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Top 5 Most Influential Memecoins of 2023

2023 年最具影响力的 5 个 Memecoin

发布: 2023/09/03 17:34 阅读: 613



A memecoin is a cryptocurrency that is created and promoted around internet jokes or cultural trends. The appeal of memecoins lies in their fun and light-hearted nature and their significant profit potential. Despite often being created as a joke, these coins can go mainstream.


In this article, we will list the top five memecoins as of September 3, 2023. The ranking of this list will be based on market value. We will also provide some brief information about each memecoin.

在本文中,我们将列出截至 2023 年 9 月 3 日排名前五的 memecoin。此列表的排名将根据市值进行。我们还将提供有关每种模因币的一些简短信息。

1. Dogecoin (DOGE)


Dogecoin is the first memecoin that was inspired by the famous Shiba Inu meme. Dogecoin is recognized as a fun and friendly cryptocurrency that supports various charitable campaigns. Dogecoin’s popularity is also boosted by internet celebrities and celebrities. Elon Musk is one of the biggest fans of Dogecoin and inspired the emergence of a Dogecoin fork based on his real pet dog called Floki Inu.

狗狗币是第一个模因币,其灵感来自著名的柴犬模因。狗狗币被认为是一种有趣且友好的加密货币,支持各种慈善活动。狗狗币的受欢迎程度也受到了网络名人和名人的推动。埃隆·马斯克 (Elon Musk) 是狗狗币的最大粉丝之一,他启发了基于他真正的宠物狗 Floki Inu 的狗狗币分叉的出现。

Dogecoin’s total supply is unlimited and 10,000 new DOGE are produced every minute. This means that Dogecoin is an inflationary cryptocurrency. Dogecoin’s price is quite volatile and sensitive to speculation. Dogecoin’s current price is $0.06352 and its market value is $8.95 billion.

狗狗币的总供应量是无限的,每分钟生产 10,000 个新狗狗币。这意味着狗狗币是一种通货膨胀的加密货币。狗狗币的价格波动很大,并且对投机很敏感。狗狗币当前价格为 0.06352 美元,市值为 89.5 亿美元。

2. Shiba Inu (SHIB)


Shiba Inu is another memecoin that emerged as a rival to Dogecoin. Shiba Inu’s logo is also a Shiba Inu dog, but more cute and cartoonized. Shiba Inu is said to describe itself as the “Dogecoin killer”. The team behind Shiba Inu is anonymous and is led by a person named “Ryoshi”.

柴犬是另一种作为狗狗币竞争对手而出现的模因币。柴犬的标志也是一只柴犬,但更加可爱和卡通化。据说柴犬将自己描述为“狗狗币杀手”。 Shiba Inu 背后的团队是匿名的,由一个名叫“Ryoshi”的人领导。

Shiba Inu’s total supply is 589.59 trillion SHIB. Half of it is locked in Uniswap and the other half was sent to Ethereum’s founder Vitalik Buterin. Buterin donated a large portion of his SHIB to the India Covid Relief Fund and burned the rest by destroying them. Shiba Inu’s current price is $0.000007818 and its market value is $4.61 billion.

柴犬的总供应量为 589.59 万亿个 SHIB。其中一半锁定在 Uniswap 中,另一半发送给以太坊创始人 Vitalik Buterin。 Buterin 将他的 SHIB 的很大一部分捐赠给了印度新冠救济基金,并通过销毁方式烧毁了其余的部分。柴犬当前价格为 0.000007818 美元,市值为 46.1 亿美元。

3. Pepe (PEPE)

3. 胡椒(PEPE)

Pepe is a memecoin that was inspired by a frog meme that is widely used on the internet. Pepe can be used for trading digital art collections called “rare Pepe”. The team behind Pepe is anonymous and communicates through a website called “PepeCoin”.

Pepe 是一种模因币,其灵感来自互联网上广泛使用的青蛙模因。 Pepe 可用于交易称为“稀有 Pepe”的数字艺术收藏品。 Pepe 背后的团队是匿名的,通过一个名为“PepeCoin”的网站进行交流。

Pepe’s total supply is 420.69 trillion PEPE. Pepe’s price has increased significantly recently and is currently $0.0000007839. Pepe’s market value is $307.17 million.

Pepe的总供应量为420.69万亿PEPE。 Pepe 的价格最近大幅上涨,目前为 0.0000007839 美元。佩佩的市值为3.0717亿美元。

4. Bone ShibaSwap (BONE)

4. Bone ShibaSwap(BONE)

Bone ShibaSwap is a memecoin that is part of the Shiba Inu ecosystem. Bone ShibaSwap can be used on ShibaSwap, which is Shiba Inu’s decentralized exchange. Bone ShibaSwap enables the management of SHIB, LEASH and BONE tokens and allows users to stake or join pools with these tokens.

Bone ShibaSwap 是一种模因币,是 Shiba Inu 生态系统的一部分。 Bone ShibaSwap可以在ShibaSwap上使用,ShibaSwap是Shiba Inu的去中心化交易所。 Bone ShibaSwap 可以管理 SHIB、LEASH 和 BONE 代币,并允许用户使用这些代币进行质押或加入矿池。

Bone ShibaSwap’s total supply is 230 million BONE. Bone ShibaSwap’s price is $1.08 and its market value is $248.76 million.

Bone ShibaSwap 的总供应量为 2.3 亿个 BONE。 Bone ShibaSwap 的价格为 1.08 美元,市值为 2.4876 亿美元。



FLOKI is a memecoin that was inspired by Elon Musk’s dog’s name. FLOKI is a fork of Dogecoin and is advertised as “Elon Musk’s favorite cryptocurrency”. FLOKI supports animal welfare charities and has partnered with the Million Gardens Movement, which was founded by Musk’s brother Kimbal.

FLOKI 是一种模因币,其灵感来自埃隆·马斯克的狗的名字。 FLOKI 是狗狗币的一个分叉,被宣传为“埃隆·马斯克最喜欢的加密货币”。 FLOKI 支持动物福利慈善机构,并与马斯克的兄弟 Kimbal 创立的百万花园运动合作。

FLOKI’s total supply is 9.94 trillion FLOKI. FLOKI’s price is $0.00001696 and its market value is $160.05 million.

FLOKI的总供应量为9.94万亿个FLOKI。 FLOKI的价格为0.00001696美元,市值为16005万美元。

In conclusion, memecoins are cryptocurrencies that are based on internet jokes or cultural trends. They offer fun and entertainment, as well as profit opportunities for investors and traders. In this article, we have listed the top five memecoins as of September 3, 2023, based on their market value. We have also provided some brief information about their features, benefits, and prices. We hope you have enjoyed this article and learned something new about memecoins. If you want to know more about memecoins or other cryptocurrencies, please visit our website or follow us on social media.

总之,模因币是基于互联网笑话或文化趋势的加密货币。它们为投资者和交易者提供乐趣和娱乐以及盈利机会。在本文中,我们根据市值列出了截至 2023 年 9 月 3 日排名前五的 memecoin。我们还提供了一些有关其功能、优点和价格的简要信息。我们希望您喜欢这篇文章并了解有关模因币的新知识。如果您想了解有关模因币或其他加密货币的更多信息,请访问我们的网站或在社交媒体上关注我们。

2023 年最具影响力的 5 个 Memecoin 帖子首次出现在 CryptoMesh 上。


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