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Top Doge: Original Meme Coin Breaks Out, Hungry Pack Follows

Top Doge:原创 Meme 币爆发,Hungry Pack 紧随其后

发布: 2023/12/09 20:04 阅读: 985

原文作者:Captain Altcoin


This week, meme coins like Dogecoin and Shiba Inu “woke up” and rallied over 20% each. Dogecoin crossed the key $0.10 psychological resistance level soon after its 10th birthday celebrations. 

本周,狗狗币和柴犬等模因币“苏醒”,各自上涨超过 20%。狗狗币在庆祝 10 岁生日后不久就突破了 0.10 美元的关键心理阻力位。

Shiba Inu also jumped to around $0.00001. What’s behind this renewed interest in meme tokens and can it continue?

Shiba Inu 也跃升至 0.00001 美元左右。人们对 meme 代币重新燃起兴趣的背后是什么?这种趋势能否持续下去?

Dogecoin Breaks Key Resistance at $0.10

狗狗币突破 0.10 美元的关键阻力位

Dogecoin gained over 20% this week to break above the $0.10 level that had capped price action for months. The rally comes right after Dogecoin’s 10th anniversary, bringing extra attention to the original meme coin.

狗狗币本周上涨超过 20%,突破了数月来限制价格走势的 0.10 美元水平。这次反弹发生在狗狗币十周年纪念日之后,给最初的模因硬币带来了额外的关注。

According to prominent analyst Ali on the X social platform:

X 社交平台上的著名分析师 Ali 表示:

“Dogecoin has successfully cleared all major resistance levels! With the $0.095 support proving strong – thanks to 63,280 addresses buying 3.2 billion $DOGE – the path looks set for an upward journey. If this support remains firm, we could see #DOGE aiming for $0.14 next.”

“狗狗币已成功清除所有主要阻力位!由于 0.095 美元的支撑被证明是强劲的——得益于 63,280 个地址购买了 32 亿美元 DOGE——这条道路看起来已经为上升之路做好了准备。如果这种支撑保持坚挺,我们可能会看到 #DOGE 接下来的目标是 0.14 美元。”

The $0.095 support level has also now proven to be a solid floor on any minor pullbacks. This is evidenced by 63,280 separate wallet addresses that were actively buying dips around $0.095, accumulating 3.2 billion DOGE coins and defending declines.

0.095 美元的支撑位现在也被证明是任何小幅回调的坚实底线。 63,280 个独立的钱包地址就证明了这一点,这些地址在 0.095 美元左右的低位积极买入,积累了 32 亿枚 DOGE 代币并捍卫了跌势。

As long as buyers remain dominant and $0.095 continues holding up as support on corrections, Ali believes Dogecoin’s path forward looks bullish.

只要买家保持主导地位,并且 0.095 美元继续作为修正的支撑,阿里认为狗狗币的未来之路看起来是看涨的。

According to altFINS analysis, Dogecoin price has reached the key $0.10 resistance level which also put the RSI indicator into overbought territory above 70. This suggests some consolidation or pullback is ahead in the near-term before buyers can regain control for any continued upside.

根据 altFINS 分析,狗狗币价格已达到 0.10 美元的关键阻力位,这也使 RSI 指标进入 70 以上的超买区域。这表明,在买家能够重新控制任何持续上涨之前,短期内将会出现一些盘整或回调。

Traders should watch for Dogecoin to either 1) break out above $0.11 decisively which would signal the uptrend resuming or 2) pull back towards the $0.09 area which aligns with the 50% Fibonacci retracement level and would offer a key test of buyer support on any dip. Setting price alerts around $0.11 and $0.09 makes sense at this stage while waiting for the next directional move to develop.

交易者应该关注狗狗币要么 1) 果断突破 0.11 美元,这将标志着上升趋势恢复,要么 2) 回调至 0.09 美元区域,该区域与 50% 斐波那契回撤水平一致,并将在任何下跌时提供买家支撑的关键测试。在等待下一个方向性走势发展的过程中,现阶段将价格警报设置在 0.11 美元和 0.09 美元左右是有意义的。

Zooming out, Dogecoin remains in clear uptrends across short, medium and long-term time horizons per the altFINS assessment. So the bigger picture looks constructive despite some overbought readings that could spark a correction.

缩小范围来看,根据 altFINS 的评估,狗狗币在短期、中期和长期时间范围内仍处于明显的上升趋势。因此,尽管一些超买读数可能引发修正,但总体情况看起来还是有建设性的。

Source: altFINS – Start using it today

来源:altFINS – 今天就开始使用

Momentum also leans bullish overall with the MACD line holding above the MACD signal line. The RSI above 55 also backs this bullish bias from a momentum standpoint.

整体动能也偏向看涨,MACD 线保持在 MACD 信号线上方。从动量角度来看,高于 55 的 RSI 也支持了这种看涨偏见。

In terms of support and resistance zones, previous resistance around $0.08 marks the initial support to watch on any pullbacks followed by $0.07 as the next downside area. On the upside, $0.10 stands as resistance

就支撑和阻力区域而言,之前的阻力位约为 0.08 美元,标志着任何回调的初始支撑位,随后的下一个下行区域为 0.07 美元。上行方向,0.10 美元为阻力位

New Meme Kombat Platform Combining AI, Gambling and Memes

结合人工智能、赌博和 Memes 的全新 Meme Kombat 平台

As Dogecoin leads meme coin strength back above $0.10, a new project called Meme Kombat combines the best aspects of AI, gambling, and internet memes into one platform.

随着狗狗币 (Dogecoin) 将 meme 币的强度重新拉回 0.10 美元以上,一个名为 Meme Kombat 的新项目将人工智能、赌博和互联网 meme 的最佳方面结合到一个平台中。

Meme Kombat features an Ethereum-based $MK token and plans to launch a meme battle arena soon. This AI-powered gaming platform will host matchups between famous meme coin mascots like Doge, Pepe and Wojak. Players can bet on battle outcomes to earn rewards in $MK tokens through this play-to-earn model if their choices win.

Meme Kombat 采用基于以太坊的 $MK 代币,并计划很快推出 Meme Battle Arena。这个由人工智能驱动的游戏平台将举办 Doge、Pepe 和 Wojak 等著名 Meme 硬币吉祥物之间的对决。如果他们的选择获胜,玩家可以通过这种边玩边赚的模式对战斗结果进行投注,以赚取 $MK 代币奖励。

A built-in staking system with yields up to 311% APY will also allow users to passively earn $MK tokens just for holding them in a wallet. This combination of gaming and staking aims to drive long-term engagement and intrinsic value growth for the token.

收益率高达 311% APY 的内置质押系统还允许用户仅将 $MK 代币放在钱包中即可被动赚取。这种游戏和质押的结合旨在推动代币的长期参与和内在价值增长。

Using unpredictable AI algorithms on Ethereum, Meme Kombat will randomly generate battles with outcomes no one can pre-determine. As iconic memes square off across tournaments, ample wagering opportunities arise for players to pick winners and claim prizes.

Meme Kombat 使用以太坊上不可预测的人工智能算法,将随机生成战斗,其结果无人能预先确定。随着标志性模因在锦标赛中展开,玩家将有充足的投注机会来挑选获胜者并领取奖品。

Meme Kombat season one launches soon and will feature 11 popular meme coin mascots that crypto degens know and love. This reflects the quirky nature of meme culture combined with speculation and gambling that draws interest.

Meme Kombat 第一季即将推出,将推出 11 个加密货币爱好者熟悉和喜爱的流行 Meme 硬币吉祥物。这反映了模因文化的古怪本质,加上投机和赌博,引起了人们的兴趣。

With presale concluding soon, MK already trades at $0.235 and could hit $0.246 soon according to projections. The presale helped raise $2.7 million, showing the strong demand. Once the token sale finishes, Meme Kombat will officially open its meme battle arena to the public.

随着预售即将结束,MK 的交易价格已为 0.235 美元,根据预测,很快可能会达到 0.246 美元。预售帮助筹集了 270 万美元,显示了强劲的需求。一旦代币销售完成,Meme Kombat 将正式向公众开放其 Meme 战斗竞技场。

Meme Kombat takes a community-focused approach with token distribution as well. 50% of the total supply goes to presale buyers, giving earliest supporters priority ownership. Another 30% rewards stakers and battle game winners, with 20% split between community governance and liquidity provisions.

Meme Kombat 也采用以社区为中心的方法进行代币分发。总供应量的 50% 流向预售买家,为最早的支持者提供优先所有权。另外 30% 奖励权益持有者和战斗游戏获胜者,20% 分配给社区治理和流动性供应。

Buy $MK Today

立即购买 $MK

As the next potential meme coin craze builds, Meme Kombat offers a unique combination of features that could power its own breakout. With presale slots filling fast, interested buyers looking to buy MK tokens can still contribute ETH, USDT or BNB on the Meme Kombat site while allocations last.

随着下一个潜在的 Meme 硬币热潮的形成,Meme Kombat 提供了独特的功能组合,可以推动其自身的突破。随着预售名额快速填满,有意购买 MK 代币的买家仍可以在 Meme Kombat 网站上贡献 ETH、USDT 或 BNB,售完即止。



This week’s over 20% gains from Dogecoin and Shiba Inu may signal the start of another meme coin mania. And a new platform called Meme Kombat arrives at just the right time to feed the speculative frenzy with its own viral token. Blending memes, gambling, gaming and AI, Meme Kombat lets users battle iconic internet memes for token rewards.

狗狗币和柴犬本周超过 20% 的涨幅可能预示着另一场模因币狂热的开始。一个名为 Meme Kombat 的新平台恰逢其时,用自己的病毒式代币助长了投机狂潮。 Meme Kombat 融合了模因、赌博、游戏和人工智能,让用户可以与标志性的互联网模因进行战斗,以获得代币奖励。

With presale concluding soon, Meme Kombat and its $MK token offer exotic exposure to the latest evolution in the meme coin niche. For crypto thrill-seekers willing to embrace some calculated risk, Meme Kombat presents attractive tokenomics with strong demand already seen. As seasoned meme coin traders ride out the latest hype cycles, a new meme battle awaits on Meme Kombat for their next adventure.

随着预售即将结束,Meme Kombat 及其 $MK 代币为 Meme 币利基市场的最新发展提供了奇异的机会。对于愿意接受一定风险的加密刺激寻求者来说,Meme Kombat 提供了有吸引力的代币经济学,并且已经看到了强劲的需求。随着经验丰富的模因硬币交易者度过最新的炒作周期,新的模因战斗正在 Meme Kombat 上等待着他们的下一次冒险。

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The post Top Doge: Original Meme Coin Breaks Out, Hungry Pack Follows appeared first on CaptainAltcoin.

帖子《Top Doge: Original Meme Coin Breaks Out, Hungry Pack Follows》首先出现在 CaptainAltcoin 上。


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