident with an enhanced regulatory landscape and growing global adoption. At the G-20 summit, nations showcased their commitment to the digital financial future, emphasizing the need for cohesive crypto regulations. Notably, Bitcoin reached a notable $40,000 mark as the year concluded. For crypto experts, 2023 validated their beliefs. Factors like institutional interest, market recovery, and the buzz around Bitcoin ETFs took center stage. 

毫不夸张地说,2023 年是加密货币改变游戏规则的一年!随着监管环境的加强和全球采用率的不断提高,这一势头显而易见。在二十国集团峰会上,各国展示了他们对数字金融未来的承诺,强调需要有凝聚力的加密货币监管。值得注意的是,比特币在年底达到了 40,000 美元大关。对于加密货币专家来说,2023 年验证了他们的信念。机构兴趣、市场复苏以及围绕比特币 ETF 的热议等因素成为焦点。

Let’s explore the key events that shaped 2023 in the crypto world.

让我们来探讨一下影响 2023 年加密货币世界的关键事件。

Reflecting on Crypto’s Vibrant Journey


Anything can happen in a year when it comes to crypto! The year began with a solid $1 trillion market cap, reflecting renewed investor optimism. The industry forged ahead amid challenges, including crypto setbacks, company closures, regulatory shifts, and product innovations. As 2023 wraps up, Bitcoin’s upward momentum stands out. Coinpedia’s ‘Top News of 2023’ offers a comprehensive overview of these critical developments, ensuring readers are well-informed.

就加密货币而言,一年内任何事情都可能发生!今年伊始,市值就达到了 1 万亿美元,反映出投资者重新燃起了乐观情绪。该行业在加密货币挫折、公司倒闭、监管转变和产品创新等挑战中不断前进。 2023 年即将结束,比特币的上涨势头十分突出。 Coinpedia 的“2023 年头条新闻”全面概述了这些关键发展,确保读者充分了解情况。

2023 Highlights: A Global Overview

2023 年亮点:全球概览

Forecasts indicate the crypto market could grow by USD 1.81 billion from 2022 to 2027. Let’s delve into the contributions of various regions to this growth and spotlight notable developments that influenced their crypto landscapes.

预测表明,从 2022 年到 2027 年,加密货币市场可能增长 18.1 亿美元。让我们深入研究各个地区对这一增长的贡献,并重点关注影响其加密货币格局的显着发展。

  1. Crypto in the United States of America 
  2. 美利坚合众国的加密货币

  • The United States stands as a dominant force in the global crypto arena, generating a revenue of US $17,960 million in 2023 alone.
  • 美国是全球加密货币领域的主导力量,仅 2023 年就创造了 179.6 亿美元的收入。

  • Notably, US-based crypto enterprises ramped up their lobbying efforts, allocating $18.96 million within the initial three quarters of 2023—a figure surpassing their total spend for the entire 2022.
  • 值得注意的是,美国加密货币企业加大了游说力度,在 2023 年前三个季度拨款 1896 万美元,这一数字超过了 2022 年全年的总支出。

  • In the aftermath of the FTX incident last year, numerous crypto entities have been enhancing their presence in Washington to bolster their public image.
  • 去年 FTX 事件发生后,许多加密货币实体一直在加强其在华盛顿的影响力,以提升其公众形象。

  • However, the year brought challenges, with Sam Bankman-Fried facing fraud charges from the Manhattan federal court.
  • 然而,这一年也带来了挑战,萨姆·班克曼-弗里德面临曼哈顿联邦法院的欺诈指控。

  • Amidst intensifying regulatory oversight by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), the industry witnessed heightened lobbying activities, especially after the SEC’s legal actions against Coinbase and Binance in June 2023.
  • 在美国证券交易委员会 (SEC) 加强监管的背景下,该行业的游说活动不断增加,特别是在 2023 年 6 月 SEC 对 Coinbase 和币安采取法律行动之后。

  • The tide turned in favor of the crypto sector in July 2023 when the House of Representatives passed two pivotal bills, bringing clarity to existing crypto regulations.
  • 2023 年 7 月,众议院通过了两项关键法案,明确了现有的加密货币法规,潮流转向有利于加密货币行业。

  1. Crypto in Europe 
  2. 欧洲的加密货币

  • Europe boasts a substantial crypto user base, with approximately 31 million users within the European Union.
  • 欧洲拥有庞大的加密货币用户群,欧盟境内约有 3100 万用户。

  • Noteworthy regions leading the crypto charge include Ukraine, Turkey, and Russia, trailed by the UK and Spain.
  • 引领加密货币潮流的值得注意的地区包括乌克兰、土耳其和俄罗斯,其次是英国和西班牙。

  • The Netherlands emerged as a pivotal international crypto hub in 2023. 
  • 2023 年,荷兰成为重要的国际加密货币中心。

  • The year witnessed a landmark moment in May when Europe introduced the world’s inaugural comprehensive regulatory framework for crypto assets, propelling industry growth. 
  • 今年5月是一个具有里程碑意义的时刻,欧洲推出了全球首个加密资产综合监管框架,推动了行业增长。

  • Further, the EU rolled out new tax regulations in October, mandating crypto firms to disclose customer holdings to tax authorities automatically. 
  • 此外,欧盟于 10 月推出了新的税收法规,要求加密货币公司自动向税务机关披露客户持有的资产。

  • Concluding the year on a positive note, Robinhood Markets extended its crypto trading services to EU customers, offering access to over 25 cryptocurrencies sans commissions.
  • Robinhood Markets 以积极的态度结束了这一年,将其加密货币交易服务扩展至欧盟客户,提供超过 25 种加密货币的免佣金交易服务。

  1. Crypto in the Asia-Pacific (APAC) Region
  2. 亚太 (APAC) 地区的加密货币

  • The Asia-Pacific region showcased remarkable crypto momentum in 2023. 
  • 2023 年,亚太地区展现了令人瞩目的加密货币势头。

  • In July, a strategic alliance between Crypto.com and LINE Xenesis aimed to accelerate crypto adoption across APAC. 
  • 7 月,Crypto.com 与 LINE Xenesis 结成战略联盟,旨在加速整个亚太地区的加密货币采用。

  • By September, institutional adoption of crypto assets in Asia was on the rise. 
  • 截至 9 月,亚洲机构对加密资产的采用呈上升趋势。

  • 2023 witnessed a perceptible shift in focus towards Asia, overshadowing the U.S. due to its evolving regulatory climate. Notably, SEBA bank expanded its crypto banking services to Asia in March. 
  • 2023 年,人们的注意力明显转向亚洲,由于其不断变化的监管环境,使美国黯然失色。值得注意的是,SEBA 银行于 3 月份将其加密银行服务扩展到亚洲。

  • The eastern Asian segment emerged as the world’s fifth most active crypto market, contributing to 8.8% of the global crypto activity. 
  • 东亚地区成为全球第五大最活跃的加密货币市场,占全球加密货币活动的 8.8%。

  • Throughout the year, Asia remained steadfast in championing crypto clarity amidst the regulatory ambiguities observed in the U.S.
  • 全年,尽管美国监管不明确,亚洲仍坚定支持加密货币的透明度。

  1. Crypto in Australia 
  2. 澳大利亚的加密货币

  • Down Under, the Australian government signaled its commitment to refining the crypto regulatory landscape. 
  • 在澳大利亚,澳大利亚政府表示致力于完善加密货币监管环境。

  • As of 2023, 31.6% of Australians are crypto holders. 
  • 截至 2023 年,31.6% 的澳大利亚人是加密货币持有者。

  • Making significant strides, Australia secured a position among the top 10 crypto-ready nations by September 2023. 
  • 澳大利亚取得了重大进展,到 2023 年 9 月跻身加密货币就绪国家前十名。

  • The second annual Crypto Summit hosted by the Australian Financial Review in October emphasized consumer protection, awareness, and regulatory clarity as central themes.
  • 十月份,《澳大利亚金融评论》主办的第二届年度加密货币峰会强调了消费者保护、意识和监管清晰度作为中心主题。

2023 年加密货币的热门趋势:Coinpedia 概述

Coinpedia report has a compiled version of the top five cryptocurrency trends in 2023. This is how it goes!

Coinpedia 报告整理了 2023 年加密货币前五大趋势。事情是这样的!




加密市场在 2023 年初经历了“加密冬天”阶段。比特币在 1 月份回升至 22,000 美元大关。经过大幅下跌后,比特币在年底突破了 40,000 美元大关。

NFT 和区块链扩展

过去五年,人们对 NFT 的兴趣激增了 1000% 以上。游戏成为 NFT 的强劲领域。Web 3.0 作为一个概念变得易于理解且更加清晰。


G20 峰会强调了加密货币监管的必要性,领导人承诺迅速实施加密资产报告框架。美国证券交易委员会的紧迫监管为更加规范的加密货币环境铺平了道路。

FTX 崩溃的影响仍在继续


以太坊从 PoW 过渡到 PoS,旨在降低能耗并提高可扩展性。

Trend Deduction
Bear Market Trends The crypto market experienced a ‘Crypto Winter’ phase early in 2023.Bitcoin climbed back above the $22,000 mark in January.After steep falls, Bitcoin crossed the $40,000 mark as the year ended.
NFTs and Blockchain Expansion The interest in NFTs surged by over 1000% over the last five years.Gaming became the robust sector for NFTs.Web 3.0 became accessible and more clear as a concept.
Regulatory Shifts The G20 summit highlighted the need for crypto regulations with leaders committing to the swift implementation of a reporting framework for crypto assets.The pressing regulations by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission paved the way for a more regulated crypto environment.
Fallout from FTX collapse continued
Ethereum 2.0 Launch Ethereum transitioned from PoW to PoS, aiming for reduced energy consumption and improved scalability.

Top Headlines: Detailed Monthly Recap of 2023

头条新闻:2023 年详细月度回顾



比特币在 2 月份触及 25,000 美元的八个月高点后,交易价格略高于 23,000 美元。 Kraken 交易所同意关闭其美国加密货币质押服务,并支付 3000 万美元作为罚款。随着 SEC 下架 Kraken,Coinbase 股价下跌。


比特币在 2 月份触及 25,000 美元的八个月高点后,交易价格略高于 23,000 美元。 Kraken 交易所同意关闭其美国加密货币质押服务,并支付 3000 万美元作为罚款。随着 SEC 取缔 Kraken,Coinbase 股价下跌。


比特币飙升至2022年6月以来的最高点26,000美元。币安在监管压力下暂停了英国客户的取款和存款。 SEC 威胁要就一系列非法加密产品起诉 Coinbase。硅谷银行倒闭。Arbitrum 推出了其原生代币 ARB。


加密货币交易所 Bittrex 违反联邦法律,SEC 提起诉讼 Gary Gensler 在国会听证会上受到批评后,比特币反弹至 30,000 美元大关。ARK Invest 重新提交了比特币 ETF。


Bittrex 申请破产 SEC 面临法律挑战 彭博社报道称,司法部正在针对俄罗斯制裁对币安进行调查。


SEC 起诉币安及其首席执行官赵长鹏违反美国证券法。SEC 起诉 Coinbase Blackrock 申请现货比特币 ETF 比特币 ETF 已由 Fidelity、WisdomTree、VanEck 等重新提交


7 月份加密货币黑客和漏洞使交易者损失了 3.03 亿美元,标志着 2023 年最糟糕的一个月。美国承诺批准支持加密货币的法案。加密货币市场情绪低迷,导致比特币、以太币下跌。XRP 被裁定不是证券!Sam Altman 推出眼球扫描加密货币,世界币。


市场剧烈波动导致比特币和以太币价格走低。加密投资达到 6.6 亿美元 PayPal 推出 PYUSD 稳定币


野村证券推出了比特币基金。比特币截至 9 月,出现 2023 年首个季度亏损,自 2023 年 6 月以来下跌 11%。


比特币突破 35,000 美元大关。10 月份加密货币损失减少 85%。首个以太坊期货 ETF 推出


Sam Bankman-Fried 全部七项刑事欺诈罪名成立。贝莱德申请以太坊 ETF 现货。币安以 34 亿美元和解。比特币在 2023 年首次攀升至 36,000 美元以上。


比特币自 2022 年 4 月以来首次突破 40,000 美元大关,以太坊成为代币化现实世界资产的关键区块链。2023 年,比特币矿工的交易收入增长了 400%。

Month Top News
January  Bitcoin traded at just above $23,000 after touching the eight-month high of $25,000 in February. Kraken exchange agreed to shut down its U.S. cryptocurrency staking service and pay $30 million as a penalty.Coinbase shares fell as SEC took down Kraken.
February Bitcoin traded at just above $23,000 after touching the eight-month high of $25,000 in February. Kraken exchange agreed to shut down its U.S. cryptocurrency staking service and pay $30 million as a penalty. Coinbase shares fell as SEC took down Kraken.
March Bitcoin soared to the highest mark of $26,000 since June 2022.Binance suspended UK customer withdrawals and deposits amid regulatory pressure.U.S. SEC threatens to sue Coinbase over a certain list of illegitimate crypto products.Silicon Valley Bank collapsed.Arbitrum launched its native token, ARB. 
April Crypto Exchange Bittrex violated federal laws, SEC charged in lawsuitBitcoin rebounded above the US $30,000 mark after Gary Gensler was criticised in a congressional hearing.ARK Invest refiled Bitcoin ETF.
May Bittrex filed for bankruptcySEC faced legal challengesBloomberg reported the Department of Justice investigation of Binance for Russian sanctions.
June The SEC sued Binance and its CEO Changpeng Zhao for a U.S. Securities violation.SEC sued Coinbase Blackrock filed for the spot Bitcoin ETFBitcoin ETF was refiled by Fidelity, WisdomTree, VanEck, & more
July Crypto hacks and exploits cost traders $303 million in July, marking it as the worst month of 2023.US Committed approved pro-crypto billThe Crypto market showed sluggish sentiments leading to Bitcoin, and Ether dips.XRP ruled not a security!Sam Altman launched eyeball scanning crypto coin, Worldcoin. 
August High market volatility led to low Bitcoin and Ether values.Crypto investments reached $660 million PayPal launched PYUSD stablecoin
September Nomura launched a Bitcoin fund.Bitcoin ended September with the first quarterly loss of 2023, down by 11% since June 2023.
October Bitcoin reached above the $35,000 mark.Crypto losses decreased by 85% in October.First Ethereum Futures ETF launched
November Sam Bankman-Fried found guilty on all seven criminal fraud counts.Blackrock filed for Spot Ethereum ETF.Binance settled for $3.4 billionBitcoin climbed above $36,000 for the first time in 2023.
December Bitcoin ends the year with a $40,000 mark for the first time since April 2022Ethereum emerged as a key blockchain for tokenized real-world assets.Bitcoin miners saw a rise of 400% in transaction revenue in 2023.

Blockchain in 2023: A Year of Growth and Innovation

2023 年区块链:增长和创新的一年

Experts predict 2024 will witness a harmonious integration of AI and blockchain technologies. Notable progress was achieved in 2023, notably by the introduction of zero-knowledge (zk) rollups.

专家预测,2024年将是人工智能与区块链技术的和谐融合。 2023 年取得了显着进展,特别是零知识 (zk) 汇总的引入。

  1. Enhanced Inter-Chain Connectivity
  2. 增强的链间连接

  • Interoperability Boost: 2023 showcased significant strides in blockchain interoperability.
  • 互操作性提升:2023 年展示了区块链互操作性的重大进步。

  • Key Collaborations: Initiatives like Chainlink’s CCIP and LayerZero’s alliances with giants like Google Cloud and JP Morgan underscored the drive towards seamless cross-chain operations.
  • 主要合作:Chainlink 的 CCIP 和 LayerZero 与 Google Cloud 和 JP Morgan 等巨头的联盟等举措强调了无缝跨链运营的推动力。

  1. Tokenization: Bridging Traditional and Digital Assets
  2. 代币化:连接传统资产和数字资产

  • 2023 witnessed a surge in tokenizations, bringing many real-world assets onto the blockchain, further blurring the lines between the physical and digital realms.
  • 2023 年见证了代币化的激增,将许多现实世界的资产带入区块链,进一步模糊了物理领域和数字领域之间的界限。

  1. NFT Boom
  2. NFT 热潮

  • Expanding Horizons: Blockchain technology embraced NFTs with an array of innovative applications.
  • 拓展视野:区块链技术通过一系列创新应用拥抱 NFT。

  • Market Dynamics: The NFT trading volume rapidly increased in Q1 2023. However, fluctuations ensued, influenced by factors like Blur’s incentives and airdrops.
  • 市场动态:2023年一季度NFT交易量快速增长,但受Blur激励、空投等因素影响,出现波动。

  • Market Leaders: While OpenSea initially dominated the NFT royalty arena, Blur emerged as a formidable competitor by mid-February.
  • 市场领导者:虽然 OpenSea 最初主导了 NFT 版税领域,但 Blur 到 2 月中旬已成为强大的竞争对手。

The total value locked (TVL) share of top blockchains in 2023 looked as mentioned above.

2023 年顶级区块链的总锁定价值 (TVL) 份额如上所述。

Top Tokens That Made Headlines in 2023 

2023 年成为头条新闻的热门代币










10.87 美元

45.72 美元

尽管经历了种种波动,Avalanche 在 2023 年仍然是一个积极的区块链。它们是 2023 年涨幅第二高的区块链,全年涨幅为 313.58%。Avalanche 吸引了开发商和投资者的兴趣。


0.2498 美元


对抗美国 SEC 的证券指控。ADA 拥有令人印象深刻的年初至今 145% 的增长。尽管面临挑战,卡尔达诺网络的认真验证者仍促进了其增长。

美元硬币 (USDC)

0.9999 美元

1 美元

与 2022 年相比,USDC 市值缩水一半以上。监管环境导致了 USDC 的下跌。



0.6189 美元

XRP在2023年势头强劲。美国法官裁定Ripple Labs销售XRP没有违反安全法。SEC针对Ripple Labs及其高管的诉讼仍在继续!跨境支付推动了XRP在2023年的增长。


244.14 美元

270.65 美元

与 2023 年所有主要加密代币相比,BNB 表现不佳。围绕币安的负面新闻导致 BNB 价格下跌。




SOL 在 2023 年成为表现最佳的货币。Solana 成为前 10 名货币中涨幅最高的货币。Solana 的成功完全是因为其繁荣的社区、更便宜的交易和更快的速度。


0.9997 美元

1 美元

USDT 于 2023 年成为排名第一的稳定币。Tether 的市值超过 912.6 亿美元。Tether 展示了所有加密货币中最高水平的实用性


1,200.96 美元

$2,291.59 美元

ETH 在 2023 年仍然是加密货币领域的顶级竞争者。以太坊 2.0 在 2023 年引起了轰动。





Token Opening value Closing value News
DOGE $0.07022 $0.09315 The price of Dogecoin has increased by 32.52% since 2022.Dogecoin is not as influential as it was. However, it remains a prominent name in crypto!
AVAX (Avalanche) $10.87 $45.72 Avalanche remained a positive blockchain in 2023 despite all the fluctuations.They are the second highest gainer of 2023 with 313.58% for the year.Avalanche attracts interest from developers and investors alike.
ADA (Cardano) $0.2498 $0.6056 Battled accusations from US’ SEC of being a security.ADA boasts an impressive 145% year-to-date increase.Cardano network’s serious validators foster its growth despite the challenges.
USD Coin (USDC) $0.9999 $1 USDC market cap shrunk by over half in comparison to 2022.Regulatory environment contributed to USDC’s decline.
XRP (Ripple) $0.3388 $0.6189 XRP gained significant momentum in 2023.A U.S judge ruled that Ripple Labs’ sales of XRP didn’t breach security laws.The SEC lawsuit against Ripple Labs and the executives is still on!The cross-border payments have driven XRP’s growth in 2023.
BNB $244.14 $270.65 BNB underperformed in comparison to all major crypto tokens in 2023.Negative press surrounding Binance led to the downfall in BNB’s price.
SOL (Solana) $9.9822 $102.88 SOL emerged as a top performer in 2023.Solana became the highest gainer in the top 10 currenciesSolana’s success is wholly because of its thriving community, cheaper transactions and quicker speed. 
USDT (Tether) $0.9997 $1 USDT emerged as number 1 stablecoin in 2023.Tether holds a market cap of over $91.26 billion.Tether has demonstrated the highest level of utility among all cryptocurrencies
ETH (Ethereum) $1,200.96 $2,291.59 ETH continued to be a top contender in the crypto space in 2023.Ethereum 2.0 made a noise in 2023.
BTC (Bitcoin) $16,625.08 $44,186.1800 Bitcoin has a market capitalization of $857.5 billion in 2023Bitcoin halving is due in 2024.Bitcoin closes the year with 164.69% increase!

Bitcoin’s Monthly Recap of 2023

比特币 2023 年月度回顾

Highest value: $44,186.1800 on December 8, 2023

最高价值:2023 年 12 月 8 日为 44,186.1800 美元

Lowest value: $16,528.2000 on January 1,2023

最低值:2023 年 1 月 1 日为 16,528.2000 美元









$29,268.81 美元






$29,230.11 美元


$25,931.47 美元


$26,967.92 美元






$43,016.12 美元

Month Closing Value
January $23,139.28
February $23,147.35
March $28,478.48
April $29,268.81
May $27,219.66
June $30,477.25
July $29,230.11
August $25,931.47
September $26,967.92
October $34.667.78
November $37,712.75
December $43,016.12

Did You Know? Bitcoin remains the most Googled currency in 2023!

你可知道? 2023 年,比特币仍然是 Google 搜索次数最多的货币!

Top Crypto Personalities in 2023

2023 年加密货币顶级人物


2023 新闻快报

Sam Bankman-Fried,FTX 创始人兼前首席执行官



Alpha 加密货币投资者导致狗狗币指数级增长

Changpeng Zhao,CEO, Binance

成为无可争议的领导者,在 X 等平台上拥有近 910 万粉丝。

Vitalik Buterin,以太坊联合创始人


杰克·多尔西 (Jack Dorsey),X 联合创始人


Michael Saylor,MicroStrategy Inc 联合创始人


Cathie Wood,方舟创始人

Wood 的投资策略和前瞻性思维方法使她跻身 2023 年加密货币领域最具影响力的人物之列

Name 2023 NewsFlash
Sam Bankman-Fried,Founder and former CEO, FTX During the FTX collapse, SBF gained a lot of followers on social media.
Elon Musk,CEO, Tesla Alpha crypto investorLed to Dogecoin’s exponential growth
Changpeng Zhao,CEO, Binance Emerged as an undisputed leader of the packHas a following of nearly 9.1 million on platforms like X.
Vitalik Buterin,Co-founder, Ethereum One of the most influential personalities on social mediaContributed to the development of Ethereum, continues to shape the future of decentralised applications.
Jack Dorsey,Co-founder, X Dorsey played a dual role on social media and blockchain technology.
Michael Saylor,Co-founder, MicroStrategy Inc His vocal support for Bitcoin as a treasury reserve asset got him into the limelight
Cathie Wood,Founder of ARK Wood’s investment strategies and forward-thinking approach have earned her a spot among top influential figures in the crypto space in 2023 

Top influential crypto people in 2023 on social media

2023 年社交媒体上最具影响力的加密货币人物

Here is a list of top crypto influencers to follow in 2023:

以下是 2023 年最值得关注的加密货币影响者名单:

2023 年流行的加密货币黑客攻击










1.97 亿美元


闪电贷攻击 euler eToken 功能中的流动性问题让攻击者可利用攻击者操纵代币转换导致多种货币下跌,EUL 代币价值下降 45% 随后,名为 Jacob 的黑客通过加密消息返还了 54,000 ETH 和 1000 万美元的 DAI


1.26 亿美元


黑客攻击就像地毯拉扯超过 1.25 亿美元的加密货币被撤回,导致 Fantom、狗狗币、Moon River Bridges 遭受损失,影响了 wETH、wBTC 等资产



2023 年 2 月 1 日

预言机漏洞导致漏洞利用者篡改智能合约中的预言机,操纵 AllianceBlock 代币价格





CoinEx 黑客



黑客泄露了 CoinEx 上的私钥




平台发起恢复,成功收回部分恢复率73% 黑客针对的流动性池,即包含用户稳定币的流动性池


5470 万美元

11 月 22 日

攻击利用了协议内的双重流动性计数。它被认为是 DeFi 最复杂的黑客攻击



2023 年 9 月 4 日




2023 年 11 月 19 日

未经授权访问 API 密钥导致了黑客攻击。

Hack Amount Date Indices
Mixin Network $200 million September 23,2023 Hack targeted platform’s cloud service provider’s database
Euler Finance $197 million March 13,2023 Flash loan attackThe liquidity issue within euler’s eToken function let to the exploitation by the attackerAttacker manipulated token conversionsCaused a decline in several currencies and 45% drop in EUL token valueLater, hacker named Jacob, returned 54,000 ETH and $10 million in DAI via encrypted messages
Multichain $126 million July 6,2023 Hack seemed like rug pullOver $125 million in crypto was withdrawn leading to losses from Fantom,dogecoin, Moon River Bridges, affecting assets like wETH, wBTC etc
BonqDAO $120 million February 1, 2023 Oracle breach caused the exploitExploiter tampered with an oracle in a smart contract, manipulating the AllianceBlock token prices
Atomic Wallet $100 million June 3,2023 The incident was tied to Lazarus group
CoinEx Hack $70 million September 12,2023 Hackers compromised private keys on CoinEx
Curve Finance $60 million July 30,2023 The platform initiated recovery, successfully regaining portions attributing to 73% recovery
The hack targeted liquidity pools, the ones containing users’ stablecoins
Kyber Networks $54.7 million November 22 Attack capitalized on double liquidity counting within the protocol. It is counted as DeFi’s most sophisticated hacks
Stake.com $41 million September 4, 2023 Attack targeted Ethereum, BNB smart chain, and Polygon networks
Kronos Research  $26 million November 19, 2023 Unauthorised access to API keys led to the hack.

Crypto hack volumes shrunk by 50% in comparison to 2022

与 2022 年相比,加密货币黑客数量减少了 50%



  • 2023 recorded around 160 attacks, similar to the previous year, but the total amount stolen reduced dramatically to USD 1.7 billion from nearly USD 4 billion in 2022
  • 2023 年记录了大约 160 起攻击,与上一年类似,但被盗总金额从 2022 年的近 40 亿美元大幅减少至 17 亿美元

  • This news is indicative of improved security measures within the industry.
  • 这一消息表明行业内的安全措施得到了改善。

  • The attacks were primarily private key thefts.
  • 这些攻击主要是私钥盗窃。

Brands Embracing Crypto in 2023

2023 年拥抱加密货币的品牌

Crypto used for:                                                 Accepting tokens from:

加密货币用于:                                                 接受来自以下来源的令牌:














在线账单 按次付费




支付 ExpressVPN 订阅费




Microsoft Store 中的数字产品




在 Newegg.com 上进行的购买




在 Overtock.com 上购买的商品




在任何支持通过 PayPal 进行加密结帐的商家处使用加密货币付款




在 Rakuten Travel 和 Rakuten Mobile 等乐天服务中使用加密货币付款,并加载您的乐天钱包以在参与零售商处使用








从 Tesla 在线商店选择商品








购买 Twitch“比特”



AMC Movie tickets Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash, Ethereum, Litecoin 2021
AT&T Online bills Bitcoin, Ethereum, Dogecoin + more 2019
CheapAir Flight tickets and hotels Bitcoin, Ethereum, Dogecoin + more 2013
Dish Online bills Pay-per-view Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash 2014
ExpressVPN Pay your ExpressVPN subscription Bitcoin, Ethereum, XRP, USDC, BUSD, PAX, GUSD 2014
Microsoft Digital products from the Microsoft Store Bitcoin, Ethereum, Dogecoin + more 2014
Newegg.com Purchases made on Newegg.com Bitcoin, Ethereum, Dogecoin + more 2014
Overstock.com Goods purchased on Overtock.com Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, Ripple 2014
PayPal Pay with crypto at any merchant that enables crypto checkout through PayPal Bitcoin, Litecoin, Bitcoin Cash, Ethereum 2014
Rakuten Pay with crypto at Rakuten services like Rakuten Travel and Rakuten Mobile and load your Rakuten wallet for use at participating retailers Bitcoin, Ethereum, Bitcoin Cash 2019
Starbucks Coffee and anything else in the store Bitcoin, Ethereum 2021
Tesla Select items from the Tesla online shop Dogecoin 2021
Time Magazine Time Magazine subscription Bitcoin 2021
Twitch Buy Twitch “bits” Bitcoin, Ethereum, Dogecoin + more 2014

Here is a list of brands accepting crypto in 2023. Ferrari is new to the list, which has started accepting cryptocurrency payments for its luxury sports cars in the U.S. in October 2023.

以下是 2023 年接受加密货币的品牌列表。法拉利是该名单中的新成员,该公司已于 2023 年 10 月开始在美国为其豪华跑车接受加密货币支付。

2023 Crypto Regulation Milestones to Remember 

2023 年值得记住的加密货币监管里程碑



SEC 的质押打击行动

美国 SEC 开始对质押产生了浓厚的兴趣。当 Coinbase 首席执行官 Brian Armstrong 在社交媒体上表达担忧时,这一消息达到了顶峰,暗示 SEC 希望消除美国零售客户的质押。这一消息得到了 SEC 的证实,宣布达成 3000 万美元的和解协议与 Kraken 就其在美国的质押计划发生争执。Kraken 被迫停止其在美国的质押业务。监管机构发出了明确的信号,即质押活动将面临更严格的审查。此次打击行动引发了人们对美国质押未来的质疑,并促使该行业重新评估其合规策略。

2023 年 2 月

SEC 反对稳定币

SEC 对两家发行人采取了法律行动,Paxos 被勒令停止发行币安的 BUSD。这一举措由纽约金融服务部 (NYDFS) 和 SEC 的威尔斯通知发起,推动了针对稳定币的监管措施。审查引发了人们对稳定币项目未来的担忧,以及是否需要一个明确的监管框架来确保其稳定性并遵守现有法律。

2023 年 6 月


2023 年 9 月,商品期货交易委员会 (CFTC) 亮相。 CFTC 的执法行动主要针对美国的去中心化金融 (DeFi) 协议。这给去中心化领域蒙上了一层阴影。对三个协议进行了指控,罪名是非法促进杠杆和保证金零售商品交易。Deridex 和 Opyn 因未能注册而面临额外指控与 CFTC 合作并实施客户识别计划。 CFTC 的这一举动引发了有关美国 DeFi 监管未来的关键问题

2023 年 9 月

SEC 与币安和 Coinbase

整个行业规模最大的交易所被 SEC 盯上,并被认定为未经授权的证券交易所。

2023 年 6 月


这对整个行业来说是巨大的。最大的交易所成为 SEC 的目标,并被视为未经授权的证券交易所。

2023 年 11 月

Pointers Date
SEC’s staking crackdown U.S. SEC started taking a keen interest in staking.The news reached its peak when Coinbase CEO Brian Armstrong marked concerns on social media, hinting at the SEC’s desire to eliminate staking for U.S. retail customers.It got confirmed with the SEC announcing a $30 million settlement with Kraken over its U.S. staking program.Kraken was compelled to stop its U.S. staking operations. Signaling a clear message from regulators that staking activities would face heightened scrutiny. This crackdown raised questions about the future of staking in the U.S. and prompted the industry to reevaluate its compliance strategies. February 2023
SEC against Stablecoins The SEC took legal action against two issuers, with Paxos being ordered to cease issuing Binance’s BUSD.This move, initiated by the New York Department of Financial Services (NYDFS) and a Wells Notice from the SEC, powered regulatory measures against stablecoins.The regulatory scrutiny raised concerns about the future of stablecoin projects and the need for a clear regulatory framework to ensure their stability and compliance with existing laws. June 2023
CFTC vs. DeFi In September 2023, the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) made its presence felt. The CFTC’s enforcement actions focused on decentralized finance (DeFi) protocols in the U.S. This generates a shadow over the decentralized space.Charges were levied against three protocols for illegally facilitating leveraged and margined retail commodity transactions.Deridex and Opyn faced additional charges for failure to register with the CFTC and implement customer identification programs. This move by the CFTC raised crucial questions about the regulatory future of DeFi in the U.S September 2023
SEC vs Binance and Coinbase It was huge on the whole industryThe biggest exchanges were targeted by the SECThey and were rendered as unauthorized security exchanges. June 2023
Binance and CZ case It was huge on the whole industry. The biggest exchanges were targeted by the SEC and were rendered as unauthorized security exchanges. November 2023

2023 was a defining year for cryptocurrency. With clear regulations coming into play, we now better understand the industry’s direction. It’s encouraging to see more countries embracing digital assets. Coinpedia’s report offers a detailed look at 2023’s key moments and developments. As we move into 2024, optimism prevails, and we look forward to continued growth in the crypto world.

2023 年是加密货币的决定性一年。随着明确法规的出台,我们现在更好地了解了行业的发展方向。看到更多国家拥抱数字资产是令人鼓舞的。 Coinpedia 的报告详细介绍了 2023 年的关键时刻和发展。进入 2024 年,乐观情绪盛行,我们期待加密世界的持续增长。


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